ALP: The Admissions Leadership Podcast

Cornell LeSane

Ken Anselment Season 1 Episode 8

Ken chats with Cornell LeSane, Vice President for Enrollment & Dean of Admissions at Allegheny College (Meadville, PA), and newly elected NACAC board director. We learn what a higher ed, a croquet match, and Downton Abbey have to do with each other, and also why you never turn around in racquetball.

Shout-outs & Links

  • Nancy Beane and Ellen Deitrich, who "voluntold" Cornell to run for NACAC board.  
  • Mike Steidel, Dean of Admission at Carnegie Mellon
  • Bill Elliot, VP emeritus at Carnegie Mellon
  • Sue Stuebner, former EVP at Allegheny now President at Colby-Sawyer, who asked Cornell to join her in a HUGE presentation early in Cornell's tenure at Allegheny.

Rapid Descent

  • Cornell's walkout song: Happy by Pharrell
  • Best thing he's read lately: Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne
  • What he's eager to read next: The Years That Matter Most by Paul Tough
  • Favorite thing to make in the kitchen: Pancakes.
  • What he uses to take and keep notes: Paper and pen agnostic: whatever notepad or journal book is available.
  • Memorable bit of advice: "It's easier to catch bees with honey." (Bonus: "In God we trust. All others bring data.")
  • Bucket list: Continue traveling and remain open to the possibility of where he might go. Russia was a wonderful surprise that happened that way.

The ALP is supported by RHB. Music arranged by Ryan Anselment