Hint of Hustle with Heather Sager

How to Personalize Pitching using a VA with Emily Reagan - Part 2

February 10, 2021 Heather Sager Episode 74
How to Personalize Pitching using a VA with Emily Reagan - Part 2
Hint of Hustle with Heather Sager
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Hint of Hustle with Heather Sager
How to Personalize Pitching using a VA with Emily Reagan - Part 2
Feb 10, 2021 Episode 74
Heather Sager

Thinking about leveraging a virtual assistant to help you with the pitching process, but unsure what (or how) to delegate without having to redo the work yourself? 

Emily Reagan shares that it is possible to entrust this process to a VA or member of your team without a big PR budget or relying on generic templates that will end up in the trash bin. In part 2 of this two episode series you’ll learn 4 ways to involve a VA and personalize the pitching process, like how to delegate the writing of a pitch and which processes you shouldn’t delegate.


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Show Notes Transcript

Thinking about leveraging a virtual assistant to help you with the pitching process, but unsure what (or how) to delegate without having to redo the work yourself? 

Emily Reagan shares that it is possible to entrust this process to a VA or member of your team without a big PR budget or relying on generic templates that will end up in the trash bin. In part 2 of this two episode series you’ll learn 4 ways to involve a VA and personalize the pitching process, like how to delegate the writing of a pitch and which processes you shouldn’t delegate.


➡️ https://heathersager.com/episode74/

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Emily Reagan  0:00  

I think that after thinking about this for months and seeing lots of pitches, I feel like the agency pitches get less attention in general. Ultimately, like you talked about with that relationship with April Beach, you're not looking for that one night stand, you're looking to build your network. So I think if it comes from you, it looks better. 

Second place comes from somebody on your team with the same email. I don't think it is as personal, but I would rather see a written first person from you sent from you and that's why the VA can do the legwork and hand it over to you and have you actually do that. You know what, it can still be in your hello or info box, you just write it like it's you. That way your VA will see the reply and you sign off, so hopefully that made sense. And there's a higher level where business owners can have that person and it's normal to have a PR person, but I don't think we need to fake it. I think we can be authentic here and not act like we're too busy to do our own pitching and whatnot. I think this is important level for making that true, authentic connection with the other podcast host.

So definitely do that. I know that I see some of those pitches and I don't even read them. I don't even read them anymore because I know they're coming from an agency and I just have no interest.

Heather Sager  1:27  

Well, hey friend, welcome to another episode of the Heather Sager show. It's me Heather Sager and I'm honored to be your speaking coach here today in this episode. I've spent the last 15 years studying and building my communication skills to inspire and teach business owners and their teams from stages around the world. I've had the honor of speaking on more than a thousand stages on topics of leadership, premium brand positioning, sales and of course communication. And now my focus is helping fellow online entrepreneurs become magnetic speakers, so they can make a bigger impact in the world while growing their income. This show right here was designed to give you a dedicated space each and every week to grow your skills and keep your big goals front and center. And if you liked today's episode, be sure to grab a screenshot and share it on Instagram and tag me @theheathersager so I can give you a shout out and celebrate the work you're doing. Alright, let's dive in, friend it's gonna be a good one.


Hey friend, welcome back to another episode of the Heather Sager Show. On today's episode, we are continuing the incredible conversation I had last week with my good friend and PR extraordinaire, we'll call her. She goes by a lot of names, Jill of all trades, PR extraordinare, unicorn, all of the things. So we're continuing the conversation about leveraging a virtual assistant to personalize the pitching process as you make your efforts in 2021 to get more visible a reality. So if you missed last week's episode, be sure to scroll on back and go listen to Episode 73. 

In this episode, we pick up right where we left off in the conversation where we jumped into the fourth way to work with a VA in the pitching process. Now if you're just joining in, you're like Heather, I just want to jump into this one. Let me just do a quick recap on what we've talked about. Also, it's been a week since you listened to the last one. So we're talking about seven ways to include your VA in the pitching process. 

