The Talent Tank
The Talent Tank
EP 45 Jeremy Dickenson
A play on the triumph and losses in performance and life. The Talent Tank podcast will navigate the inner workings of lifestyle, lives, family, teams, careers, programs, and technology in and around the offroad motorsports industry. What breeds success with your Talent Tank on full, failures when its on empty. From the journey to the Starting Line to take that Green Flag, on to exploring trials and tribulations on and off the track in pursuit of victorious achievement and the Checkered Flag.
Out but not really. Jeremy Dickenson @the_jeremy_dickenson jumps into The Talent Tank this episode to discuss the before, during, after and what he's up to now, since leaving ULTRA4 Racing. For 4 years Jeremy was the grease that ensured the wheels went round and round, and the run away train stayed on the track. The life of a Tennessee gypsy by detour through the Great State of Texas. From building & racing off-road cars, "co-guessing" from the right seat , running events, building campfires, trying to escape the rat race and run your own speed. This is one episode flat covers the ambiance and the insight into who has come to the church of Ultra4 and stayed to enjoy our genre of motorsports.
Headshot provided by Alan Johnson @thedustygnome
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Insiders Group
Let's drop the green flag on this episode of the talent tank podcast with your host Wyatt Pemberton bringing you the best fastest most knowledgeable personalities and ultra for and off road racing
Wyatt Pemberton:all right all right all right, here we go. Back in the tank. We're loaded up we got this uh, this this crazy guy is kind of you know, not in everything today like he his name was floated around a whole bunch before but as you guys clicked in, you probably heard his name rambled for for four years. He worked around for years. He's working for S RR s these days working for Clyde rock bounce on world But uh, he's no stranger to Baja. He's no stranger to ultra for He's my good friend Jeremy Dickinson, straight out of the state of Tennessee. Jeremy, how are you today? Man? Good. Good. You ran. I'm here. So pretty shallow. He was talking about you know, this weekend is a, you know, well, we just had, you know, rush Kentucky a few weeks ago. And this weekend's the Kentucky Derby. And I'm like, Oh, yeah, Kentucky Derby this week, up there in your state. And I was like, Wait a second. The state north of you. You're from Tennessee. You're from Johnson City. Right. Johnson City, Tennessee. Yes. And then you you lived in Texas for a while. But uh, but from Texas standpoint, somebody called you a Yankee, right? A Yankee, according to. So I worked for Michelin for about six years. And one of my first sales calls representing Michelin, the guy is a trucking company. And he literally he's like you, you know, I introduced myself. You do your little sales pitch. Right? And he's done in Texas. Right? And he's in Texas. He's in Austin. Right? Again, introductions. He goes, boy, you're a Yankee, aren't you? I'm like, No, sir. I'm not a Yankee. I'm from Tennessee. He goes anything out of the great state of Texas. You're a Yankee? Well, according to you, yes, I am. I am a Yankee, then. I don't think that I am. But yes, sir. You know, like, how do you say that being an intro sales call, like, you don't want to make them mad? Like, get out of all. So that's definitely the first time you've heard that because you guys are definitely south of the Mason Dixon. Right. I mean, yes.
Unknown:You could probably trace your roots back to the Volunteer Army, right?
Jeremy Dickenson:It was I wasn't gonna bust the one out, you know, where it's, what have you been to the Alamo? You know, all the other names out there. A lot of them come from Tennessee. So if it wasn't from Tennessee, then I don't know if Texas would be there or not? No, it's absolutely right. All those guys came from from there. David Yaki. Jim boy, all them. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Well, we're grateful for him.
Unknown:Texas love Texas. I love Texas. I'm not gonna lie. But you moved down here. And honestly, I think the last time I saw you was I saw you in Fort Worth at tribe. What was that? It wasn't coming close to a year ago. Maybe? Yeah, it's somewhere in there. But you see, I'd met JT there. Yes, you're right. You were picking up the truck. The truck that you bought from JT and then I dropped some axles off to JT. Yep. And yes, and Roxy and Robert. And it was like this impromptu. It was definitely during COVID because no one has gone and we didn't give a shit. And we were already tired of it like because I like gas stations were still awkward. restaurants were still closed, like close. So this was early on in COVID. One, and then we all get together and there's all these pictures of us hanging out in the shop like these impromptu group photos and be like, what the hell? Where's your mask? Where's the social distancing? And we're like we're having a Texas COVID party. Forget this stuff. God, yes. Amazing stuff, honestly. But then I actually started getting hammered this year. Yep. Little bit. We hung out a little. Actually. I was racing with old Jamie McCoy and g force racing. That's why I was out there this year. And Jamie just won the you for UTV race at Rush, right. Yes. And the championship last year as well. He's a solid Woods racer, is what I've been told, but I've never met him. I call him a surgeon in the woods. But he is impressive if you put him in the woods. So what what happens to him when you put him out in the open desert? Not just good. No, he goes even faster. It took him a little bit to read the terrain, you know, in the desert section where your, you know, your whoop, start gapping out a little bit. You know, you see those shadows. And instead of powering through it in the UTV he backed off and you know he got some I was yelling in his ear. Don't slow down go faster, you know. So don't break whatever you do don't break and then he picked up on it really fast. But yeah, we just had some unfortunate circumstances on the first lap of our race that some mechanical malfunctions and we got into pit one B and after that our crew got us taken care of. And we pushed hard and sad to say we, we ran out of gas with about eight miles to go. Oh, that's rough. So in the summer I said, You guys are so tight. It's so small. If he's like, now you can literally take your left hand and just shove down on his knee, right? Yeah, yeah, I guess you could say that. Yeah. I mean, you're already kind of holding this catheter and whatnot. Anyway, so it's just one more thing you got to do. You hold the unofficial break, right? So yeah. Did you ride with him at rush? I did not at Rush. That was john Arnold. John's normally his co driver, john john boy's been or, you know, with Jamie's from day one. You know, it was one of those that john came to me asking us, I would ride with him a king of the hammers that, you know, I had a little bit more rock experience and knew the trails a little bit better. And, you know, in the desert as well. And Jamie asked me and, honestly, the first time they asked me out, I said, No, because I just didn't want to take john boy seat. I just I didn't think that I needed to because, you know, obviously I knew Jamie, but I've never been in a car with him. I'd seen him race. I know. He's just one heck of a racecar driver. And he you put a helmet on him and, and he's on a mission to get to the front if he's not sitting on pole. So it was impressive. For him to he had a hiccup in qualifying. We started 13th we sort of had an ongoing joke that it was JTS lucky number 13 because JT has got a really good relationship with Jamie. We ended up I think at one point they said we were sitting third corrected Tom fifth or sixth on the road on the road. But then we again we just had some mechanical malfunctions and we dealt with them and and hit one B and ended up stalled us for about an hour and a half. And then we passed everybody going into spooners from what I could see and what I remember we made it to almost top let's call it top 10 Jake bersih was actually top five he finished top five and we pulled in behind him out of issues. Jamie was a little impatient and broken axle trying to get around to guys winching so we backed off there and I took a nice little jog from auto issues chocolate Thunder to camp to pick up an axle and everything did change it out and went back and made actually really good time again, but then we ran out of Yes. Oh, yeah. Yeah. is running the 4400 class in a UTV since now that you've you've done it with your front runner and my book who I consider some maybe a front runner. By the way, I need to jump off jump tangent first thing. It just occurred to me you actually said something earlier that you were sitting at McCoy shop and it just occurred to me all the trophies behind you. They're all number ones and tear down in Tennessee battle in the bluegrass. Ultra. there you're there is okay. I in that's where you're sitting. I'm I'm smart. But sometimes the obvious escapes me and I wasn't paying attention. And I was like, Wait a second. I'm looking behind you. I'm like, Wow. I mean, you're you're better than Josh West. He had, like handload like shelves and shelves of hand lotion and crocheted shit. I mean, his wife makes some amazing stuff like koozies with penises or koozies with boobs. But he had these crocheted cats. And they were turned it was the butts of the cat. So it was the crochet It looks like a hay bale. You know, like a big, like a big round bale with a cat tail. Except for it had a different color butthole. And that was what Josh had in the background a week ago, but yours yet, actually trophy got a lot of hardware behind you. I mean, it's he didn't he didn't pre stage those cat buckles at all. Did he know I don't even think he recognized a writing. I'm like, What is that? And he explained it like, man. Well, whatever your wife does, I mean in she makes good money at it, I guess. But yeah. And then you know, behind us, again, a ton of hardware. It's like having the conversation when you you're on Skype with with Josh Wyler and it's just rows. They're adding on buildings just for trophy rooms over there. Exactly. 20 years align mountain races. So let's let's go back to where I was going. I got sidetracked on that conversation. So you're racing King the hammers, you're with Jamie McCoy. You guys run the UTV race you run out of gas. Now that you've been in that car. What is your thought and your opinion of the guys like the you know, the the Miller boys, the Miller brothers and Kyle Chaney going and running in the 4400 class in their utvs and being contenders Where do you stand on that? What's your opinion? That's tough. I have a lot of respect for those guys. And I have a lot of it's not an easy question, is it? No, not at all. Like the only thing that pops out at me Right off the bat was there was a picture that came out of that. With Shannon Campbell coming up behind. I want to say one of the Millers, it might have been Cheney, I don't know. I don't know, yellow, yellow, black and white. Right? three cars, I couldn't tell them apart. So so the first thing that popped at me was safety. Like, that's just the way I look at it if you can spread them out. Yes. But I mean, you're talking a 6000 pound car versus a 2000 pound car. And if there's a UTV in front of Shannon Campbell, you know, 100% of the time, he will, let's say, pre LASIK, he wouldn't see that UTV in front of him. Because I'm having flashbacks now of the XR Ray days where he literally drove over the top of clay Gill strap and clay comes off the finish line. And like Campbell I had the line there. What happened and and Chen's line was, I guess you weren't fast enough or you didn't take the route line because I drove over top of you, all I saw was a little blur inside my helmet and I kept moving forward. So thanks for the attraction type of thing you know, so that but but going back to that, if that's the only thing that scares me, I think the utvs have come a long way, you know, obviously can AMS making a very large impact on the market with what they're putting out. And new TVs in general Yamaha Honda Kawasaki all the you know, in what year was it was at 19 that McGrath took a stock Kawasaki out there with 30 fives and just put a cage on it met safety tech and and finish the UTV race. To me that's that's pretty impressive for those quote unquote, the what Dave used to call golf carts, right. Desert jet skis. Yeah, I mean, it's the only thing that scares me is if you if you TV in front of a 4400 car, how does that 4400 car legally and safely move that UTV out of the way if they if they don't move? So kind of you my color around that, in my opinion is, you know, in the rocks, it's not a problem, right? I think the utvs are faster, more nimble, more capable in