Shutter Stories: A Canon Podcast on Photography, Filmmaking and Print

World vs Camera - Photographers pushing their cameras to the limits

Ulla Lohmann, Audun Rikardsen, Mike Burnhill Season 2 Episode 12

Today's episode is all about stories of photographic kit being pushed to its absolute limits - and sometimes beyond!
Joining our host Lucy Hedges is a pair of Canon Ambassadors. Adventure photographer Ulla Lohmann's work often takes her inside active volcanoes - and her kit has been tested by both extreme heat and acid rain. At the other end of the spectrum is nature photographer Audun Rikardsen, whose expeditions to the Arctic Circle led to him losing a camera to the freezing waters - and a quite incredible anecdote that demonstrates the toughness and durability of modern kit.

Also joining them is Canon Product Specialist Mike Burnhill, whose expert knowledge of all things camera provides insight into how cameras and lenses are made and what they can - and can't! - survive. Hold tight, this is a wild one!

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