The Talent Tank
The Talent Tank
SP 11 KOH2020 Vaughn Gitten Jr / Loren Healy
A play on the triumph and losses in performance and life. The Talent Tank podcast will navigate the inner workings of lifestyle, lives, family, teams, careers, programs, and technology in and around the offroad motorsports industry. What breeds success with your Talent Tank on full, failures when its on empty. From the journey to the Starting Line to take that Green Flag, on to exploring trials and tribulations on and off the track in pursuit of victorious achievement and the Checkered Flag.
On this Eleventh installment of the ULTRA4 Racings King of the Hammers 2020 The Talent Tank sessions, Executive Produced by Caleb Norman @caleb__norman.
These guys at Team Fun-Haver Offroad Vaughn Gitten Jr @vaughngittenjr, and Loren Healy @loren_healy know how to get down. Business, marketing, outside the industry sponsors, representation, being fast, family, tattoo sleeves and and this little thing about being strategic and calculated in your actionable efforts. Crazy that we fit all that into such a short time frame, buckle up buttercups, good times were had at KOH2020 with these guys.
After the Checked Flag:
Both Loren & Vaughn were 4400 finishers. Loren in 7th, Vaughn in 38th.
Well done getting those Fords to the Finish Line.
Location provided by: Cody Waggoner at Lasernut
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Let's drop the green flag on this episode of the talent tank podcast with your host Wyatt Pemberton bringing you the best, fastest, most knowledgeable personalities and ultra before and off road racing.
Wyatt Pemberton :All right here we are king of the hammers. 2020. We're out here at laser town. We've got two amazing individuals here with us. We've got Vaughn gittin, Jr. and Lauren Healy. This is team fun hammer. What's up guys? What's going on? Well, thank you for coming out here Cody Wagner for letting us use his facility let's I was ready to buy here. On his way to buy here I bet we find a realtor hot off the market. You'd have your own little landing pad you can have your own little place to crash here beautiful out here something about the desert that is very special. And we get out here you know it's quiet. We're away from the masses. We can actually knock something out and find out really what what is going on for you. Guys this week, and I'm not talking about just race stuff like How on earth did you to team up?
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :I'll take this one. So five years ago, I got a call from from NATO and they're like, Hey, you want to try this is king of the hammers race and Johnson I remember I was on a family vacation and I was like what you know, I kind of knew what it was I'm like you mean like the the race that's like the big giant rocks in the desert? And yet that one I'm like I'm in so I showed up here I got literally like two weeks there's like a two week request. So I showed up and I'm like checking out this spec car one of the the Jimmy spec cars I think it was and Lauren comes up you know, obviously Lauren's a fellow NATO teammate at the time as well. We're like he's like hey, let's go you know, so we started chatting a bit and very quickly like hit it off and he offered to take me out and kind of show me Show me the ropes. So the first thing that we did I'll never in my life forget this. We go we jump in this pet car and we go out. You'll tell you what, what was it you said it's old qualifying waterfalls. Yeah,
Loren Healy :something super basic. Quick and easy. So basically,
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :yeah, so anyway, so I pull up to it and like, I'm looking up at this thing and I'm like, what are we doing? He's like, you're gonna go down Lego i thought was like all the rookie joke, you know, like I got though what are we really gonna be? What are we really doing? Lori's like, no, put it in for low and drive up that and I'm like, okay, so I put them for low and, you know, I'm feeling it up and I'm like, Okay, I get it. Like these things are super capable. And like, it does gnarly stuff like this. So we spent some time kind of getting a little bit familiar. And then I actually went up chocolate Thunder a few times with Bailey Cole, and really had a lot of great welcoming support here in here. As you know, this community is unbelievable, you know, five years later, I've very much know it and respect and appreciate very much like drifting honestly. So so we did that. And then I went and raised hammers, the next day finished, I think, top 10 in 1400 300 classes. It was already a curse. Yeah, it was those that car that race in 4800. Yep. So I had a blast. You know, for me, I grew up racing motocross. That was the first thing I did as a team. Major, but I always loved you know, being outdoors and you know, riding BMX or racing motocross. And so being out here, just the the views, you know, I was racing and I'm just like, wow, you know, it's so much to take in. And I just fell in love with it. I thought, you know, it was really cool and fun and a new challenge. And I've been doing drifting for now seven going on 17 years. So it wasn't, I was like, looking for something new. But you know, things happen. They just, you know, so things happen and you're there make sense of it or you don't, right, you chase your heart. Yeah, I just, you know, I was like, so I did that first race and I'm like, you know, I'm like, Okay, well, I think I brought to build a truck. The next year is when we built I built brockie you know, I had great help with, you know, Lauren's advices and obviously Randy's advices and, you know, kept kept spending some time learning things. We got brockie out and went raised. 4500 and, you know, testing you know, Lauren will be there, you know, even had some help with, you know, Nick and the whole, you know, really, to Jimmy's family. It was I feel like it was that