the rocks than their bigger cars. But you get out of the rocks you get out of the Canyons at in using King and hammers is the course you know to talk about. You put them in the open, you throw them out across the lake bed, they go you know, they'll break 100 Ultra for car breaks, you know 130 Mm hmm. And but that UTV, it throws up the same amount of dust. And when that delta that speed delta is you know, like 30 miles an hour, and you pop out of the dust going 30 miles an hour faster than something that weighs a third of you. God help them I just just got help on my end, especially if there'd been let's say there's multiple cars in a pack. And that dust is super super thick. I just don't see it. It somebody gets somebody gets punted hard and it totals a car but I mean, on the flip side, I see the other side of it. For 110 120 grand into one of the cams that was racing 4400 for a lay person like you were to go build one versus you know, a factory sponsor guy. He's gonna have less in it, versus going out there against like Cody Wagner's you know, pure sex car. I mean, that thing's 750 k for now. Jordan Pellegrino, his car is up there, but let's just say by and large, we're talking about 300 to $400,000 on the average ifms cars that are 800 850 horsepower, you know, slawson one this year, and he's his car isn't that you know, it's solid axle. I bet he's probably still 160s maybe I don't know. I don't know what exactly is an orange but I did here was a you know, back to another Josh wesco. Josh was last week said that Randy they they dumbed down the motor on him he dropped horsepower, just to make the car live and apparently that strategy frickin worked. Yeah. So I'm impressed on Randy. I'll give him credit of and I take the same from Adam cheer, you know, with tribe like whenever I first moved to Texas, you know, I was in Austin for a little bit and then I moved up to Fort Worth. And I just jumped on the tribe if you want to call it that right like Adam took me in and the whole family thing man but Adams motto in his shop was kiss stupid. I mean, the simpler you can keep it the better off it is the easier to maintain. And I think Randy just takes that to another level almost. I mean, whenever his new his new Rock Crawler. I looked at it in Moab last year. And next thing I know he goes out super light because I was talking about weight. And next thing you know, he goes over to the back tire and picks the back tire off the ground. Just him like doing a deadlift type of thing. And I was sort of laughing I was like, Okay, you got my vote. Like what do you say to that? They just picked the car up or the axilla. So, yes, I think I think some people overcomplicate you know the the 4400 car, you know your way down with alternators and whatever it may be all kinds of spare parts that make it 20 miles and because you haven't prepped your car, right, you make it 20 miles and you bust. You know, that's, I like the Campbells cam, you know, Shannon and Campbell's. They they keep it clean and what the necessity is to win a race. So I like to use from the Campbell camp and we've seen this definitely out of Miller on Bleiler, you know that, and Randy maybe not as much from the prep standpoint of how quickly and easily and readily they can prep their cars. And I put I include like, including that as like, if there's a problem how quickly they can swap a transmission. Yes. Like that is the worst possible thing that can happen to one of those cars during a race or on a race weekend or out of the hammers is a trainee. And Campbells can swap one super quick I mean, every bar in the car is set up to where it all stripped super quick, the thing drops out, throw another one and away you go versus hours and hours and hours. Like you lose a trainee, you're like, well, we're loading on the trailer. Campbells aren't out of the race, but they lose it lose a trainee? Yeah, I agree. I shouldn't say out of the race. They're not out of the finish. Yes, that's a no quit on all day. So and then, you know, going back to Adam, whenever we built cars, so we're sort of sidetracking a little bit, I had built a car originally with Adam, to get back into the 4400 class. And whenever we finished it, I was just, you know, trail riding. And if you want to call it quote, unquote, testing and tuning, right is riding around and seeing how far you can push a car. And you know, the limitations of it. And I had to change the transmission out just in the shop, obviously. But I timed it by myself. And I had a transmission out of Adam's car in 38 minutes. Just out, I didn't have it back in but I had a, you know, interior out of the car, and I pulled it out the top because I just didn't want to lay on the back. So I didn't think that was that bad at all? No, not at all. No. So that was always my thing. When you easy Rick and I were designing stuff. And it was like, Man, you got to make it serviceable. And yeah, I mean, like, this is where the front seats. Each seat came out with two rods. And so yes, you could pull the rods and flip the seat up and use the seat belt and basically clip the thing up and get underneath the seat and pull everything out. Like it was just no messing around. Yeah, let's let's let's get in there and make it happen. So you just you had rush, and then now we're kind of hidden. We're kind of in a little low here. Right, we've got Sam fleabay coming up. That's in a couple weeks. So you know right now, you haven't been working on that stuff. Outside of Russia, what is currently on the Jeremie plate. Currently, I work as a full time day job I worked for john deere, john deere construction, I sell construction equipment given. I used to work for Caterpillar for a while and you know, I guess I'm decent sales, I guess you could say I'm a relationship guy through and through. So, but currently, construction sales for john deere and tried to step away from the off road. And Claude just kept calling me and calling me and I need your help. I need your help. And I guess you just caught me on one of my good days. And, you know, I agreed to sort of help him and you know, he was literally a one man show on the SRS. Like all the live stream you saw and oh, yeah, me and all of it. Yeah, timing. Everything that we saw in a rush came out of Clyde stuff. Well, I don't Hey, don't don't you're way ahead of us. Let's look at my current situation being is I worked for john deere. And in the meantime, you know, moving back to Johnson City. I've been buying up some property. So I've got so where did you leave us? Since you haven't since we haven't got to that part in your life? Where we'll get there. Where did you move from? Fort Worth, Texas. You left Texas to go be a Yankee. I left Texas. Basically I left Texas to come. I had a grandmother that was still alive. And I was the only grandchild and I came home to grandma and take care of grandma and hang out with her. So that was ultimately what what what brought me out of Texas. Yes, that is good. And then you and we'll talk about her in a little bit. But Lindsay your significant other she's also Tennessee too, but she went to Texas with you know he's from Austin originally. Oh, see followed me. I didn't know that. No matter I mean, you've hung out with her right? You out kick your pump coverage. She's way too pretty and wait too nice for you. And JT would completely double down with you on that one. Yeah, he would agree. All right, so so let's let's jump back. Let's go get to it because and we'll talk about some john deere stuff in the future because I got some questions about about what you're doing on a day job. So yeah, so we talked about it. You know, you're from Johnson City, Tennessee. But you moved to Texas at one point, then you moved from Austin to Fort Worth. That's where you, you know, basically became one of the tribe family members. My memory of first meeting you you were in tribe, but you had worked at zarei. Way before that. And you said we met then I'll ask you about that man. Because I don't I don't remember. But I think he's pretty good. But you're from Johnson City, Tennessee, which is in where the north east corner, northeast corner you. I mean, it is literally the northeast corner of right now. I am 15 minutes away from Bristol motor speedway. So talking about Bristol on a tangent. What did you think about them going dirt racing there this year? or mud racing? Whichever? Yeah, I mean, it's mud racing, right? Yeah. I mean, Bristol is doing a good job at thinking outside the box, and bringing crowds and helping the economy and opinion. So I don't know how many years ago but they actually brought the University of Tennessee Volunteers football team, and Virginia Tech. Like they literally had this big two year Countdown to putting a football game on in Bristol motor speedway. That's whenever the big jumbotron went up. And from what I understand is they set a Guinness Book of World Records of attendance. And that was the purpose of it. I don't know. But that's that was that Bristol did a good job at that. Right? They that once is a Smith that owns it. So that I think he's got a pretty good marketing team. And they do a lot of stuff there. They have a Christmas in lights every single year where they bring 1000s of cars in the area. And I think that was just one of those additional. Hey, what are we gonna do again, outside the box? Let's throw dirt on it and let's go racing. How big is that track? Is it like seven eighths of a mile or something? It's not that it's quarter mile. It's a quarter. It's only a quarter? Because it seems like they're just so maybe it's it's maybe it's the fastest half mile? I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. It's half fastest half mile. quarter mile. It's half a point. Three, three. So anyone in the background yelling My God. Yeah, point 533. So they did. They did dirt. And that's what I that's what I like about venues right. The venues that are in worse, you know, certainly NASCAR. I mean, they've had the last time they did a dirt dirt race was like in 1970 something. And so you take Bristol, tiny little track. Not only is that a change, although NASCAR teams agreed to it, but then they had no books, right that like you when you go, you know, short track racing in the dirt. Everyone has like cut your groove books for their tires, or in car setups, like, you know, hey, if I'm going to go to this track, I can lower the rear take, you know, they hadn't no one everyone was like a clean level playing field. They're like, okay, where do we even practice with our cars on dirt? Like, like, this is this is nuts. And so I don't really follow NASCAR. There's, it's just not interesting to me more. I think I liked it, you know, 10 years ago. Plus, there's some drivers in there that I cared about. I think NASCAR was doing a good job of marketing back then. I don't know if they're doing as good a job today, but there's a lot more competition for their airtime, and for your attention span and your pocketbook and all that but when I found out they're going dirt racing, I was like, Oh my God. And then I followed you know, Scott rain, you know, one of the ultra for announcers, you know, he announced the king of hammers when he basically documented his trip, he went out there and I was like fallen every I mean every post he had, because he was like boots on the ground, and then it rained. And like the the vendor area had like four foot of water flowing through it. Yep. So they basically went mutton but what I where I was so often you know that this sidetrack was you know, we saw a track, do something different and, and attempt something different and try and challenge you guys in a way that hadn't been challenged in you know, 3035, maybe in 40 years. And that's what you know, what ultra four tries to do in like a king of hammers. They try to give you a different course every year. And we try to give you know, they try to give different tracks every year. And sometimes it's by choice and then but this year, last year wasn't my choice, right? It was COVID got banged everything up it was they scrambled and then this year, it looks like there's gonna be the scramble for nationals. I'm very interested to see how that shakes out. I mean, I see it being the easy one to pull off is Oklahoma. It's like kind of the no brainer, but it hurts You know, there's no spectators there, right and hotels can there's no after party but from a driver standpoint, it's legit. Yeah, I mean, that is a very fun course. You know Justin and trotters there now, you know Trotter used to be ultra for but and Justin's been involved with with ultra Fortwo and they both they take a lot of pride in putting together a strong course for the racers. It's just unfortunate sort of where it's at. You know, it is in the middle of America, but there's, you know, you're an hour and a half from Oklahoma City, you're an hour and a half from Dallas. And you just sort of lack that