So way number one was leveraging VA to find podcasts, she gave some specific strategies around how to respectfully stalk people online to find the right shows that work for you. Way number two, have your VA listen to prior episodes so that way they can take some notes, some cliff notes, has some timestamps around certain things they talked about, little elements that make the pitch more personalized and less generic. It's kind of getting the homework done which goes into way number three was the extra homework. This is the extra mile that people do not go, so really understanding podcast post, understanding how and when they record. Did they do batching? Do they not? How do you apply? Understanding who the audience is. The example Emily gave was Amy Porterfield often talks about her ideal audience member for the podcast. Her name is Becca. If you knew that it would make your pitch even richer if you were sending a pitch to Online Marketing Made Easy. Okay, these were just three ways we covered in the last episode, plus a whole lot of other things. Let's jump immediately in to way number four

Number three was extra homework. So I'm really making sure that they know the things about the show who the host is? A little bit about them, do they batch record? How often do they do? Who their audiences those kinds of things. What is way number four?

Emily Reagan  5:19  

Oh, now this is the point, excuse me, where we can start involving the VA in the writing. If they have that kind of ability, then this would be great to have them do this. If you have a template to work off, if you have a couple pitches you've done in the past, that could be a great way to get them started. They can templatize that and put the homework notes that they've taken in there so they have a pitch for you. The key here is I want you to go over it and be that second pair of eyes, add in your spin, if you have connections, if you can bring in any kind of like name dropping situation, if you have any kind of commonality that you can add to make it you because we do want to stand out in that pitch. You do not want to be blah and boring. You want to bring 'you' to it. And you can probably do that better than your VA, it's just how it is. I don't want to see you just completely handing over the keys to the castle and letting them do this. I think for this pitch to be successful, you want to be involved in it, but I just don't think you need to start from scratch. Give them the tools to get it going and this could be a great learning lesson for them to get better, right? This is prepping them to take over and really like own the process too. 

Now not every VA is going to be a great writer so having that template will help and then you can come in there and spin it. But anything they can do to prep it and get you ready, I think would be just so wonderful. And then here's the thing, sometimes it's hard to talk about ourselves, right? As some of us are quite humble, and it feels awkward to put a pitch together so having somebody else do it can sometimes help you pull out of that, see the label better and then be that second pair of eyes because you do not want to misspell a podcast host name, right? You don't want to get their podcast wrong. You do want somebody to go over it so having two people involved, I think it's just setting you up for success.

Heather Sager  7:12  

I love that. I love that. And you know, the thing that I've learned too, is I think a lot of people mistake that we make when it comes to delegating, is we Okay, let's say we give the assignment to our assistant and then we take the last 10% and then we edit it and then take it from there. Whether or not who sends it, I'm going to talk about that a second. 

One of the things I learned very early on in leading and managing teams is that little something extra that we think only we can do never do it in private. What I mean by this is when I do my last little edit on like a pitch like that, or let's say I'm editing podcast show notes or something, I will actually pull up a loom video, and I go, Hey, Doreethy, that's the name of my executive assistant. I'm like, Hey, I'm gonna do the last couple edits, I thought it'd be helpful for you to see how I'm making these changes and why. I'll actually walk her through as I'm doing it just in real time be like, Okay, I'm changing this here, because, and what I like to do is give transparency to my VA around how I'm thinking. For example, if there were far too many exclamation marks, because they were trying to put the energy of Heather Sager into the pitch, I'm going to go, Okay, I'm not like valley girl. It's given a little too much enthusiasm, the right exclamation marks. So little things like that, where it takes a little extra time on my part, but I find it it pays off, because my assistant learns the nuances of why I write the way I do or why I engage and I'm giving them transparency in how I think and now I barely have to touch them. That's a little pro extra tip is you can make it like a feedback loop, have them do the work, but then you can train them on your tone of voice by giving feedback on that last 10% that you do. They'll learn and and then you don't have to give them as much feedback

Emily Reagan  8:50  

That is so good. I probably get the most the biggest complaint from business owners is, my VA can't write like me. They don't know my voice and hands down it's because they're not putting the effort in.