Wyatt Pemberton :I feel like it was very, very calculated like every step of the way. was very calculated that hey I like this I'm going to dip my toe in it I'm going to build now I'm going to build this now I'm going to earn my wings so to speak and then I'm going to move up and now you're killing it
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :well and that was one of the things that I really loved the first day we talked you were like there's no point and it's not good for you know from for my personality to come and race and be 50th place against all you guys have been doing this your whole life I want to learn at the bottom get good at it and then come up. And I always really respected that she said that because you know a lot of people a lot of the other athletes that come in here and try to do this they can't figure it out. They can't figure out the rocks the trophy truck drivers the Robby Gordon's those guys No, no other cross a cross over driver has came in and been able to get to the finish line and
Wyatt Pemberton :does it feel like it's an ego thing?
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :I don't know if it's an ego thing but I just I mean, and I just had my first learning curve with drifting Thema and I you know, I thought yeah, you go do doughnuts in the parking lot like badass you're you're you're a good driver, but it really changed my whole mentality about it and really, you know, shows How how good of a driver Vaughn is and how well rounded he is. And all things
Wyatt Pemberton :level goes massively
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :it was insane because I can't drift to save my life but he will soon
Wyatt Pemberton :I just like seemed like when you sling your Mustang around, you know, beautiful Ford Mustang and I think it's cool what you've done with Lauren but you got like Chelsea the NOFA into Ford as well from from BMW back in the day I've so I've watched you enough but the fact when you sling the the rear end of the car round and you miss like the rails by sure inches like how do you like
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :you just connected you know, it's like anything else you know and like for so for this sport for me to your point, you know, it was like I wanted to come in and do it right like I didn't want to just jump into 40 401st of all I didn't have the money to just build a 4400 vehicle although some people might say well, Brock, he was a you know, 4400 truck from the beginning. But for me it a lot of it was calculated in the fact that I just wanted to learn and get good and build my skill level and see where it took me I didn't have like these grandiose plans even go to 4400 In fact, you know, I went to 44 probably a year earlier than I would have saved kicked out of 45 Yeah. So but, you know, like, everything happens for a reason and, and I just look at that as, like I was being pushed to work harder towards it. And for me, I just enjoyed the challenge and I have great support from you know, who could ask for a better mentor with respect to the experience and what to look for. And, you know, like the driving in the desert and the managing the weight and tossing a vehicle round like that comes naturally from drifting, but the the skill of reading the rocks and how to approach those things and what to do when you get tied up. Like that's experience and like, he's got 1520 years of it, you know, so I'm really grateful to have his support. And again, I have to thank, you know, Randy had Jim, he's, you know, he was he was very supportive the first couple years and, you know, it's, it's just been, it's been great. Everybody has been very, very helpful and supportive, and it was very quick that, you know, aside from the driving and the fun I was having, I realized the opportunity out here that you know, this is this is a great sport. It's a family oriented sport. This is you know, I have my first son, he's one years old, and this is a place that I you know, I saw Lauren with his kids and Come out in there, you know, yes, he's raising but they're having fun and they'll spend a day or two on the back end or the front end do some family stuff and and to me, I'm like this is there's legs here. Like there's really something here that that can be leveraged not only from a business and and you know, with respect to my partners and things that I know that they they like to do and how they like to leverage things. But for me, I'm like, my future goals with my family and the things that I want to be doing. So I was after that first year with with brockie, I got more engaged, and then the second then the second year, and then and then it was, you know, hey, we're going either going to 44 or not, and then when I made that decision to step up, and you know, I was like, hey, let's we're doing this. Well, I think it's kind of
Wyatt Pemberton :hard to go recreate as a drifter, right. Recreational drifter, there's no recreational drifters. And if they are they're doing it illegal in an industrial park somewhere,
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :right? I mean, there's events all over all over the country that that happened, but you're right. It's not like this, this freedom, which is what this sport is like.