attention that people gave to Wild West. Right like everybody knew wild west and and I don't know, I think me personally, I think good B's got to, I don't want to throw it out there but good from what I can talk to me about and what he has starting in Burnley. I think that can turn into like he said a Prairie City on steroids. I think that would be very, I'd be interested to see how that turns out. He was just this past week on the town tank. So he's the he's Episode 44. And you're Episode 45. So yeah, we just we just talked about that. I didn't know anything about friendly until I saw his event. You know, I guess two weeks ago now three weeks or whatever. He recently a few weeks ago. And I was impressed with I mean, it's desert bit. I should have actually looked up and seeing how close it was to Reno. I don't know that one. You'll think I'm sitting here on the internet. Well, we'll keep talking and i'll i'll look that place up. You know, but there have been some pretty good courses like you know, going back and ultra for it. We'll see it was 2012 was it 2012 that we had that race in Albuquerque New Mexico. It was it was it was a partnership with another series but I raced that one in Albuquerque and it was a fun course but apparently there's there's some private land in there and there's some issues of who owns WOD and but that was the issue that because I always brought that course back up because it was just fun. I couldn't really forgot about that. Yeah, so yeah friendlies a 40 minute drive to Reno that's that's not bad. That's a hop skip and jump Yeah, that's not bad at all. Maybe I mean, we're neither you or I have a say in this but I'm always curious about you guys. I know you've been to every single for for course the ultra for race for you know over a four year period you've been to every single one and you develop you know ones that you know that are better for drivers better for spectators better for whatever I've seen that sound like rush rush everyone like the train except for it rains so much it was just a muddy sloppy mess so everyone had a bad takeaway from from rush and then you put it in that it's a hole where there's no internet no phone no any of that and there was like it just wasn't the the funnest event to have attended. Yeah, so Dave and I, we visited rush probably two or three years ago, with the number of motorhomes and tractor trailers that went in there. You need to do a whole podcast on who drove in a truck and trailer and how many turns it took them to get in and out of that whole park because it like I had a motor coach at the time with a 36 foot trailer. And it probably legit took me 15 terms not going in. But coming back out. You just couldn't swing it in the ditch and you had a a bridge on the other side that you like you just looked out your window and you're inch away from the bumper on the front and then you look in the rear and like oh, I'm gonna take out the other side of the bridge now let me back up and do this again. This sucks again and again. And yes. Oh, it's Oh, it was 18 Wheeler Tetris is what I heard. Yes, like yeah, I could stalking him in there and I could see that. And it's crazy how many guys like we've all you know not we not me. How many teams have gone to 18 Wheeler from what we can haul and how we can haul and what we can get into and not get into and now with the the way the laws are for weights and everything for the smaller trucks and the cost. If you want to. You want to go buy a you know an F 350 or an F 450. New one year and at 80 grand or more, man you can go buy a used 18 Wheeler tractor and a race trailer and you're at the same price. probably less in some cases in on that newly that new daily. You haven't even bought a race trailer yet. Exactly. Your 140 and 150 and, and truck and trailer you can go buy a motorhome and a trailer for 100 you know very, very nice. Yes, and you just get tired of me and heavy and you're running right up on you right up at the limit or you're over the weight limit. You know, we're not you're, you're not scaling but you're blowing tires and you're, you're taxing the tires and you're taxing the rear axles on the trailer. And then you're just Casey gilberton the hell out of some tires, you know. So, whenever I was racing, whenever I lived in in Fort Worth, I was still racing ultra for at that time. So I had a Duramax with a I think is a 40 foot living quarters trailer. And long story short, my housing fell through like I was supposed to, I had I was closing on a house two days before I supposed to close. underwriter came back and said, Hey, we can't do it. I flipped out on them, started looking at places to rent and ended up trading my Duramax with a trailer in on a motorcoach. And a trailer ended up again, Trump family tribe crew, Lance hooked me up with Donnie Patty you know who Donnie Patty is right now I Downey Hargrove and Okay, so you need to you need to request to meet Donnie and Patti next time you're down there. They literally let me Clark park my motorcoach on their property. They got like 10 acres south of Fort Worth, parked it there for two and a half years and lived out of it for two and a half years while it is still raced out of it. And all the above, right. Like, I got to give Lindsay credit there. She was there the whole time. You know, she just, quote unquote, pack up house. And we'd go racing and Adam and Clarissa would jump in with us and traveled meet us there. And then we'd come back home and pack the house and set it back up and work so the week so it was a good time. I didn't know that story. I always wonder why you gotta think motorcoach I refused to rent a 15 $100 apartment in Fort Worth. So I went out and bought a motor coach lived out of it in probably saved money on that. Right? And yes, 100% save money on it. Then you want to go racing or you want to go to Clayton or Green Acres. You're like, let's go. Yeah, yeah. Let's get like, here's a trailer it'll haul two rigs. Let's go stack them in and travel the US. It's a grown up in Johnson City, Tennessee man. How's that? Tell us about that area? Like I know Knoxville. Just because you know, University of Tennessee. They're the go walls and and then I've been to, you know, we went up to it's been a few few years ago, but we spent like Christmas at our house. And then that night, Christmas night, got in the car and I drove all night got us to Memphis in the morning. We went and did some stuff in Memphis, you know, Beale Street and the Peabody to see the ducks. And we ate some barbecue at rendezvous. And then from there we went over to Nashville to catch one to see natural what see lower broads. See the Grand Ole Opry. We stayed at a Gaylord there, but we were there for Texans Titans. They played the 28th so it was last last game of the season and Texans have made it into the playoffs Titans hadn't so Texans weren't playing any you know, really the starters were in at the beginning and that was kind of over in Texas sucked by the way like they have no aspirations to ever be better than bottom of the pack like they are terrible and gave money to them for a decade you know, going every every home game for a decade and we gave up and thank god they just continued to slide and suck but so you know my wife had a you know, goal. It was like if we're going to give up our season tickets at Texas and we're going to go travel we're going to go see a game on the road, either college or NFL a year we're gonna go see some stadium so that year we decided to do Tennessee, we guess we Texans Titans in Nashville. And then from Nashville, we drove over to to Pigeon Forge to Gatlinburg did What's that? I want to say it's called Uber over. what's what's the thing over over Gatlinburg over years. Yeah, we did that. But then we did Dollywood. Holy crap. Dollywood is the most one of the most amazing theme parks I've ever been to in this in this country. I like roller coasters and my kids like roller coasters and Dollywood was clean and maintained and meticulous and just gorgeous and the people were so super freakin nice. I would absolutely go back there and it really my mind to say it because I guess it's the twin or the sister part to silver dollar city and Branson, Branson, Missouri. And so just Dolly takes care of her people and she takes care of her Park and so that was the that's really the only part. I've been over in your neck of the woods. So tell me about Johnson City because you you said it's close to Bristol. Tell me about growing up there and you as a kid growing up in Johnson City. So Gatlinburg is only about 45 minutes I guess west of me. So that you know in school it was always Hey, sell these doughnuts or do these fundraisers and you get to go to Dollywood. That's that's that was our kicker you know as a as an elementary kid, but growing up man. I had a great childhood. I had a grandfather that that was my daycare. You know, he moved houses, not mobile homes, but like big commercial, you know, buildings and, and whatever house like are 26. So I 26 I grew up with him moving houses for the interstate to come in. That was my daycare. But as far as like things to do around here, you have the Appalachian Trail. You know, it goes from Georgia to Maine. Five minutes down the road, I can be on the Appalachian Trail, five minutes down the road, I can go whitewater rafting, I can go an hour and go snowboarding, there's a lot to do within about five hours. I'm not going to say it's like California, where it's, here's your beach, and here's all that side of it. But I can go to Charleston in six hours. So there's a lot of variety within, you know, a half day trip. You can do anything you want. And then I grew up in the woods really like I was always in the woods doing something you know, the epitome of your mom kicking you out on the morning saying, Hey, get out of my hair, go outside play it, you know, be sure to come back at lunch to feed yourself And beyond that, like, go outside. Say yeah, here's what I did. Yeah, like, don't bother me. Which I you know, I like that a lot. Because now you know, these days you have kids just that that can't get away from video games and iPads and all that side of it. It's like, I think there's a sense of people are losing touch with family. You know, like, doing things as an activity instead of just Hey, don't bother me. Here's not bad. Well, yeah, I'd love to bring that. I mean, I think it needs to come back feral children. Just feral. running everywhere. Like Yeah, growing up. I mean, I grew up in, you know, middle of nowhere country, Kansas, but you can't ride a bicycle down gravel road. So I wrote a horse. I mean, I would I would be on a horse every day until I will say I was probably 13 or so when I stopped reading bill, I got my driver's license a 14 that was that was very important. You get the farm hardship and you get to drive that changes the world. But, um, yes, I'm telling you, I read to my friends houses. They were nearest neighbor. weren't the best friends. I have no idea what's happened to him in the last 30 years, but 25 years, but at the time, you know, you're geographically friends, right? Because you're gonna be like, your choices aren't that great. So and you have commonality, but yeah, so we'd ride horses everywhere. But that was it. It was you. There weren't Nintendo. I mean, Nintendo came out when I was in, like, out of middle school for sure. But I just wasn't kind of like that. But so you move in houses are helping move houses, like you're talking like, I've seen this stuff, like on History Channel, how they do it, like modern, modern marvels and like, moving and like, they go through the basement they put up the big beams and they put them on basically like Jeeps, you know, like the not a Jeep like that. But like what you put behind an 18 Wheeler, you know, the two axles and they put that on each end and they just hold like a big ass trailer, right? Yeah. So you know, you put our beings you measure the house and you put our beams underneath it and crawl still to support it. And then we we call it on my grandfather call them a dolly in the rear. So the rear was Dolly and then you had your two dollies in the rear that you maneuvered or steered the rear of the house with to come alongs you know, or chain hoists basically that that they hook to the Arby's, you steer the rear of the house with with the chain hoist and then the front was it was with a tow truck or not a tow truck, but like what they called a we had an It was like a 62 International pole truck. And, man, that thing was just, you hauled everywhere. Because if you ever drove it on the road top speed was like 30 mile an hour downhill wide open and, you know, doing 10,000 RPM type of thing. But, you know, that's a lot of my gearhead outside the box thinking like, Hey, can we do this and fab this stuff? Whatever came from my grandfather's, I think you know that one of the problems he always faced was, he would