Christ Our Hope Sermons

Sunday 8.30.20 - "Soldiers, Athletes, and Farmers of God's Kingdom" - Fr. Al Janssen

Christ Our Hope Anglican Church

Relationships between believers are a significant component of Scripture, particularly in the growth of the early Church. The apostles - with their various strengths and giftings - helped to create the environment for the Gospel to take root, grow, and thrive through their relationships with individuals and communities. To some, the apostles were mentors. To others, they were friends and peers. But all of these shared a connection with fellow members of the body as a first step to build each other up in Christ.

In his last sermon as interim pastor of Christ Our Hope, Fr. Al Janssen unpacks selections from St. Paul's last known epistle in 2nd Timothy chapters 2 and 4. At once specifically directed to the Christ Our Hope congregation yet relevant to all seeking to walk in love and charity with one another, Fr. Al extrapolates ways believers of all kinds - the soldiers, the athletes, and the farmers alike - can embody the church to one another and the world at large.

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