Heather Sager  9:00  

You have to teach them. You have to to not just change these three words. You have to teach them why Hey, the reason why I'm changing this is if it's coming across little short or a little snarky, or I feel like we're we need to connect with them more so I think something like this would be better. Give them the why for the change. If you equip somebody with the thinking behind the changes, well, then they can do better next time. But if you just like put a bandaid on the wound, they're not going to know how to avoid the wound next time. That's a terrible analogy but like you got that right.

Emily Reagan  9:30  

And you know what, sometimes people don't give their VA the positive feedback. That's almost just as important to know when they build it and boost their confidence, especially if you're like in the social media world. I feel like the VA is is kind of like getting hammered and like you've got to take the time so I love that you do that and make it an educational moment and it just pays off down the road. It's work now. This pays off later when it's off your plate

Heather Sager  9:56  

Bingo. Yeah, all right. That's step number four. 

Emily Reagan  9:59  

Well with that I want to add to that, I want you to go over the pitch because ultimately, I want you to send the email from your address. I think that after thinking about this for months and seeing lots of pitches, I feel like the agency pitches get less attention in general. 

Ultimately, like you talked about with that relationship with April Beach, you're not looking for that one night stand, you're looking to build your network. So I think if it comes from you, it looks better. Second place come from somebody on your team with the same email. I don't think it is as personal, but I would rather see a written first person from you sent from you and that's why the VA can do the legwork and hand it over to you and have you actually do that.  You know what, it could still be in your hello or info box. You just write it like it's you and that way, your VA will see the reply and you sign off so hopefully that made sense.

Heather Sager  10:54  

Yeah, I love that. I think a lot of people like the idea of displacing that ownership to their team because it lessens the blow of rejection. But again, like if you're building relationships, I know for me, when I get an actual email from someone that stands out differently than my inbox, then their assistant or someone else, it's, think about this as two ways. If you are like, ooh, if I put somebody else in the middle, it'll blow like less than the rejection. On the other end of it, if you put somebody in between us, it's going to make it much easier for me to reject you like you're inserting that person there to remove that personalization and when that personalization is not there that like that one on one, it's going to be easier for me to go, yeah, I'm in breakup with your assistant, like, I'm not hurting your feelings. It's like no big deal. It goes both ways. It goes both ways.

Emily Reagan  11:43  

It does. And there's a higher level where business owners can have that person and it's normal to have a PR person but I don't think we need to fake it. I think we can be authentic here and not act like we're too busy to do our own pitching and whatnot. I think this is important level for making that true, authentic connection with the other podcast host.

So definitely do that. I know that I see some of those pitches and I don't even read them. I don't even read them anymore because I know they're coming from an agency and I just have no interest.

Heather Sager  12:16  

Yeah, me neither. That moves us into way number five your VA can help you personalize the process. What's this one?

Emily Reagan  12:23  

Okay, so a lot of podcasts, take their guests through application. If your VA is doing the homework back in step number two and number three, they can find that online form and they can completely apply for you on your behalf and fill out the forms that will help them get accepted to get the Yes, so it's the same pitch that you've done before. Your VA is copying and pasting it into the forms. Now this step is crucial because sometimes you don't get a copy of those forms and you might completely forget what you pitch. So I say take a screenshot

Heather Sager  12:59  

Oopsie, so guilty of this.

Emily Reagan  13:03  

I've actually been guilty of saving them in the wrong client folder. I'm like, where did that go? I know I took it. But yeah, I've made this mistake. You're learning this is firsthand information, you guys. Take a screenshot because sometimes you don't get a copy and you want to be able to know what pitch what you did, what you said and what was the end result? Did it work or not? And so I like to save those screenshots over in the Google Drive. Sometimes I can link to those in the my notes for the show. If I were super organized, that's what I would tell my VA to do. And then that way, you could just click on that main google doc and then see what you submitted. 

This process is time consuming, believe it or not to go through the forms and customize it. Everybody has some kind of different variation of the same questions, but they want to know the same things like are you a fan of the show? What's your favorite episode? Your VA they can 100% do all of that work for you and get it. It's almost like an automated process and I really like that. I like that because it usually shows me the hosts are pretty automated. They usually sit down for a selection every so often to go through that entries and they'll let you know. It's kind of like my favorite way to apply for a podcast. 

