Girl on Girl

S5 Ep8: Becky is Alex's lab rat as she plays with Psychoanalysis and Free Association!

March 20, 2021 Girl on Girl Season 5 Episode 8

S5: Ep8 - The one where Alex psychoanalysed Becky

In this episode, Alex - who is currently studying to become a professional counsellor, has recently been studying Freud and psychoanalysis and has been learning some Free Association and Visualisation Analysis techniques... so... decided she would use Becky as her lab rat this week!
Before we recorded, for the 'Free Association' section, Alex said a list of 9 words and Becky had to say the first 5 words that came in to her head. We didnt keep this in the edit because it took too long, but, for those of you who want to play along, here are the 9 words:









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Disclaimer: Alex is not yet a qualified counsellor but on a Level 3 Counselling course therefore we want to make it clear that this is NOT a representation of a counselling session, nor is Alex treating this as any form of mock counselling session. This is merely a very light hearted look at some of the fun exercises and tools used in psychoanalysis.