Wyatt Pemberton :So these guys come out and camp or just wheel and Jeep and all over the world. With a country that kind of follow this event and follow this Oh, there's disability to fully recreate outside of the hammers or even at the hammers. I think that's this next level of pulling the public in and having the fans and building the fandom where they can effectively participate. I'm not, I guess comparing it to NASCAR where he camped out for a NASCAR race for a week and watch it this you can fully participate in, you can go drive the race course and not have to pay like Talladega to get on the course and take some laps in your
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :this. This is a lifestyle that racing has spawned off of, right so the lifestyle is very vibrant and alive. I mean, I don't even know how many people on the lake bed you know, I feel like the race is an excuse for them all to comment at one time but like some of them are so engaged you know in the race, they're out here with their own stuff, having fun and being part of the lifestyle right and the racing and ultra fours is obviously and golf that lifestyle and also gives places all over the country for these types of things to happen. Obviously none of them as big as hammers. That's right. But But for me, it's like There's nothing more that I love the last few years and I have a couple cabins in West Virginia with a buddy of mine and we go out and just go hit the Hatfield McCoy trails. And there's nothing I love more than just getting off grid and doing that. And while this race is work for us, and you know, we're always on and obviously want to be competitive, and we've got, you know, obligations and things to do. I still enjoy the elements, I enjoy the people, and I'm just having a ton of fun with it. And you know, and I've got a great partner and teammate and we've got some great,
Wyatt Pemberton :great self cooking. Well, that said, From my standpoint, I know it's a lot of other people standpoint, how cool it is that guys like Lauren, that we've known for a decade or plus that when we know from wreck wheeling, we know from the early days, the grassroot days of racing here that have been able to take it to the level of walking away from their nine to five job so to speak, and making it their lifestyle, making it their way to make a living put food on the table, raise a family and that they that is a success path that exists now that you know, if you were to Five years ago, hey, I'm going to be a professional racecar driver and off road, we'll be like, yeah, that's the surest way to lose money is to do that. And here we can look at exactly Lauren sitting next to you that's doing it. So I think it's really cool to see a guy like you, you coming from another genre that is a revenue center, and moving that, that's called your business model. And coming over to this, I'm really intrigued by your, I guess, mindset to pull over to that and leverage everything that you have here.
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :Yeah, it was, um, you know, like, well, with respect to Lauren as a whole, you know, I was in here, you know, once again, I can the first year I was just having fun, didn't know what I was doing. Second year was a little bit more of like, my personal I look at as, like my training and and really kind of assessing, right? And then third year was like, Okay, this is getting real. I like this a lot. What's the next phase? And it just made sense? Like, Lauren is my perspective, right, like, you know, in motorsports business, right. And you said right off road racing, any motorsport is hard. And a lot of it is because people just focus on racing and they don't focus on the other things that allow you to race But my perspective is Lauren is a full package when it comes to somebody in that can make a living and do things right. He is marketable, he's well spoken. He's
Wyatt Pemberton :heard it here. He said, You were marketable. He's a, he's a,
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :he's a family. He's a family man. He's a good dude, people like him, he's likable, he's a great driver, you know, I'm still kicking in the buyer now and then try to get them to just calm down, like which baby percent but he's a phenomenal driver and his his natural skill level is is phenomenal. And I just, I, what I saw in him was someone that like the things in my experiences that I've been through and the things that I do can be of help to him and the things that he's done can be of help to me in partnerships.
Wyatt Pemberton :Right one as he described it, he said you guys were talking and you said hey, let's let's team up because you suck at marketing.
