Organize Your Stuff

Conscious Consumerism for the Holidays and Every Day of the Year- #9

Maria White Season 1 Episode 9

Do you walk into the dollar bin section of Target "just to browse" and end up with $25 dollars worth of stuff you never intended to buy? Have you ever gone into an Aldie's, Lidle's or Costco for milk and come out with a yoga mat, area rug and jumper cables?

If this sounds familiar, listen to this episode for tips to combat this struggle and learn why it's not solely your fault that you impulse shop.

Share your project and pictures with Maria on her social media channels or leave suggestions for future topics.

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Some featured items on this site occasionally contain affiliate links which help me earn a few extra buckaroos. I write about the things I love and have recommended or used myself throughout my years as a professional organizer. I will continue to update the list as I find other products worthy of my recommendation to clients. 

Music credit: Joseph McDade