Heather Sager  14:19  

What's funny is it's my least favorite way because I'm like, Oh my gosh, all the things. It's so much easier to like fire off a pitch. It's also so much easier to fire off a generic pitch, which is why people do this because then it's like if you can't take the time to actually do the questionnaire, we don't want you on the show that's like that. It's like a self filtering thing. 

But I will admit, I have come across things where somebody's like, hey, will you be on the show and then they'll send me a link. I'm like, I'm not filling this thing to go so thank goodness for my assistant because I blazed over some amazing opportunities because I don't like the admin work. I don't like having to do that but my assistant is awesome at it and she organizes it. We just copy and paste the answers into our project management tool. We have like a tag with like all the notes for the show. It's that back to the organization you talked about before, but also know your strengths. I hate those forms that's why I have someone on my team who loves them.

Emily Reagan  15:13  

The worst is when they're like bio leaves 75 words. And then the next one, you apply for, bio 125 words and you're like, ah, and so I ended up having like a zillion different copies and bios that fit. It does take being organized on the back end and it's not rocket science here like I don't like that either. It's my favorite way to get clients on but it's like, mind numbingly boring to have to do that but you still need someone with a brain who's gonna follow directions and put your best foot forward. 

Heather Sager  15:44  

Okay, so five is have your VA, someone who loves doing those things, have them do the forms. What's  way number six?

Emily Reagan  15:51  

Number six is more along the lines of your admin VA is going to help you stay organized on the back end. That's keeping your calendars up to date, having your media assets ready to go. You can have those in a Google folder. The PR person in me loves having a dedicated website, where editors and reporters can go download the pictures, download the speaker sheet and whatnot, I like to have that too. But your VA can be in charge of all of that admin stuff that you and I don't like to do. 

And you know, following up in the inbox, scheduling the interviews, all those little things that need to happen for the actual podcast to take place, like yeah, we all like to talk about the pitching but what about all that work on the backside? These are good that they're very task oriented, they can follow through, and they can make sure that you actually get booked because I can tell you, I think I have a couple in my inbox that got shuffled down where I'm supposed to reply and all to get on their show and I haven't done it, Heather, because I'm not you know

Heather Sager  16:56  

It goes back to the third, right. It's important, but it's not on fire. It's not a priority so we got, we just don't do it. So having the systems, I think having somebody else knowing that that's like their unique skill, that's their role. Assistance can own these things, right? They they know your calendar, hopefully. They know your your filings, like you guys have this all pre worked out. So honestly, this part is just plug and play. You just have to make some decisions on the front end of where do we store this stuff? What are the rules around the calendar? You have to make some decisions upfront or you make them as you go. But then once you do, it's just rinse and repeat every single time.

Emily Reagan  17:29  

Yeah, and in this realm, your VA can be using your project management tools to track your progress and track your status so you remember who you've pitched? When, what, where, when are you recording? Is it released? Yeah. And that's why I have a podcast tracker to share with everyone here on the show where you can get what I've created a Google Sheet and you can see what I use in my business and for my clients, where you can keep track of all of these things. You don't need to be doing this as the business owner. You just need to be able to log in, look at the column that says status, where are we, look and see when podcasts are released. Sometimes you want to have the episode URL once it's been released so you can share it on social, maybe the rest of your team, maybe have somebody who does your Instagram who needs that link. It can be a great communication tool in a way to stay organized with all of your pitching efforts. Otherwise, if you're just firing out emails, somebody might reply to you four weeks from now, and you don't remember anything, not a thing.

Heather Sager  18:33  

It's a recipe for dropping balls. It's a recipe for eroding the value of your brand. Remember, all those are touch points so if you dropped the ball somewhere or if you don't know where you save the bios and photos, you're going to be recreated every single time. It's just inefficient. So yeah, I think having that tracker, that's been a game changer. For us, we use our project management tool but what I love is you helped us make sure that we have the right things to track in our project management tools so we're keeping track of those things. 