actually move the houses like underneath overpasses. And it got to where the houses obviously got larger as the years went on, and he couldn't get underneath the overpass. So he having a sixth grade education developed these rear dollies that that he used airplane tires, like old airplane tires and made his own system and then come to find out somebody stole that idea and patented it now. There's other stuff they they came in town. But anyway, like that's, you know, having a sixth grade education and he could help me with my algebra and all this craziness, but it was a good time growing up in the dirt. That's for sure. I mean, you just be an ingenuity. I mean, I think that's the that's the key. And that's that's why you know what we do what we do in off road is like overcoming the adversity of what the races thrown us like today. There's plenty of adversity out there. But we go out there to basically make problems for ourselves and see how we solve them and come out of them. That from a standpoint of you making a living doing it. You can't call Amazon and get them to deliver a different nali. Right? Yeah, exactly. It just doesn't work. And it's like, Okay, how are we going to do this? We got going on press, wow, it'd be cool. If our beams or whatever like lowboy style, we could gain four feet from that. Next thing, you know, I'll come with torches and the welders and you basically make a low rider out of your your beams, right and then put them on the dollies. And then next thing you know, hey, look, we cleared. It's funny, because, you know, my my grandmother passed away in May. So we were cleaning her house out. And Lindsay knew a little bit about my past being raised with my grandfather. And we started pulling these newspaper articles, like I was on the front page of newspapers. And as a little kid that was rotting on top of the house going down the road. You know that that's, it's funny. She's like you. How old were you hearing like, I don't know, six or seven. And she goes, and you're on top of the house. That's moving down the road. This is a front page favor. I'm like, Yeah. Why are you even on top of the house? I'm like, that's where I wanted to sit. And you know, just the view going down the road. And how did you get up there? And like with a ladder house, what do you get on top of the hill as you climb a ladder on top? Right. And nowadays, I couldn't even imagine how that would go. Yeah, I remember being the kid that kid like climbing the ladder and that because you always have to have police escort, right? And the police escort is like, you can't have that kid on the roof. And my grandfather's like, he's exactly where he used to be. He's fine. Don't bother boy, do your job and get your car and you're escorting me down the road. Beyond that, like leave him alone. he'll sit right there. He won't move. Okay, sir. You know, and they just they get in their car and do their job. And he moves the house and I get down. So yeah, there is a good time. The nanny state before the nanny state. Yeah, I mean, it was a different era. I mean, these people, they used to smoke in airplanes. Yeah. We have a very similar upbringing. You're you know, what, how old are you now? 4040 4040. celebrated 40 in Texas with the travel crew. Yeah. Yeah, they're good, folks. Yeah, and that's what I thought that and that's what my daycare was as well was my grandfather. And, you know, he was a farmer and real estate guy and just a mechanic and heavy equipment. And we had dozers and tractors, and we're just always around that stuff. And I think that's where I got a lot of it was, it wasn't you just can't Well, back then. There wasn't a Tractor Supply and there wasn't home depot it was there wasn't somebody that had something for everything it was, well, you get out the blowtorch and you get out the welder and they were buzz boxes, it was absolutely stick welding and, and that was all in the world and, and then at the end of the day, you wash your hands and gasoline. Yeah. And to get everything off your hands be washed and gasoline and, and now I mean, like, Wow, my grandfather passed away this past fall. He made it to he made to 93. And he washed his hands and gasoline. Probably 90 90% of the days of his life. And cancer did not get him hydrocarbon. Maybe they cause cancer and some folks with it all. I think all they did to him was fuel his anger. He was full of vinegar. But after you graduate high school in there, and Johnson, what age did you kind of decide that you're going to hit the road? And you took the show to Texas? Or did I skip some stuff? You go to college anywhere? I don't I don't know the answer to that. I went to it. So graduated college and went to East Tennessee State University at ASU. I have a criminal justice degree in chemistry and don't use either one of them. But hey, I've got that paper right ability to learn that yes, organize you know, multitask all that came out of college and went to work for Caterpillar or a local Caterpillar dealer. And then oh 809 man that that the crash just happened and I was the single guy. No kids. So you know, I got laid off there and apply for a job with Michelin got the job. Well, then you went to Michelin in a 12 week training course and knowing that you're going to relocate but not knowing where. And originally they tried to send me to Omaha, Nebraska. And basically I told them no, I wasn't going to Omaha, Nebraska because there was no racing that I could get to conveniently in Omaha, that I wanted to go to the east coast or West Coast because I wanted to race. They came back and said well, we're not sending you the East Coast and we're not sending you the West Coast. We're sending you to Austin, take it or leave it. And I had reached out to a few people and they said if you've got the opportunity to go and at the time I was actually competing in Iraq, I was coming dodging and because it was like Dayton Tennessee's three hours from me jellico you know, the old jellico days it's it's two hours from me. So we were having blast the back then and moved to Austin and at that point, it was 17 hours one way for me to compete. Rock Rolling and those there's racing going on and Texas and I got him with the guys that crawl Tex cam and Chris and Ted and all those guys and I think cam has a shot now out in Vegas in the forest customs yep but yeah so he he actually got me in a 7200 truck at Blackwell ranch Carl bills ranch there and we raised a little bit there and and I got the bug go fast and for as long as possible. Yeah tech Santa. Yeah tech Santa ranch guy that places. Places awesome. Like oh, man, yes. You come around a turn and there's a buffalo you come around another turn. There's a zebra you come around another turn there your overrides and there's a herd of Angola sheep. Like Yes, bully little bastards run around. That's high fence and exotics everywhere. I think they got some in it. They've got giraffes, right. I feel like I've seen giraffes as you can go see them. Yes, they have giraffes you can get in the bus. And Carl will take you and see the dress. Yes. But yeah, that I mean and at the same time. You know, I sold my car and went to Italy and tried to pick up a car here and there and and at the same time I was helping Mike and Jody with zarei sort of East Coast and West Coast going back and forth ended up picking up little Rich's old car you know the the upper trailing arm leading our car the the king shop car. I bought that from him and redid that entire car. And now that Pistol Pete was involved with like they like pistol was gonna drive it at 1.8 km h Yes. And then car and then they left a one of those red shop rags ended up in the intake. And then they reinstalled the the throttle body or whatever. And that thing ends up eating this rag in the motor. And that was what killed him. What killed the race? That was the story I heard. I don't know. So I've heard the red rag I was told it was in the coolant, that it will set up it was stuffed in the coolant and then it it basically plugged the motor and overheated the motor but that same motor issues. Yes. Red rag. Yes. Yeah, I can see that. Like you would stuff the rag into the radiator hose to keep it from leaking. And then you just grab it and slip it back on and tighten the hose clamp. Yep. Genius level. Yes, sir, the landmine. Pay attention to details slow down, right. Oh, well, that was probably one of those that, hey, it's on the 28th hour of the day trying to get to the race that's 10 hours away. And you've got two hours to get there top of scenario. But you know, we've all been there every time like every time. So what are happened to that car? I've wondered Is that the one that whacker ended up at one point. Nope. So I actually tore that car down. I used pieces off of it to build a tribe car. And I sold the chassis to a friend of mine in Johnson City. He still has it he's gonna put it together eventually. But I don't know if he will or not, but he has the chassis now. That's gone. Gone. Yeah. But yeah, I mean, going back to Texas side of it. Yeah. We lived in Austin for a while and then we got transferred to Fort Worth. And that's when I first started building the Trump car. And that's actually whenever I got LinkedIn with Trent truven box with rowdy racing, rowdy, you know, Adam built him a car and and the first race was in Badlands. Adam was supposed to co drive with him. And I'd raced Badlands before. And I'll show him the lines and we get back to the pit and Adam just sort of comes in puts his arm around me goes hey, by the way, you're going to race rowdy and I'm going to be in the pit because I'm a better mechanic than you are and you're a better co driver than I am. We just we need to own our role. Right? Right. So you know and I jumped in with rowdy and man we raced for a couple years and had a pretty good run things. I mean it was we put that car on the podium a lot and I can firmly say that Adam builds one heck of a car because you know rowdy he was not easy on equipment put it that way at all. for a weekend we get named people that have been tried cars that are not easy in equipment. I'll start with clay Gill strap I was gonna say kill strap strap like chill straight up kill strap but I love love that day too. I was actually in his wedding. So But yeah, I mean he but he I was actually I thought about him the other day man I miss seeing that God drop I mean cuz he could he could flat drafts. I just missed partying with them. It's been to me years and you know, he's not that far up the road from me, maybe our for me to get across Houston and another hour and a half, two MCs maybe two and a half hours from me. That's not insurmountable. It's just you got to go to East Texas and, man, there's just so much method. They're just part of the world. I don't know. I think I would go hang out with Billy and Lee. I think that that'd be worth my two and a half. Ours Billy's Allah. Oh mama Gill strap and Billy man that's that's a solid family. So speaking of them whenever I lived in Texas, so do you remember the old the smaller race and that southern Missouri? Yeah, that they had sort of like the comp to zarei. Right. So play was racing that at Bridgeport along with Jeff nasty. Oh, he likes. Yep. So so they were there and I was spotting or coat sort of CO driving with AK Watley where he owns chaos. Off Road now in West Virginia. Yeah, he's way and he's a Houston guy. Yes. And then yeah, then they live all the way. Is it North Carolina? West Virginia was West Virginia. Yeah, I knew way up there. Okay, he's up there doing his own thing. And and, but that's, that's one of the first times that I met Gill straps. And next thing I know, Billy's Hey, we want to go the east and Rod a little bit. And we load up in a motorcoach. And it was one of the I don't remember the year of anniversary, but I went on there. Let's call it 40th anniversary, they went to the east coast and we will in Harlan, Kentucky, and all these places back east and they're just like, and that's that's one of the best anniversaries we've ever had. And, you know, just just great family time, right? Like, that's what I miss the most is those experiences and that side of it, man hashtag relationship goals. Yeah, exactly. Hey, so before we go further, this is I mean, right now we're talking about xR a were roughly around that. Oh, 70809 time period, you were working with the weavers Mike Weaver and helping put on zarei stuff and racing it and all that. Yeah, man. And we met apparently in that in that era, and I don't remember it and so I'm definitely the asshole. No, so we met in Alabama at grey rock. Okay. And that's your racing down there. I want to say Later that year, we hung out in jellico cuz then you race jellico as well. Was that the one with all the fireworks? Yes. We had the boot we ran the boot gangs down the Koch down the road and all that. Okay, let's talk about mu Yang's for a minute on that because I