BetaTalk - The Renewable Energy and Low Carbon Heating Podcast

District Heating, Heat Networks, Solar Heat Networks part 2

July 28, 2020 Nathan Gambling BetaTeach

00.40 Paul Hull's experience in Denmark where there are lots of heat networks. He was out there. to look at heat recovery systems. He talks about how heat is captured from FaceBook's servers 
01.35 Flue recovery for capturing heat
02.40 Energy wastage in the UK and energy efficiency 
03.30 Building Management Systems
04.40 District Heating systems being decommissioned, and Battersea Power Station
05.55 Hybrid Energy Centres
06.30 Europe heat networks inspiring the UK 
09.00 Lack of understanding around heat networks in the UK
13.00 The discourse around heat networks
14.00 Heat Networks and communities and public support for tackling climate change 17.00 Commercial heating training and self employed heating engineers
18.00 British Gas apprenticeship scheme
22.00 Products going on in Austria

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