And one of the big things that you brought up was the sharing piece, making sure this is something that we need to get better at. I've done a lot of PR but I haven't shared a lot of PR I've done outside of my stories. So intentionally posting it, sharing it on my feeds, including them in my emails like that is good social proof if other people are having you on your shows, you want to show that off. Also the host loves the fact that you're sharing their show. So those are kinds of things to keep track of. So before we jump into way number seven, Emily, how can my audience today get their hands on that tracker because I'm sure they're gonna want it.

Emily Reagan  19:32  

Okay, if you just go to emilyreaganpr.com/pitch, you will find this tracker that I'm talking about that will hand the VA everything they need to be able to organize your pitches and stay on top of it.

Heather Sager  19:46  

Perfect. Okay, love that and it's gonna be linked in the show notes so you can grab that tracker there. That is the exact tracker that we have replicated. We've added a couple sacred specific things into our project management system. But those are the kinds of things that I recommend that all of my class are tracking when it comes to podcast pitching. Okay, let's round it out two way number seven, our assistants can help us personalize the pitching process.

Emily Reagan  20:09  

Okay, way number seven is a little bit more mindset oriented. 

Heather Sager  20:12  

Oh, here we go. 

Emily Reagan  20:14  

Yeah. Not always my forte but sometimes when you have somebody on your team who's taking care of an aspect and you need to do the work, it keeps you motivated to stay ahead of them. So if you can pass on ownership of any part of a process in your business, your VA can be the one to reel you in and keep you on task for your goal, kind of in a project management type of way. And you know, as we know, VAs can be so much more than just an admin worker. But in this way, they can follow up with you and help remind you too, that this is your goal. They can help see on you when it comes to following through with your pitches and making connections on social like we talked about and just keeping you responsible. What's the word? I'm looking for a smarter word for that? 

Heather Sager  21:00  


Emily Reagan  21:00  

Accountable! Thank you, I always have the good words for me, Heather. Yeah, we need that. We need that nudge and we need sometimes that burning fire so when you start involving other people in the process, and don't just try to take it all on yourself, you'll actually find you're moving forward with it because you don't want to let people down, right? You want to make sure you're getting your money out of your VAs time and so you're gonna stay on top of what you need to do. So this is really a reason to not take it all on and do it all yourself, involve somebody else from your team.

Heather Sager  21:32  

Yes, I think a big thing when it comes to visibility, momentum is that key word, as you mentioned, like momentum, it's going to be a slow start, and you're going to get some quick wins. That's what you want to do those lower like, Hey, can I quickly get on some things, but it's going to feel hard, and it's going to feel like you're not getting traction until you do. For me, for example, it's taken me 18 months to get to my business where now like momentum is moving and we are like, snowball and down the mountain in a beautiful way. But you have to figure out the pace, it's going to serve your momentum. 

Things that come to mind, as we think about this, don't try to take on everything under the sun and be like, we're gonna pitch 50 podcasts every month, and no, just like, what are the few things that you can take from this to start building that slow momentum that's sustainable? Because if you do, like, in my opinion, you tell me your thoughts on this, Emily? I feel like when it comes to visibility, if you like, hit the gas pedal hard, and then like take it off and be like, we're gonna focus on visibility twice a year. In my opinion, that doesn't work. It has to be like a constant. When would you agree with that? Or is there a variation and visibility where you have should have seasons where you're hitting it hard?

Emily Reagan  22:40  

You know, I've been involved in media blitzes in general, when there was a specific season. There might be some times and I'm thinking out loud when it's good for the online business world, like maybe not in the summer, but I just truly believe in consistency. I think you should be constantly doing this and making it part of your routine, and have these goals. Otherwise, I think you just get buried in the weeds of big dreams and no action. So yeah, I don't see just two weeks of visibility paying off. And a lot of that is because podcast hosts are so different and media is so different in what they're covering and when that I don't think you can time it right perfectly. 

Heather Sager  23:20  

Yeah, it's kind of like, Oh, I'm gonna eat healthy this week and do push ups every single day and then I'm going to expect that my abs is somehow going to be lifted, not a thing. It has to be like constant over time like it's this idea. Everybody's reading right now Atomic Habits for like the second or third time. I just read that again here recently. It's this idea of like tiny little things that you can do in your business to start getting those results versus the big sweeping changes. This is an example of what you talked about today, the seven ways to leverage an assistant to help you with that. Think about these tiny habits, how can you implement some tiny habits in your business to start getting momentum? That's what we need to focus on, not these big, sweeping PR campaigns.