swear on my life that there is video I swear it was on YouTube, and it was like shot out of like the Shirley's Brian Shirley. videoed it while everybody ran like rusty Bray and Danny roar and we all have those pit bikes and everyone ran rode them down the highway on the shoulder and it was long I mean, it was like five miles down down a 10% grade yes or 12% grade and we're cruising I was involved by remember seeing the video I went looking for that video I think after Levi and I leave I surely and I talked about it. I never found it. I know if someone out there please come to the insiders group of post up that video of it's a crew of what is now today ultra for drivers. But at the time we were zarei rednecks riding these Chinese or North Korean. They're like South Korean, South Korean or Taiwanese Honda 50s but they were they're kind of big boy though. They had a little bit bigger tires. Maybe they 12 inch rims. I don't think they were 10 and trims and like chatan like a Honda achanta motor right a china Honda Motor. That's kind of what they had on man. They were fun fun as hell. Oh yeah. I mean they they would definitely walk a big boy in a heartbeat. Like they they laid me out a couple times and I remember Yeah, whenever we had the little races and have it well that that year we did the trip down. See if you get on YouTube, is it not one night and jellico? Is that not the start of that? No, that's that's real. No, no, I don't think there's the Boo Yang's in it. I think that Oh, okay. Now there's definitely jumping you know, jumping picnic tables and miles. It miles asticus. You know are Yes. Yeah, he's he is right in the middle. I not here the police officer. Yeah. I gotta tell you a quick monster. I'm sure people have heard maybe heard the story before. But so he runs out of gas where, you know, this is at the jellico motel. He runs out of gas. And he runs out like directly in front of Shannon Campbell. And the crew and i i want to say Waylon was with them. But weyland young, right. I want to say Wayland. 12 or something. You know, it's like there's he's not raised. I mean, this is this is a long time ago at this point. Yeah, dating ourselves. And Shannon goes I got you covered. And he dumps race gas in a miles little Honda. 50 miles is always that things known as Old Faithful is it didn't matter what you did do it how bad you wrecked it. It's still fired right up and he just, I swear he never changed the law on it. But I know it got some prep, but it was beat up old faithful. So he puts race gas in it and then maybe two or three weeks later, we're in Disney, Oklahoma. And I've got my new year was we're talking about like living quarter res trailers and in that you've got $80,000 truck and another you know $60,000 ratio that's kind of where we were at at this point and I have this brand new living quarter race trailer all aluminum, nice fold out couch. This is a nice trailer pulled down the ramp. And it's got the you know, the the diamond, but not diamond plate but the plastic the rubber miles hammer drunk, does a burnout, like just holds it to the wood on the Old Faithful on my deck on the ramp and just burns a hole in the rubber in the floor. And he's yelling, you smell that? You smell that Shannon Campbell rice Dass right there. And you can't even be mad at that. Cannot be mad at that. Like, you almost want to like, cut, cut, like almost like a plaque side of having miles on it and then have Shannon sign it later on going, Hey, here you go. Like this is this is forever marked, right? Yeah. And don't get me wrong. I think I was on the ground laughing at this point. And there was a lot of people laughing because it was funny. But the next day I did absolutely want to kill him. And he's like, you know, miles at the next day. He's like, I'm sorry, buddy. I'm sorry. I just I shouldn't have done that. I got carried away. Just so what happened was so yeah, so you're running around with Weaver's and all sudden zarei. And then you cause kill can't wait to happen like oh seven had happened? oh eight had just happened. I think when this had gone down and then at that point, Dave opened up kind of the floodgates. Well, well, actually his backup Bigelow was this East Coast racer, he dug Bigelow, Douglas Bigelow, he's running around with all of us idiots. He'd gone out to K which he finished third says East Coast guy goes West, and he finished his third. And I think Shannon one Gosh, I don't know who came in second that year. But I know Bigelow was third because he was an East Coast that he comes back to zarei. And we're just like, Oh, well, wow, this is attainable. And then Dave, and it was Jeff no was involved. But Dave was the one doing the calls Dave basically sits down with Bender, Rob bender part because Rob bender Park is flying to every zarei race with doc Mercer. Ken Mercer into Dave is a bender. Rob Park is a bender. So he says, okay, who are these guys in zarei? East? Who are these guys? Who are the cool ones? Who should we invited to come out here and, and rescale Ah, and you know, most I think all of us got invited I think was what it came down to. And so we all this, you know, our motto this flotilla rolls out west. And, you know, kind of the rest is history. You know, X ray slowly met its demise as we went away from short course rock racing to long format. And now someone's calling to come on back. It's funny, you know, you think of how the roller coaster ride is what I call it, or if you want to say the times, you know, it was we rock was huge. And then it sort of faded out a little bit and zarei took off, because it just gave you more seat time. It's all about the seat time and the racer side. And then after zarei you know, then you had the king of the hammers, and it's even more seat time. And now it's funny because we rocks getting you know, we rock maybe come back, you know, I don't know, you know, you point towards Jesse Haynes at that one going, Hey, is this the guy that wrote, you know, we rock and rock crawling back and make make rock crawling? Great. Again, one of those? Yeah, I mean, I think he, he stayed with it, I'll give him credit. They're like, he definitely stayed with it. And now you're taught, you know, good B was on the, you know, the previous show. And, you know, he's a man, I just want to short course race, you know, the logistics on the endurance side. Like you have to have all these volunteers and safety doubles, triples, quadruples, on that side of it. And I've said for two or three years now, my man, somebody who's bringing zarei back, you know, like, let's get go back to, you know, where you put people up on the the hill and, you know, you don't have this $250,000 budget that you have to meet to go have fun, and get on the course again. So I don't know. You know, behind closed doors, I've poked at a couple of people going, Hey, man, if you don't do this, you're stupid. You know, like, come on, man. Let's bring it back. I don't like to shoot. I do. Like I said, I don't like shooting holes in stories or ideas. I do like shooting. I like playing devil's advocate. Straight up. Yeah, and everyone knows that about me. I will take the other side of that on XRP I don't at the time, the Oh 708090 10 timeframe. Our core is cost 20 to 40. Grand i mean, a $50,000, rock racer was very high end. Yes, I read in today, that same car is 150. and wanting to go beat on him the way we would beat on him in zarei to rebuild after, you know, you do four heats and your runtime would be three minutes, two minutes time for some, maybe you got 15 minutes of seat time that day that equal the whole rebuild. I mean, you were still fully nearly full prep in the car because you were banging the hell out of it. It was fast with a lot of bumps in the middle, I guess you could say yes, I agree with you there. I look at it in terms of, you know, can you put fans in the seats to give them a good show? And how many people would come out of retirement to run zarei? You know, you'd get in a car. He had the chance and he Oh, yeah, I think about it. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, that was that might come my demise was you vision and reading the bottoms of lips. You know, you're talking about you're reading the shadow. I realized there was some of those I kind of got really lucky on a couple times. You know, you read the 400 and you're going you're at a buck 10 and hey, that we might have might have should have been on fast shipping and faster. I don't know. But yeah. So I saw Kim Sears had a birthday this past week in what reminded me of was Stan Haynes shared on on Facebook, Kim Sears Happy birthday. A couple of pictures were from man, you got to correct me and you might know them. But I feel it was in Louisville, Kentucky. It was indoor it was an indoor race in Kentucky, Louisville, and I won't say it was like the freedom hall or independence all. And they had monster trucks in there. But we were like, basically the show it was zarei style. Inside of and we arena raced. It was freaking amazing. Yes. So Weaver was working with at the time. I don't remember who the promoter was doing the monster truck. But he was trying to integrate the rock racing into the monster truck as as having everybody came to the monster trucks. But he was trying to get the rock racing as a, like an opening act if you want to call it that. But yes, Kim was Kim Kim took place in that and that's the days of like rusty Bray, you know, he had the little single seater and that took out and Danny roar showed up and that needs a hoot you know, so it that would have been neat to see where it went. 100% I just me personally, I just I had dinner with Levi. He was in town for that Bronco super celebration or cemetery and I just looked at him I was like, man, I just want to see you and your dad get back in your single seat cars and just battle it out on a short course I yes get back in on and let's pull a lot of people out of retirement just to make this happen in those they still the surely still have those single seat cars surely don't sell anything. No, not at all ever. They're hoarders like they're like me, I don't sell anything. I need to I need to sell so much stuff and I'm out buying more just like that truck. I bought from JT that we were talking about meeting you up there. It's still a trailer. I've never been that net but think about Okay, so so just say what if right? Like if we're talking devil's advocate, then yes, a competitive car. On an zarei side. I don't know that you would touch 150 maybe you might remember we were on air shocks and then like we weren't by no bypasses there might have been coil overs involved on some folks at the very end. Yeah, towards the end. I remember in Oh, oh 808 I made the switch I took my I had a Mike coleville car a Motor City machine car and I converted to Oh our eyes and so I was one of the you know the first ones out proving and testing and destroying our eyes back in the early days of our eyes and then we realized we took them the king of the hammers and they were not a go fast shock but man they were really good in short stuff. I I'd written or eyes tomorrow if I knew I wasn't ever going to go try to run it through the whoops. Yeah, but I mean think about that, like the mud devil guys, right? Like Greg Stone and Travis Wofford. Yeah, like those guys that raised man. You know, I think you'd have some guys come out because you could add a certain point, you know with trail riding and that you could take a $50,000 $60,000 Trail rig and I think you can be competitive on a short course. You know that short course to me on like the zarei style was you pick the right line? Yeah, like a Derrick West. Derrick West was a machine yes on zarei. Like, smooth clean. Just did I mean did make mistakes. I mean, he was a machine. The only way you beat Derek zarei was because he had a mechanical. Yes. You didn't beat him because of the driver skill. I mean, and I remember showing up at km h o nine, and we were in outer limits, we're coming down outer limits, and we come around, you know, the rock wall or where we come around. And there's Derek off to the side. And I look at Kelly Kaiser You know, I'm like, oh, wow, we're gonna we're passing Derek like, this was a you know, Achievement unlocked. You know, you didn't pass. You weren't gonna pass Derek on course it just wasn't going to happen unless he'd had some problem and yeah, and still today. Yeah, bring X ray back bring make it great again. Great again. I mean, I think I think there's I think you could scrape together enough racers to pull that off I think with with COVID and it's made people refocus on what they're what they're doing and where the dollars are and not I'm not taking anything away from ultra for I think ultra forests still where it's at but I've often oft question why ultra for has a series I understand king of the hammers Absolutely. And I understand like an nationals like a secondary big