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :Pretty much I don't think I was that blunt, but I'm like, look like yeah, I mean, that was my perspective. Like there's he does so many cool things and the imagery around this and like all he's constantly at these events, and like, he's kind of Crazy schedule he's literally mirrors what I've been doing and drift but he hasn't had the you know the the media mindset behind him and that one that one thing which is now so important and for me like that's what I've built everything off of like I've always been competitive and been a winning driver but I always had the the focus of handling the media too because I know how important that is. And um, so you know, we started you know, last year was just kind of a test run if you will, you know, we partnered up you know, the the results that we saw with social and his partners and you know, everyone just really noticed it and it just made sense like this year really making it official and you know, we are we are we are partners in this in this fun, have rough road initiative. And, you know, we've got great things going on with all of our, with all of our collective partners and we're just going to keep pushing it and you know, for me and you know, speak to speak for Lauren, you know, our goal is to be out here having fun and inspiring fun number one, and then number two, we obviously want to be competitive and be a hardcore, you know, at the top of the game
Wyatt Pemberton :right now. I really saw some of that. cool that you guys did just recently it was Lauren's you had the opportunity in his car to Saudi Arabia for that event and you had a conflict you could not make nationals but you were in the points Lee or you were in the points race yeah roughly third and you know with the with the way it worked Lauren was not in in the points are so much that happens you can have your ebbs and flows. DNF came out right out of the gate. So you go have fun for the year, make your make your, your partner's happy. And so he ends up taking brockie does very well and get you on a podium and
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :we finished third overall in the championship. Yeah,
Wyatt Pemberton :that's right. I mean, I think that's really I say, I think that's really cool. I believe that's really cool in the sense that we're starting to see where like NASCAR has some benefits and multi car teams. We're seeing that in Jimmy's was great, even seven, eight years ago with having the multi car team benefit. You got the ability to take one car and borrow setups and no setups and kind of work out those details. So you guys teamed up now it's not so much necessarily the car setup. It's the marketing setup. It's the like this Like this event tonight, us getting together. It was all three of us. Lauren hits me up says, Hey, I'd like to do something with you. Okay, sets me up with your media guy. I'm like, Oh, you got to have a media guy. Having having texted me. Let's figure this out.
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :Yeah, no, it's, uh, it's it's really, it's really rad. And it's been cool to watch. You know, there's been a lot of things like I've learned a lot a ton from Lauren. And since I mean, when do we even decide that we were doing this year the way we're doing it? This year wants has been six, four months. Six months? Yeah, maybe? Okay. No, four months? Yeah. Four to six months like, yeah, it was four months probably on that time. Not long. When Lauren I decided that like what we were going to do and it's gone from like, Hey, we're doing this to like it escalating. I saw his team that he's been with forever and I saw him I'm like, what you guys think what we got going on and he's like, shoot is escalated quickly. That was his response. And I'm like, Yeah like you know, Lauren's been and it's been just such a good partner and team partnership right Lauren's been absolutely killing it back at the shop in New Mexico Eric who's my co driver best friend him and Lauren get get off very well and he's been up there helping you know helping the team get everything ready I've been working with our team plan and all the media and all the you know all the business around what we're doing and it all just coming here showing up seeing our new rig seeing the you know, massive fleet activation now it is and you know, it's it just it's one of those things that I'm not surprised because I know how hard we work for it. But it's one of those those things that you always hear you know, dream big chase it and it can happen you
Wyatt Pemberton :start to pinch yourself like Is this real?
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :Absolutely pitch me on when he sent me a photo of the whole fun fleet spread out at the desert in New Mexico. I was like, I asked him like how does that when you see that? How does that make you feel? And his response at the time was like I feel a lot better we get to lake bed by a stress but you know, just, it just it feels really good. Good, you know, for me, it feels it feels good to have an impact on on somebody, anyone, right? Any fan that I mean or anyone but and I know it probably felt good for Lauren to have an impact on me when when we started doing this. So it's, you know, it's just one of those as I feel one of those match, you know, Dream matchups and you know, we're, we're we've built a great friendship we've got a great business relationship and Hello, got the sun and the sun came and gone. And so you know, I think there's some some really great things to come, you know, for me, I'm still going to be splitting my side my time. You know, I'm really wanting to you know, and I'm going to be racing and doing fun and doozy events but I really want to put a lot behind Lauren and help him get to where he's been working for for 15 years. So Lauren
Wyatt Pemberton :and I have had these discussions in the past then not just on the interview that I had with him but this has gone on for some time about when it comes to marketing and sponsorships and it's the struggle to get out for us and ultra for to get outside of the industry. And with your partnership you were able to get outside the industry on so many levels. I mean getting shell to the table. And so that's a big deal. By the way, if you're ever in Houston, we're going out to eat okay.
