Fat Loss Success Stories

15: From Stressed to Blessed with Susan Perdue

Veronica Hugger & Susan Perdue

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Susan Perdue was overweight her whole life and fought the ups and downs of the scale through three children, unimaginable stress, and even a heart attack.

When Susan showed me her before and now photos, I was shocked by the difference and overjoyed by her transformation. The drastic difference is not just in her physical size, but also in the lightness and joy in her expression, a look that says a huge burden had been lifted.

That’s because, in 2019, she discovered the FASTer Way to Fat Loss and recruited her husband, who is a surgeon, and her daughter, a diabetic, to join her in the Starter Program. All three experienced life-changing success. Susan overcame her numerous struggles by learning how to eat right and exercising to make her strong for the future. She, and her daughter, Meghan, embrace the FASTer Way lifestyle completely and so whole-heartedly that they became a mother-daughter coaching team and now guide clients together in the 6-week FASTer Way Starter Program.

Susan shares her success story with passion because she knows that she will follow the FASTer Way for the rest of her life. Her before and now photo shows more than just a reduction of weight; it also shows a lifting of spirit, and a joy, a pure joy, from being healthy and free.

If you’re ready to learn the strategies that lead to fat loss and better health, the FASTer Way to Fat Loss puts it all together in a 6-week online starter program. Go to FatLossSuccessStories.com and click on any FASTer Way link.

Mentioned in this episode:
If you would like to work directly with Susan and have her for your own FASTer Way coach, please use this link to register with her.

Check out these FREE resources:
Fat Loss Quiz
Beginner’s Guide to Counting Macros
Introductory Guide to Intermittent Fasting
What are MACROS and Why Do We Track Them?