big event. But as far as you know, running any series or running a web series from $1 cost perspective it seems like a lot of money with not a lot of upside from their standpoint for their organization versus doing it grassroots style you can get away with a lot more with a lot less loose kind of where I was going with that. Yeah, so I mean, there was discussions that I put out in front of Dave of let's cut it down to like a two or three race you know king of the hammer style let's have a here's your king of the hammers the beginning of the year have a mid mid year race and then have a nationals but then you know obviously Dave has done a great job at gaining partnerships and sponsorships to make ultra for happen like East Coast West Coast the Nationals king of the hammers maava was to take some of the sponsorship money and put it out to these grass roots like a good deal with nor cow like a big Ridge for dirt right? Yes, dirt right that's what Yes, like you know, and now it'd be like a pro rock or something like that, that that here's an here's local endurance racing that cuts down on the budget of a lever surely having to travel to Utah to whatever like here's your if you want to call it like a professional class, like go race some grassroots races get the experience theater, yes. The races like you've got to consider like guys that are that line up at King of the hammers on the 4400 day that have zero race experience and go against a Campbell Healy, these guys that that's their profession, they do that daily, and this guy that has no experience could ruin that for a Campbell or Healy. And they go back, the inexperienced racer just goes back home and says, You know, I tried that great, you know, for instance, and I don't know the car, I'm not going to try to call them out, but in Kentucky, 30 turtles, we were doing qualifying and the guy pulls up to the line. I'm like, okay, so there's your lights, you know, here you get yellow. You know, you got red, yellow, green, he goes, Okay, what's that mean? Like, okay, you don't you know, you know what a red flag is? on course, no. And I just bought this car and traveled in here and we're going racing, we're trying to get to King of the hammers. Okay, man, like how about you pull out a lawn real fast and let's have some discussions on you know, race or etiquette and, you know, safety and etc. And then we'll get you back in qualifying. Okay, sounds good. So that's what those grassroots feeder races are for man. I mean, it's, they make you a better racer. So Well, I mean, etiquette, etiquette and etiquette, and more etiquette and what's, what's allowable and what's not allowable, what's letter of the law, and what's spirit of the law and things along those lines. And, you know, like the, I want to, I don't want to use an example, but it's the one that's at the top of my head, there was a racer this year kayo, he ends up upside down on an obstacle. And he got driven on and it did a lot of damage to it was a mid engine car. So the exhaust is on the top in the back, that's down in a rock hole now and he's getting driven on and it's smashed some really nice exhaust. And man, nobody is happy about that. Nobody went on social and they're calling people out and then the people and it was very crazy to read the commentary. We're friends and family of this racer. That they are like, that's BS. You need that guy needs an ass whooping, you know, like, all these things, calling out the people and it wasn't one cars a couple cars drove over the guy and, and that, but that's what it is. I mean, when you leave the green, the green flag when you leave the start line, that's a possibility, right? If you break down in the line you can but you become a piece of the course. And that's our etiquette, right? That's our tribal knowledge of our event. Like that's what we have. And if you don't know that, and you haven't seen that, and you haven't been around that, then yeah, that's shocking. And when you see the public sees that and sees like, oh, why would I ever go take my if I ever got into racing, which I don't have the dollars for it, whatever that is, or where with all but I would never choose ultra for because they can ruin your car there. No, that's not it at all. Yeah, I agree. But it's it's this public. This public perception that I saw, I watched on an Instagram thread and I chimed in, I couldn't help myself. I should have stayed out of it. You know, no good deed goes unpunished. So I eat I eat nap, right? I get you know, someone's trying to pack my lunch for me. And like how what a bad person I am to say that Hey, man, that's what happens when you like no, really? Well, let's circle back a few months. And he that this driver and I we exchanged some notes and he's like, Man, I'm sorry. You know, I was like, dude, there's nothing to be sorry about like, that's, you were fresh. Out of the hammers. We're the week after the hammers. It was emotional. Right. You had your car? freakin you know, stop. I mean, I get it. Like it's, but you know, on the flip side, that's the responsibility you took when you left the green flag, man. Sorry, Nope. No one wants to wreck somebody else's car in the sport. Sorry. There's no intentional, like you said you become part of the course. And yeah, it's it's you just sort of you're the You're that guy at that moment. You know, we've all been there at some point. Some of us have some of us haven't. Maybe I don't know. I have. I mean, it's, you didn't Hey, go drive over it man. Like, like cailleach this year. It was a UTV race. That was it. Gomez. Marcus Gomez was given parts off of his to have Sarah price. They flipped? No, no, they did paper rock scissors. Something like Yeah, but that's that's the that's the you know, that's the spirit of the racing. And that's the family that we're all family of, Hey, you know, if you can take something from my car and go then, by all means, like I'm done, like, whether or not you're exhausted or the car's done yours, you're tired of working on it. Take whatever you want. That's the way I look at it is if you flip over in the middle of the course and you can't self recover. Then run it man like I I made that mistake. And unfortunately, I have to deal with, you know, my talent tank pump the hose. And now I'm hanging out. So yeah, I mean, it definitely sucks. But yeah, no, yeah, for sure. There's nothing positive about that. So he brought up the Sara price. Margot's Gomez thing and the guys that did the paper rock scissors was Terry Madden. And then you and I have a Terry Madden story. You in Mexico, right in a crew cabin. And a lot of this story hasn't been told by like a but I'm gonna tell you this is this is a story that makes men guys whatever look pretty bad. It makes me look even even worse. And this is why Jessi combs pretty much hated me. I'm not telling that story to tell him. Okay, good. You can verify it because I was in the backseat. You could tell the story. So there's a there's a everyone listening Yeah, this is this makes it appealing. You know? God What an asshole why it is no I text group with a bunch of guys and they don't know. They don't know Jesse and they don't know Terry or that. Actually, I take that back. Someone do know Terry and some actually do know Terry pretty well. And they were like, you know he? He'd been with Jessie not all that long. Six months. Maybe it wasn't a long time at this point. Yeah, it was new. Yeah, it was pretty new. And, and these guys like, you know, what's this about? And some of course, someone in the group is I wonder what she looks like naked basically like sin sin nudes. You know, she's, uh, you know, she's in the celebrity realm. And there's basically nudes exist of everyone on the planet is my my guess on the world. Like, it doesn't matter who you are. They're somebody has nudes of you somewhere. And if it's me, it's they're not good, right? I mean, you don't want to see this at all. But so these guys like, you know, like, oh, man, you know, they go do the Google search. Jessi combs nudes, you know, right. And nothing. And I go, I'll ask Terry, like, tongue in cheek, like laughing but I text him anyway. And you were in a crew. You're in a crew cab dodge. You're in the backseat. He's driving. She's in the passenger seat. You guys are in Mexico. And she's reading his text messages. Yes. So we're coming back from Nora. We're making our trip back north. And, you know, his phone starts just being ding ding and he's like, Hey, you know, like I'm on a two lane road. I don't want to, I don't want to run off. So just read whoever it says. And she pulls it up literally and it says, Oh, it's Wyatt, okay. And it says Terry, blah, blah, blah. I don't remember exactly the wording, but it's like, send nudes, send nudes. And she goes, who are you sending nudes of? And it comes through and says, of Jesse type of thing. And she goes, Oh, Terry wants nudes of me. Yeah, that's not happening at all, you know? And she just goes off and, and Terry's like, always, like, give me back my phone. And all I could do is laugh in the backseat. And then it comes into you know, Terry's trying to take pictures of Jesse in the truck next to us and I'm I'm in the backseat I actually take a picture of Terry and Jesse looking at your text and I send it to you on your phone saying I'm laughing in the back. Yeah, but the response I haven't gotten that yet. What I got was the selfie of her flipping flipping me off and he was in the truck and it's a middle finger and I'm thinking this is Terry sending me way lucky why you know like like, Oh, yeah. completely fair unreasonable request, you know? Well, yeah, that gives them like, haha, then and then you text me and you're like I'm in the backseat is not good in the front seat now in your name is done. See does not like you at all. Yeah, so it makes Deaf I'm definitely the dirt ball on that. But it was somewhat joking. But if there hadn't if they hadn't been in existence, and they got sent to me, I wouldn't looked at them. That's not right. Oh, man. world's gonna hear this. So um, you know, back in the day, Jesse was not a fan of Wyatt, because of one misstep. But he was a massive misstep. Like it was really fucking bad. I excuse my language for that's the only word for it. And well, it is what is but you were in the backseat. And you witnessed all this and you were a party to it. And you messaged me, like, gave me the inside scoop of what a Gundam and I'm like, yep. I'll give her a hug next time. And, you know, she might slap me but she's still gonna give me a big hug and, and laugh about it. You know? That's just her personality and her spirit, man. Like it just no matter what she always Hey, tell me what you what's new your way and big smile and big hug and, man. Yeah, yeah, like definitely miss that. That girl a lot. Yeah, huge, huge loss to the world man. just lost. But anyway, that story hadn't hadn't been told in a public space. I can only laugh. I mean, I can only laugh about it now. I mean, I wish he was still around and we could, you know, made amends and to talk about that, but is at this point, she was such an ass. We've got way off track here. You brought Terry and you know, I I was actually messaging with Terry today cuz it crossed my mind. You know, he said he was on that motorcycle. And you went to he set this record to drive a motorcycle with the largest American flag flown behind it. Or I don't remember the exact wording of it. But he did it right. He drove across one of the lake beds with a huge American flag strapped to a Harley. And my thought was, I never heard if that was official, like, was that an official record? And so I texted him and he came back. Yes. I have no idea if it got certified or not. He just didn't know. He hadn't worried about it. I was like, Okay, cool. Experience. No worries. I'm good. Yeah. Yeah. If I said something, I said something, but I did it. And that's all I needed. That's all I needed to know about it that I did it. So so. So anyway, we were talking about sorry, and how we need to bring that back but then you end up getting into ultra for like all the rest of us. And then you raced. I know you raised k like 12 I raised a couple years. Yeah, I think I started 1111 I went out with the Fredericksburg boys. It was like Mr. Langer Dini Yeah, langerhans and Shawn and that crew like I went out there with him. Just sort of check it out. 12 was my first race Mike seaward still, was he already still. He was already co driving for Carl. At that point, right, Mike? That works at Jimmy's now. He was co driving but the only Shawn ended up going to race show and when we Yes, we were pitting for him. And we were pitting for jack Childers. Oh, and we're not naming yours either. Yeah, so we were fitting for them. I mean, literally, we had our camper. You know, our pit was set up on like the start finish the straightaway to leave town right? That's, we were camping right there. It was