Fat Loss Success Stories

07: Rest & Hormones: What Other Plans Forget

December 10, 2019 Veronica Hugger & Le Bergin

Get your free introductory guide to intermittent fasting!

In this episode, FASTer Way to Fat Loss certified coach, Le Bergin, addresses two important topics most weight loss programs don’t: the importance of rest and the effect diet has on stress hormones. That’s because listening to your body and focusing on whole food nutrition brings about the best results.

Rest is vital, whether it’s getting a good night’s sleep, or digestive rest through intermittent fasting, or physically resting between workout intervals. And the FASTer Way is probably the first fat loss program where you are told that rest is one of the most important components. 

We’ve talked about digestive rest in Episode 03 on intermittent fasting, but on the FASTer Way, we also program in rest from the workouts. So, two days a week we instead enjoy relaxing and restorative activities, like yoga or an outdoor walk. This time is built into the weekly schedule to help you take care of yourself.  

Because stress can affect your hormones, and therefore your weight, we take steps to recognize and reduce stress. Remember, the goal of the FASTer Way is to find a sustainable healthstyle, and rest is a critical component. 

Rest and hormones go hand in hand, because stress may put a strain on your adrenal and thyroid glands and prevent your body from burning fat.

Decreasing the stress in your life and getting more sleep isn’t always convenient or easy. But you’ll never hit your goals if you don’t put yourself first.

Speaking of a good night’s sleep: Do you know how much sleep you need? Or do you want to get better sleep? I recently listened to a podcast by Dr. Stephen Cabral where he addressed those issues and more. I found it interesting and helpful, and you might, too. 

Be sure to download your FREE introductory guide to maximize your fat loss with meal plans and recipes so you can start eating real food!

Other topics touched on in this episode:

  • Hydration 💦💦
  • Avoiding burn out
  • Progressive overload
  • Your body always is looking for efficiency
  • The guidance of experts
  • Avoid using stress hormones as fuel
  • Hormone regulation through diet
  • Menopause
  • Experimenting with Keto
  • Flexibility within the weekly cycle

Check out these FREE resources:
Fat Loss Quiz
How to Lose Belly Fat FAST
Beginner’s Guide to Counting Macros
Introductory Guide to Intermittent Fasting
Sugar Detox Guide
Carb Cycling
What are MACROS and Why Do We Track Them?