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :Yeah, we'll be there.
Wyatt Pemberton :office right next to all their towers for many years. Okay all the time. Yeah. And then you've got Ford at the table. Now Ford's backing this event. that's those are things that didn't come, you know, easily or lightly. It was like back in the day where Randy rod got nitto to the table and nitto started putting new tires on Jimmy's cars. That was a Randy rod effort. No, everyone was running bf G's at the time. And nitto started dipping their toe in and then now you know, here we are 10 years later yeah 15 years later and they're sponsoring this event and have sponsored this event for some time.
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :Well, the the biggest struggle I think in general on all motor sport is especially this sport, you know, a lot of you know the the professional team is is not you know, when you look at NASCAR professional teams, obviously very different than a professional team and ultra for and I say that because the problem is the mindset here of most drivers that I've met is so focused on racing so focused on like, what they're doing to the car next and how they're going to be more competitive and all be it with respect to time and budget. They can only do so much and it kind of just gets them in like a, an eye not specifically, but Motorsports in general. You can get in like this hamster wheel, where it's like, You're killing yourself, you're working a job, right? And I did this for years before I quit and chased it, you're working a job, you're getting home, you're spending all your money on your equipment, you're you're spending all your time on your equipment just to get to the next thing, and it just happens. And next thing you know, five years from now, you're doing the same thing and nothing's changed. It's a death spiral. Right? So despite you're still having fun, you're doing it but like, the there needs to be a focus on like, Okay, what makes this work? What are the things that make this work? That's not just my back and then once you start figuring those things out, you have to start putting focus on those things. Maybe you compromise and you know, you don't do that extra, you know, 50 hours on the truck, maybe you compromise and have a slightly less truck for that that year, but you're focusing that 50 hours on how you're going to do things for your partners and how you're going to elevate yourself above every other driver that's out there. And so that's the thing that a lot of people don't don't look at and I say it you know, like it's like it's just common knowledge because this is just my mindset right? But it is a mindset that I think everybody out here needs to start thinking about then like, I see it starting to happen about Dave even mentioned like the things that that it just it just needs something like this. Right and people start looking and seeing how it works and start decoding and and for me, it's like I'm having fun I'm enjoying all this I have nothing to prove and if anything that happens around the things that Lauren and I are doing together I hope it inspires others because this sport has what it takes to be a top sport like as far as I'm concerned. This is like the ultimate in off road and I think that with you know a few more years and a couple other drivers that kind of start putting together and start showing value like the opportunities are endless.
Wyatt Pemberton :Well I think that I think you hit on it. spot on is the going outside the industry getting sponsors outside the industry no one really wanted to be the first ones to come in and in slowly as we've gotten in there, you know, David has Progressive Insurance. Gun. They're sponsoring events. That's, that's wild. Right? And he's you slowly get that. And so I've made the statement today that I believe ultra for is on that precipice of like doubling in size in the next five years. The next I mean, with the size to blow up we've seen in the past 10 is insane, like almost unstoppable and charitable and charitable. It's Uncharted. Well, yeah. And so is we get if we can, you'll get money in from, as we've seen, like NASCAR dwindle, and car counts when teams dwindle. There still is the need for panel space and to get it in front of the public. And here we are. We're sitting here with a very developed series that I think is his genius. And then you guys you coming in and bringing outside of this stuff to Lauren and Lawrence a good guy to put those guys on because he's he is he's marketable. He's well spoken. He's good looking and yells a smile.
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :I can say whatever I want. To the what I can say whatever I want to these people like to all of our partners but like at the end of the day like he's the one delivering on it they've all met him and you know i mean it's not like it was just like I have this power and I'm like hey like do that you know it's like I had to just you know I'm obviously the one doing the pitching for the most part but I had to justify why and explain you know, they don't live the spaces and so you know, I have to explain you know, how it works, how we can leverage it and build the programs around it but I have lived the space and studied it and and know what's available and I also know what partners like and what they can leverage so it just it's just worked
Wyatt Pemberton :Don't let me downplay you Lauren. I know he opened the door or put the foot in the door for you but you frickin charged through and are just doing amazing things for for your partners now. It's really cool.