amazing. You know, and it's funny that, you know, I go from that point to 1213 14 I raced and for some reason my car did not want to go past my ad at all. I don't know why it mile ad got me every single year around that at one Mark I was done. Then I co drove with Lindsay Siler, which is at the moment, Clay as well. Yeah, yes. So at the time it was the wife now it's an ex wife, but I co drove with her, and a UTV and then that I think that was 15 and then I co drove was rowdy and 15. And we finished it that year. It was his first time racing it and ended up finishing it. So there we go off on him a little bit ago. He I saw he ran for public office at one point and then I kind of never my funny rowdy story is when Wacker bought my car. He called me a day or two later and wanted one of the base basically a finder's fee like that he had he helped sell my car and wanted me to pay him for it. I'm like, I didn't you weren't even a part of this conversation. Like, like, I'm not talking to you about this at all. Well, apparently he was standing there. And I don't know. And I still to this day, don't know if he was joking. like messing with me or he was serious. I could not tell you. But it was, Hey, your car sold? I talked to walk her into it. You owe me money. And I couldn't tell if it was serious or joking. I still don't know. Oh, that rowdy such a good guy, man. Like, I randomly talk to him. It's really, it's really random. But He's, uh, he's that guy that I always say that he's that. He knows how to poke at people, I guess. And it just makes the stories funny. Same way with you. Like, if you catch if you're talking to somebody in conversation, you all are just that mindset. And I would call it witty enough to like you, if you sold a car, you'd be like, Hey, I'm gonna call and poke this guy and say, Hey, you owe me money cuz I just sold your car. I want a commission check off of it. Right? Like, yeah. Hey, Terry, can you can you go ahead and send me those of Jesse over this way? Like it's Same, same scenario. But yeah, he's a good guy, man. I mean, and he just, I think he just got it to where it got for the expenses, and the time away from home. And he just got to where he's like, man, I just wanna hang out with my family. And that's where he sold everything off. And he just, he's hanging out with his family. And I haven't talked to him in a while. And I feel bad for saying that. But he sold everything off and concentrated on business and taking care of family in general. So I'm envious of that later. And there's some days I'm even more envious than others. But yeah, I mean, I sold out. I've sold off road racing multiple times now. I'm a repeat quitter. Yeah, yeah, so yeah, good. Good, dude. So you raced away a couple times. And then in 16, that's where we go sailing. I go to the BVI. now know the leewards of the wind words. Which islands did we get to? We went to some islands with you remember? Yeah, it was it was the ultra five trip? Yeah. I remember november of 16. I just I just started working for Dave and 16. And and they did that ultra five trip and man what a What a crazy time that was of dinghy boat racing and flags getting sailed in. Like Yeah, dead chickens or stealin boats and yeah, weird water balloon fights sailing down the coast or whatever. Like, yeah, it was a good time That day we were on and guila and we all got we all rented four wheelers. And we're just like that we're like a motorcycle get you know, like you see like is the streets of Philadelphia like the where they call those boys the something other boys that the ride dirt bikes and four wheelers up and down the streets in the ghetto, like the like riders or something like that. But that's a middle aged white riding four wheelers from from coast to coast because Terry was using lead nav to get us around the whole island. History and well now we're we're at the end of the island. Let's go to the other end again. Yeah, so we're bar hopping around the island of Anguilla and we went down to down some some road and I see this dead chicken. Right dead chicken. And I'm making mental note. I'm like, man, if we come back by here, I'm gonna stop and grab that dead chicken stashed on Terry's boat. Like that's where this dead chick was gonna go. Well, we ended up coming back by there like three hours later I stopped I get that chicken I'm like well with what am I gonna put this dead chickens on the seat of the four wheel ATV pops up. There's the airbox I shipped this chicken in mind you right we've been drinking for four or five hours right? You know it's been all day. I mean, that's what we're doing. We get back to the boat. I got this dead chicken. I've got it in a baggie and then I threw it into the hanging off the back of the catamarans were these barbecue pits. These chrome barbecue pits I Throw it in there. And my thought is that night we're gonna swim over and dive down and duct tape it or zip tie its neck to the anchor. Right to the right because we were, we were anchored up we weren't on there but one on a buoy. And so when they pull this thing up this dead chickens Can I come up on the anchor chain when they pull it up? That's my plan. Only we drink too much that night I forget to do it and the thing stays in the in the barbecue. And the next day we do that the race to where do we raise to St. Barts we raised Mark Yes. raised to St. Barts, and we're about, I don't know half halfway to St. Barts. Dave, Dave Dave's driving at this point, and the wives are down there, you know, hanging out in the galley area, and they get with this dead animal. The hell is that smell? And then they figure it out. And they're like, I get yelled at and they realize we have this dead chicken. All the guys knew we had the dead chicken. We gave the dead chicken a C burial so it never ended up on Terry's boat. Plan ruined plan absolutely ruined. But man, that was a good that was really the first time I'd hung out with you like I knew who you were, but hanging out with you. And then. So then your girlfriend from Austin Lindsay. She was on there and she was so sweet. And then we just ripped it partied and had Domino's that's probably one of the best vacations I've had with with buddies. Like that was a dad, the Whig Party going there's some pictures of that of us floating around there somewhere. I don't know where those came from. But yeah, I mean, there's a party every night. So there's always always good pictures. But yeah, the without party, you know, the tribe crew. Adam shear? Well, I think it's mostly curious. I feel like she's the planner. So she carries around the bags of wigs and they get pulled out at the beach or will anywhere. And they'll have that night where what do we do we we wig out? Yep. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. That was a good trip that we definitely need to bring that on back. Well, we've done it a couple times since but it just never matched up to that first one. You know, one year the water was real cold The next year, there been a hurricane have gone through there and really muddied everything up. We went back with a group in August couple years ago. And it was summertime. It wasn't winter time. And it was good. Don't you're wrong. It was good. But we only had two boats. But it wasn't the same trip. Yeah. So I mean, we were literally five boats. And we were like pirates. Every night. Somebody was something was happening to somebody every night and then JT was on that trip, but we didn't see him for like three days because he was sick. air quotes. I'm putting air quotes. He was seasick. When he was seasick. Yeah. JT, give that guy a hard time. I love him so much, though. I texted him yesterday, just a mess with him. Just Good morning, JT. And then, I don't know, three hours later, he responds back with like, a or something like that. I was like, like, or Hey, what's up? I was like, Oh, I was just thinking about you. You're like, I'm done. Yeah. All the good stuff, all the fun stuff. So man, so we're talking about you working for today, you're working for john deere, commercial equipment, and you're you're selling stuff. And I was gonna bring up you because I talked to Josh West about this, like, you know, he does proper tuning and he's tuning racecars and motors and stuff. And john deere has been on the forefront of locking down all of their proprietary like all there. If it's electrical, its proprietary. And so it's really hard to diagnose. It's really hard to get worked on, you got to haul him in. Tell me about that. Give us the insider scoop on where you're at on that, because obviously, I'm in your employee. So you're gonna give me the now that's on the ag side, right? Yeah. So my question is the same for the construction, the construction side. So they have it's a it's a link system, right that any particular machine can actually if there's a check engine light, if there is anything that comes on that, that codes out. And it's pretty neat system because the the owner of the machine will actually get an email saying, Hey, your machine just coded for whatever it was. And our service department gets an email for that with the same message. So what it was a goal is is to save on that, that Tom, I'm going to check machine out and diagnose it and then come back to the shop for parts so that they okay coded for, you know, a sensor. So they take that sensor with them to that machine, get it fixed. And then obviously that that saves the customer some money and some time and we can get on to the next job. I don't know that they've gone to the fact on the construction side of locking people out of the machines because it's there's still bigger shops out there that can get into That side of it and diagnose it some, I think the new technology out maybe, because I've had some conversations with some of the larger, you know, construction people that have a, you know, this machine particular we've been reading that it has a, b and c and you have to have this particular diagnostic tool to get into it. Or you have to have the software like, hey, I've got I've got the tool, but I don't have the software. So then you get them signed up on software, and they can get into their own machine. Okay. I liked I liked the john deere equipment. I was behind a brand new skid steer this weekend. I was like, Man, that's a that's a clean machine. It is it is I've always played in the dirt. So this is sort of just enhancing that side of it. But I will say that I missed the family and I'm Miss ultra for a lot. I definitely miss that crew Miss hanging out with JT and the the people at night. You know, you, you sort of wind down and you recap your day and get some good laughs out of the past but I definitely miss all forker Oh, the family. Yeah. My next line of questions is around what you've kind of been doing since you know, once you you walked away from ultra for a little over a year ago. You're in Tennessee, I think you bought some land, you had some some plans for doing some tours or something along those lines. Walk me through that. Tell me about Didn't you buy it was at a two and a half ton or a five ton that we were talking about because you reached out to me about military stuff. I bought a five ton truck thinking that I was going to bring people in the back of the five ton truck to the property and they could go camping or mountain biking or whatever they wanted. And then the first trail I took it up. It was like, you know, a five ton truck obviously is huge. On this side of the mountain. It's like, yeah, this isn't going to work. Like I'm, I'm trying to put 100 pounds of just a truck or what it would be 30,000 pounds of a truck into a five pound box. So yeah, like, I'm driving down the trails. And here's trees that I'm knocking down and pushing over. And they're hitting me in the face. And I'm like, this is stupid. Like, why am I doing this again, and we ended up selling that truck off like it was a good solid truck loved it, but it just wasn't functioning correctly or what we wanted to do so. But yeah, I mean, in the in the meantime, after leaving ultra for it, you know, me and some business partners, we ended up buying about 300 acres on the side of this mountain that touch almost probably 40,000 acres of National Forest that's great Smokies know that so we're east of that it'd be the Appalachian Mountain chain or our mountains like they go up the coast. It'd be inside of that. But Johnson City is doing a very good job now at trying to get people to outdoor recreate, you know, here is a mountain bike parks and here's whitewater rafting in the area. And we're trying to work with the local community. And, you know, hey, here's, here's a park that we want to bring a family atmosphere to and you know, you think of K and H and everybody gets around the campfire at night. So we want to do something like that, like, hey, on Saturday nights at seven o'clock, there's going to be a fire if you're from