Limitless Female

FHE Series: Emotioanally Confident Kids; #2 Being the Boss of Your Brain

EmyLee McIntyre Episode 76

This second family Home Evening lesson will teach your kiddos that circumstances are not negative or positive, but actually neutral.
It will show them that they choose how they feel no matter the situation they are in.
It will also introduce the Elephant and the rider. This is such a fun way to teach your kids how to guide and direct their elephant brain in a way that they want to go. It will help them question limiting beliefs they are just beginning to accumulate.
Learning this as a child will give your children such an advantage as they approach disappointment and failure in the future.

Just 2 more lessons to be released on the podcast, and then all of these will be offered as one whole program available for your to download.

I would love to help you with these tools one on one. If you would like to talk with me you can grab one of 4 four spots on my calendar HERE

interested in SHIFT? Want a free call with EMYLEE? Grab a spot for a free call here

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Have a question about the program or something you want answered on the podcast? Come chat with me on instagram!