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :Now is it I mean we have a really exciting year planned out there's so much cool stuff you know with the launch of Bronco coming you know you can see how hot and heavy they are out here king of the hammers this week, you know and and the fun our tour that we're doing all year long. We have, you know, six or seven events that we're going to be doing where we've got the race side going on. But then the tour I mean, we've got all this really really cool activation stuff, you know music displays for all our partners and it's not just your boring static displays, it's interactive come in and spin the wheel, you know, get a T shirt, get to play, you know, Forza or do some sort of games like it's it's much more interactive and fully
Wyatt Pemberton :updated on iOS website with the schedule already.
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :It is not we just been posting social we haven't put our full schedule up just yet but that will go out for sure.
Wyatt Pemberton :I will be paying attention to
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :that. And anybody who's here in hammer town this week, like I highly encourage you to come by we have some really cool Recaro seats that we've been developing that you can come sit in and check out and see how much efforts gone into that. I mean, we have a really, really cool Ford Ford's got a we did like they did a king of the hammer or king of the hammers survival kit. So it comes with a bag of bandanas and chapstick and you just there for free at our at our pit use or at the fun advertorial to stop by
Wyatt Pemberton :you need to get those by those fake tattoo sleeves.
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :The Lord really came up yeah
Wyatt Pemberton :if you were a size seven hat you get a seven and a half so that you tuck your ears yeah
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :you could get this T shirt up though Lauren Haley exactly maybe next year we'll do like Lauren Healy night like on Thursday before the race and everybody wears fake tattoo sleeves that would be so it'd be fun put a talent tank like in the tattoo just
Wyatt Pemberton :yeah, just for Yeah,
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :no, it's it's rad. It's so cool seeing Ford coming here. You know Ford is not a stranger to offroad obviously they make arguably the best trucks in the world you know, but they haven't been here because obviously haven't had a product specific face market and you can see there's tons of rappers out there tons of tow vehicles we were in the parking lot right now see a couple f150 multiple Efthimios amazing new Ranger right behind the front runner. Yeah. But you know, they're they're coming in very strong a bronco. And I think if you guys saw the prototype video, I know even Lauren hit me up and he was like, Damn, you know, because everyone's like, what's it gonna be? How's Capel is going to be and but it's pretty rad to see them be committed to ultra for and this is People like it is and when you if and when you meet the team, um, they're just one of us like they're not you know, the stodgy dudes that work in a high rise like they're just so they were out here last year we took them around and and they were just mind blown and having the time in their life. So it's I'm really, really grateful that they're here really grateful that they're, you know, seeing the things that we're doing and should be, should be really great stuff in the future.
Wyatt Pemberton :The one thing I did see at a Ford this week that I thought was really cool. It was the prototype Bronco doing some trails out here, and I saw it on maybe YouTube or somewhere on social media. And they did like there was a little bit of an in car, there's Brad level behind the wheel. I'm like, Oh, that's my boy. Brad. Yeah, that felt how strongly how strong that feels when you have a at least for myself having a personal connection with the guy does somebody I call a friend, I've gotten my phone I will call him regularly or text him or whatever. And you'd be like, hey, congrats. And there he is. I see him on basically national TV doing what he's done for 15 years and being recognized for it. Well, they're,
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :they're, they're working with the right people. I mean, this whole process of developing this product Been I've seen a lot of vehicles be developing been working with Ford for 12 years now and I've seen a lot of products be developed but the time that they took in to understand the audience and the customer and what they want and the pain points is unbelievable. I mean the boards and the the inspiration boards and things that they had up like it was just unbelievably well thought out. And I'm pretty I'm pretty jazzed for for us all to get to experience what what's coming
Wyatt Pemberton :so back at, you know, fun hammer HQ. Do you guys have some inspiration boards up about what, where you're going with things? Um, right words
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :right now. Yeah, well, right now, it's been a whirlwind. I mean, we sat at about four months ago, like, Hey, we're gonna do this. And I think Lauren was like, Okay, well, I'll sit and watch this. And then it's all he was like, Yeah, man. Amen. Right. But I don't know that he realized that how quick this was all going to turn loose once we aligned on it. And it right now it's been kind of just getting to this point, and and with respect to having a schedule, but I would like to say we have this perfect five year plan mapped out but we don't, but it'll come it'll come We got you know, we gotta we gotta walk before we run, but we're at a pretty solid jog right now. We're in a run. So
Wyatt Pemberton :when you see the fun hover fleet, you know, all badged up sitting next to an 18 Wheeler. Yeah, you guys are at a run. And it's really cool to see how quickly you guys went from crawling to run.
