Textile Innovation

Ep. 70: Nextiles

May 28, 2021 World Textile Information Network Season 8 Episode 12

This week’s guest on The WTiN Podcast is Dr George Sun, CEO, Nextiles. 

Founded in 2019 and spun out of MIT and the National Science Foundation, Nextiles is a wearable smart textiles company that uses its patented sewing technology to apply circuitry directly into fabric. Through this, the team creates a cohesive hardware-software ecosystem where it can leverage machine learning technologies to transform the sensor data into actionable insights that clients can use to better train and quantify human performance.

In this episode, Sun talks more about how the company came to be and how Covid-19 helped the team to put its finger on a market that would see the value in Nextiles’ technology. He goes on to explain more about the materials and their sensing capabilities, the data that is collected, and how the company tackles data security. Elsewhere, he talks about other markets that Nextiles could filter into and how the company will soon be launching flagship products to elicit ideation within the industry.  

To find out more about Nextiles, visit www.nextiles.tech