Emily Reagan  24:02  

Oh, my gosh, yes, it is such a refinement process because what you're pitching this week might not work. I mean, look at how COVID changed things and speaking topics for people. I think you want to stay flexible and always on it but you want to be paying attention to what's what's working and what's not working.

Heather Sager  24:19  

Yes. Okay. So knowing this, people are gonna get all excited. They're going to start going and there's going to be a common point where they're like, hit their hand slap in the face and going like, Ah, this is hard, this is terrible. What's the expected thing that's going to throw them for a curveball that they should have their eye on right now?What's something that they need to be keeping an eye out for or something that they need to consider as they venture into this process with their VA?

Emily Reagan  24:42  

I think people really underestimate how much work goes into a good pitch, right? When you think about the constant need to do the homework with the podcast. My mind is going to how can you space that out where it's doable and continual and still you have your expectations under control. I think that's just a process is always going to be happening. I do think it's also important to be telling your VA your ideas. I love to talk with my team and my clients on Voxer and I'm like, Hey, I just got an idea for this podcast or whatnot, and having them kind of track me and track my ideas, and then kind of coming back to me and reminding me like, Oh, yeah, remember when you said this, like, let's do it. So I think that it can be, seem like the next shiny thing like, Oh, I gotta work on this but having your team kind of come back and hold you accountable, because you are going to get in the weeds. You're gonna be trying to do your, you know, evergreen webinar, or you know, something else big in your business and you're gonna kind of forget, like, Oh, yeah, this needs to be running at all times. There's a saying, that I heard recently that I love so much, and it's called Eat The frog.

Heather Sager  25:51  

Have you heard of that? Well, yeah, this is like an essential book in corporate America.

Emily Reagan  25:55  

Oh, my God, I had no idea because I'm not from corporate America, but you do that big scary thing first and maybe this goes along with the habit stacking and whatever, but do the pitch first and then move on with the other parts of your business, like get up and do your morning workout first and then work on your business, right? We gotta have to, like reward ourselves. If you're finding that the pitching is going slower, maybe make that more of a priority and move it up the stack and give yourself the reward with other things that you can work on or, you know, move on to.

Heather Sager  26:26  

I love that ,and it's just not that it is uncomfortable. The idea of like pitching and putting yourself out there like it is uncomfortable but leveraging the VA to help write it for you is super helpful. Okay, Emily, let's do a quick recap of the seven ways that you can leverage VA to help you personalize the pitching process. Let's recap those and let's bring this puppy home.

Emily Reagan  26:46  

Alright, number one, have your VA do the research when it comes to finding podcasts for you. Number two, have them listen to at least three episodes and start a Google Doc of notes. Number three, have them do the extra homework when it comes to the podcast notes and episodes and what the business owner is their mission really is. Number four, start involving them in the writing and templetazing of your pitches. Number five, have them do all of those online forums that none of us want to do.

Heather Sager  27:16  

I never want to see a virtual summit form or a podcast form again.

Emily Reagan  27:22  

Number six is have them stay organized for you on the back end, have them take care of all of the admin when it comes to following through with booking to following through promoting the podcast. And number seven is your mindset to involve your VA. That way you get the momentum you need and you stay focused and on track with your goals. 

Heather Sager  27:39  

Okay, I love this so much. This is so helpful because I think as we start up top the episode talking about the idea of pitching and putting yourself out there is scary. There is a sea of like opinions around how to get on podcasts, how to do all these things. These are simple, simple things to do but I think we all get a little convoluted and a little confused when we think about delegating and outsourcing. I love that you simplified it and said, Hey, leverage your team in these specific ways. I can't wait to see how people put this action. For those who are like Emily, I love what you talked about. I want to learn more about this. How can people connect with you online?