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :And we've, we've both went all in. I mean, this is a big investment of both of us with respect to time and effort and energy. And, you know, thank goodness, we got awesome families that support us and, you know, allow us to to work this hard and he'll be gone and do what needs to be done to get it done. So it's, I assume
Wyatt Pemberton :Savannah, just like Lauren on the road, because if he's on the road, he's not tearing down garage doors.
Loren Healy :She says she doesn't have to cook dinner if I'm not. Oh,
Wyatt Pemberton :man, that's good. Well, guys, I'm really excited that you guys were able to come on. I'm really excited for your week. I'm really excited for the partners you guys have brought into ultra Ford not just for your sales but for the ancillary benefits the or the I don't know the right words for that, you know, the intrinsic you got your intrinsic the extrinsic, the extrinsic value that you guys are bringing to the ultra for community. That's really really cool to see that bleed off like it. Good luck this week.
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :Thank you so much for having us. Yeah, hopefully it'll be a good week at the end and we'll be standing on top of the podium with listening hardware.
Wyatt Pemberton :You You are fully capable of it as we will know and this guy's no slouch either.
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :Well, we'll see what has my first goal here every year is just to finish and let them let the results you know and and where they do but I'll be pushing harder than I ever have and
Wyatt Pemberton :he's so full of it he wants to win he does.
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :I just want Lauren to finish this year that's my that's my goal because if he finishes I'll probably win. But yeah, and UT man kicked us off I know this is something pretty fresh and it's cool i like i like your vibe of this and it's just relaxed and chatted out So congrats to
Wyatt Pemberton :you and Lauren can back this up this is I do this I started this thing for very selfish reasons. It was it was now I'm no longer competitor. So I finally am situation where I can ask some questions that Then then feel like somebody's giving up information that yes just if I wanted to know and stuff I've been curious about but to just stay relevant you know when you step away from the putting the helmet on, and it's still your peer group it's still your friends. It's still your what you're wanting to stay involved. Yeah, I mean, this is it seemed like a natural step to some of the stuff that I love so much about this community and why I've been a member for like 15 years you're still driving though he's not racing, right? Not race. Oh, yeah, absolutely. I've got a pre runner in here somewhere like I like
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :messing around. You should then Lauren's point about stopping by and checking out the recaros. We spent a lot of time last two years developing that with them and we've we've come out with the safest off road seat ever and you should definitely check it out.
Wyatt Pemberton :Well, that said I'm not done. I have a 12 year old son I do have an eight year old nine year old daughter now. She turned nine like a few weeks ago but racing for them is going to be the next step in the next race and in my family. I believe I I stepped away. There next is Cohen blood. It's in her blood. Wouldn't you guys are in the same exact boat but you want to put them in the safest best thing that you can get them in and you want to tilt the playing field in their favor and here we are Lauren's gonna have your Gen two kids racing in you too right? Yeah,
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :I mean if they if that's what he wants to do some
Wyatt Pemberton :some kids don't have a choice.
Vaughn Gitten Jr. :Laurens I told me stories about about his kids and you know his daughter we were we were at by him and there's this little this jump and I was like what is that you think it's fine for us to do that and that's my biggest thing asked him like can this do that cuz I don't know those things that he looks at Yeah, no problem wide open like whatever and I look at I'm like really wide open like I'm still like that. My example that we're gonna jump off of this little ledge so yeah, my daughter took the razor the other day and did it I'm like, oh my Okay, fine. And we can do it but this is what he's in for too. So I'm seeing that.
Wyatt Pemberton :Initially, he talked about like the whiteboard and the plane coming out you like head on full head of steam coming at you, those kids and growing up Yeah, amazing. Well, good luck this week again, thank you guys for coming on. I appreciate Vaughn master on here Lauren. Always good to see you again. For sure. Right? We
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