Emily Reagan  28:14  

I'm having the most fun over on Instagram. So you can find me @emilyreaganpr, that's PR for public relations. Make sure you download that tracker at emilyreaganpr.com/pitch and you can start implementing that right away. I would love to connect with everybody here.

Heather Sager  28:33  

Perfect. Be sure to send Emily a message, a DM on Instagram and tell her your favorite little nugget from today. This was a new type of episode Emily and I wanted to put together something that was more of a training today to help people get over this hump. This thing, Emily doesn't sell this like how to train or be like. These are specialized topics that she does. These are things that I do. Yes, I teach pitching inside of Speak Up to Level Up but these little nuances of using a VA and these are even special things that aren't even in my program right now.  I love this and I can't wait to see the stages that y'all get on when you put this together. Final closing thoughts, Emily. Any other little words of encouragement you want to give the audience today? 

Emily Reagan  29:12  

You know, Isee so many business owners who want to hire a VA who can help with pitching and I really want to encourage you to look internally in your circle around you who can you find that can learn this and can start implementing these seven steps and look there. Save yourself some money You do not need to buy time from a pitching agency and be locked into $12,000 contracts like you can find somebody to help you move forward in this business. It doesn't have to be some PR practitioner. It doesn't have to be somebody who is charging out the wazoo either. You can do this with your team.

Heather Sager  29:47  

I love this, just my style girl. And hey, for anybody who is looking for a virtual assistant if you do not have one in place yet, Emily I know that's what you do that you train. Where can somebody connect with you to get help finding their unicorn VA if they're at that phase in their business?

Emily Reagan  30:03  

Oh, thank you. If you're going to hire a unicorn.com, you can fill out a form. I'll post that with my work group. I do train smart women, military spouses, moms, women starting second careers, how to work online with these digital marketing skills and some of them could very well help you or fill in the role as admin VA or a marketing VA. So again, hire a unicorn.com and we'll we'll find somebody for you. 

Heather Sager  30:28  

Awesome! Emily, thank you so much for being so generous with all of this today. This was so fun. I always love connecting with you. I think my favorite moment was the Lucy Ricky Bobby conveyor belt.

Emily Reagan  30:39  

Talladega Nights.

Heather Sager  30:41  

Talladega Nights. And with that, thank you all so much for listening on today's episode. If there was a nugget that stood out for you, be sure to take a screenshot, tag Emily and I both on Instagram and tell us what you loved about today. And we will see you again next week. Same time, same place. Bye friends.

Hey, Friend, I hope you enjoyed this two part episode that we did all around pitching for your business. I can't wait to hear how you put these strategies into practice. Whether you use these on your own to strengthen your pitching process, or you leverage a team member or a virtual assistant to make these realities come true. Just remember that getting visible takes work. And you have to make sure you are committed to getting uncomfortable and putting yourself out there. These are simple processes, but they're going to take some work. 

So don't forget to download that tracker Emily mentioned and also know that your confidence grows when your competence grows. Having a plan will help you with that. So if you want some help making sure that you're on the right track of the types of things you talk about and how to actually ensure that an audience continues to want to learn from you IE opt in for your freebie, follow you online, and ultimately convert into your programs. Head on over to heathersager.com/speak where my on demand masterclass, it's available right now where you can see me teaching live in action. 

I'll teach you how to build your authority and grow your programs using guest speaking, even if you're terrified even if you have a tiny audience, even if right now you're winging it without getting results. I'm gonna teach you how to become strategic as a guest speaker, whether it's on podcast, virtual summits, guest bonus trainees or on your own platforms. This is the year where your voice needs to get heard. Let's do it with intention so you don't waste your precious time. So head on over right now heathersager.com/speak. I can't wait to see you in session. All right, Friend. We'll see you next week for another episode. Bye, friend.

Hey, friends. Thanks so much for listening to today's episode. If you liked what you had to hear, and you're looking to make a bigger splash with your brand online, then you've got to check out my brand new free video training. You can get it over at heathersager.com/mini training, where I'm going to teach you the three speaking strategies that every online business owner needs for this virtual world here in 2020. Hint: You don't have to be some big pro speaker to make speaking work for your business. Go grab it now. heathersager.com/mini training and I'll see you on the next episode.