Florida, Alabama, California, whatever, if you're on this property, then coming out of the fire and kit get to know everybody on the mountain, but it's not going to be a free for all it's going to be more of a limited, you know, crowd of if there's 50 vehicles on it, then, hey, there's 50 vehicles on the mountain for right now. If we can work with forestry, and we can work with the counties to open up the public land, you know that that we pay taxes on and get 40,000 acres of rotting? Yes, by all means let's, let's rock and roll and teach people and at the end of the day, just get people back outside and get interacting get them away from screens. Right. So I don't know. We'll see. We'll see what what comes with that. You know, it's one of those hey, here's a needless pitch of anybody that wants to get involved sponsor was like, call me let's do something in especially like you just got approval. I mean, the President yesterday spoke about you guys that to you know, outside outside you don't need a mask anymore. And they were specifically talking about you Jeremy and come inside to your park outside of Johnson City, Tennessee, and recreate you don't need a mask at your park at all, you know come hang out. No, I mean I love the idea I love where you guys are going with it in based on where you guys can draw your crowd from in that part of the world. I think you guys shouldn't have trouble doing a family oriented almost jeeping dude ranch. Yeah, yeah, like but put some kind of outdoor concert area where some people come in and play play music and enjoy it. You just sit down and have a good time. You know, less stress and loves now right? low key acoustic sessions. Yes. Yes, we'll get we'll get Lance Gilbert up there at some point and get him to jam out. That dude can rock but he will not get on stage and I don't know why he can play the guitar and sing but he just he won't get him. I'm calling you out, Lance. You're gonna you're gonna be on stage soon. We'll put him up at Keio. Ah, well, you know, I talked to my coworker about it, you know, he me, I need to get him on. I mean, I've known Lance since way, you know, way early in the PSC days, and this is all new information. I didn't know he saying he didn't know he played a guitar. I've never. If you sit down and talk to one person about music bands, their original roots like he is a machine like, oh, Pearl Jam. Oh, yeah. Pearl Jam came from Soundgarden and temple, the dog and blah, blah, blah. And he goes back to there like 10 years old. Like he knows all of that music music genre. Like, like, how do you know this? He goes, I like music. Okay. Yeah, like, but yes, just a Dictionary of Music and where they came from. So I always go to him. Every time I need something new to listen to. I go to him and say hey, you know like, what do you got new for me and he'll shoot me some new bands and new stuff to listen to? Well, since you got away from ultra for you haven't stopped wheeling. You've got a you've got a pretty sweet, really sweet ass j 10. truck that military. Talk to me about that thing. rooftop tent. I ended up so I committed to Adam shear and Clarissa called me randomly one night, Adam called me sent me a picture at the same time. of Hey, man, I just signed up for the red clay rally. And the red clay rally that I know Zach very well. And I was like, Yeah, I know that guy, man like it, we can go run that that's a fun time. And I committed to it, I had the plans of building like a more of a Lexus g i had a Gx 470 that I put a you know, kit on and and I took it willing a couple times. And man, it was just too nice of a rig to do anything with it and ended up selling it off. And it was getting closer and closer to the time of going to red clay and I was sort of flipping out because it's like, man, I told Adam and Clarissa, you know, I'm doing this and I'm gonna have to back out what's going on. So I thought about it, and I can't I called Tom Allen, PSC. And I was like, Hey, man, you still have this truck? Oh, yeah, man, it's sitting in a barn. Do you have any interest in selling that truck? I don't know. Maybe let me call you back. And he called him back. And we I went down and drove it and we worked a deal out. And I brought it back up here and did you know basically just a nut bolt check on it and change fluids. And we built a rack back here. And the back of the shop and BSE era. VFE tents, loose arrow, man, he he's like, man, check my 10 out and we threw it back there. And it was a good fit. And we went and ran the red clay rally and we use Adam and I we sat up here the night before and had all the GPS download and was like, where are we taking this serious? Like, are we really gonna do this time distance speed and, and calculate all this? And we're like, now what is what is run the GPS, we don't care if we want to stop and eat somewhere by the side of the road. We're just gonna stop and eat or whatever we want to do. It's just gonna be a good time. And we ended up like 11th 12th like out of 150 teams, just like a man. We're just going to. We're here to party. Right number number one rule number one rule to party. And you win. And then you kind of almost one right? Yeah, I mean it so that in turn, Adam gets back and he goes, man, I want to build I want to build like a like a cheap stir. I was like doing this. Yeah, I got a, you know, like I've got I've got a tub and I've got all kinds of spare parts. Let's make this happen. And I took a trip down there and just threw a bunch of parts off at Trump. And now you see the full jeepster build or jeepster bill going on. And man, he's just he's on another level like he does. He makes stuff happen. And October of this year, we'll end up doing the red clay rally again, I'm I'm trying to call some people out. You know, I've called a Josh out with off the grid. See if he'll come hang out with us. And I just called Matt Hale out, see if he'll, he'll come out and you come on out. Let's do the rally. I can't even spell red or clay. Let's do the rally man. It's it's 800 miles over three days. And you you you start in Kentucky and you end up in West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, and it's on an off road and it's a good time. That does sound like fun. We're kind of finding information on that. Is there a website red, red, red clay rally calm? So I think this year he's doing a little different. I talked to him the other day where instead of having to sort of pack up every single day and being in different locations. He's having like a base camp. And why? Yeah, like so you you can tell there and then you just you go out out every day and you complete your course and then you come back and you can have camp set up and established instead of having to pack it up every single morning and, you know, unpack it every night. So it's a it's a neat concept, man. I like it a lot. And there's teams from Venezuela that shipping cars to do this red clay rally. Man, I'm looking I'm actually on their website now. 600 miles of Appalachia. Yeah, I don't see pictures of us so this can't be real. I think you guys fake your pictures. Nevermind found you. Wow. Nexus plates even Yeah, I'm running Texas plates on the Texas truck Come on. And there's Clarissa and Lindsey Oh, wow. Yeah. Okay, guys, that is a good looking truck though. Man. I will say that putting it I put some Hutchinson bead locks on it and some middos and again, I just did a nut bolt on it and put the bfhi tent and you can do 7080 mile an hour down the road because it's got an it's got an eight one you know fuel injected motor in it for lady Atlas tun Oh, so it's built pretty nice. I'm sitting here thinking that the Sultan of a beater you're actually you know, vintage on this thing? No, no, you're no it Tom did it right. I mean, it was on like the 2008 Ultimate Adventure. I think it was oh 80708 it's got a sticker on it. But he took it on Ultimate Adventure and rocked it out there and he dropped that big motor in it and and I picked it up I was I was lucky man like Matthau as soon as I got it, he calls me because I didn't even know that was for sale. Like I'm I'm pretty pissed at you right now that you ended up with that. Like you will you sell it to me and I was like, I don't know how much you give me. It's like, yeah, everything's for sale. And he's like, No, no, no, I know you. So no, no, no, no, no, like, come on, Matt. If you I'm bad. Do you want it? But yeah, it is. Yeah, it's it's a it's a fun truck. I mean, it's a very fun truck. I'm honestly probably gonna order a fiberglass hardtop for it and start driving it around in the winter. What's next for you, man? I don't know that you know that you can't stay away. That's why I've got you on here is because you're running around. You're running around with Clyde NSR SRS. You've talked to me about you know, maybe having some bouncers interviewing some bouncers on the show. That's kind of not my genre. It's not my jam. I know Timmy Cameron. That's the guy now, outside of that I don't maybe I need to get a guest host that knows that world. And then has those guys on and they can be you know, talent tanked bouncers? I don't I don't know what that looks like, but you asked me about it. I'm sure you've heard Bobby Tanner. Oh, yeah. Yeah, so I mean, that that's that side of it. And you know, it's, it's funny, whenever you called and asked about this, like, I went all the way back to the teleco days, like whenever teleco was open, and you could go down there. And I remember there was a what I would call a bouncer now was there was a guy named bud and that's the only reason why I just remember him but but he had the Rockwell's on 50 fours and man he just didn't care he's just this older dude. And and that's where I said that's where rock bouncing started was with bud at teleco and then obviously you get into Timmy doing the fat girl Willie and you know mad ramble, Evan Cole, surely, you know it takes off from there and then you you throw into the some of the crazy coal works, design buggies that just you know, the the time on those and I don't know, like some of that stuff's crazy. And then Adam Woodley. Yeah, like that, again, another mind of his own and, and I literally remember seeing that blower buggy. And he was driving it. And I think Stan Haynes was with him. I was like, Hey, this is just a work of art. You know, like the time and effort and what you comes out of your head is, it's amazing. So yeah, and then what do you have is redneck rocket ship now and and, you know, unfortunately, what happened to Wes but man, I was I was looking forward to seeing Wes put on a show this year because that that day is just insane. He'll climb anything along with all those guys. Have you heard any updates on Wes? I haven't. So his mom has been putting the updates up the most. And the last one she's doing daily updates. Last thing I heard was he was breathing on his own. They're still changing out dressings and stuff, but he's doing a lot better. I mean, he is he's obviously he's conscious. And they said that that she the last update was he gets aggravated when they start moving around a little bit, but you know it he's doing he's doing a lot better. Yes. Okay, that's damn good to hear. Such just a heartbreaker to have seen that happen. Yep. But I mean, future wise. I don't know. Like, I got to race in the Baja 1000 this past year with JT I was navigating for him right and pat Sam's truck man that that whole that that Wilson crew, Tim Wilson, Jeff and all those guys. They took care of us and I would definitely do that again. All right like yeah I want to go back to that that right seat and go racing you know the wF o crew you know I put on your list that I would like to get in the driver's seat and go racing bucket list races but the more I thought about it man I like going back to the family side like I'd rather getting in a trail rig and get a big group of people together and once a year like just go well somewhere if it's hot springs Arkansas if it's wherever like take big trips like that you just go hang out and and relax because we you know all of us work so hard during the day that you know you take you throw racing in on top of that and that's that's even more stressful sometimes than just general day to day you know lay it down and absolutely I think I'd go back to trail riding and hanging out in the woods with friends least looking Yeah exactly. Yeah man the the racing kind of I was never a crawler I've gone you know gone wheelin and Clayton and gone your Green Acres and you to Disney and I've gone to Ryan new wolf caves and some of the stuff here around Texas I've done it it is not my thing like I just have no interest like I get there now my friends are there and we're drinking beer yeah man I've no other place in the world I'd rather be but yeah, but if we're gonna do this like why don't we do it at a lake on a boat you know and not rotate you know run why not rotated it's a let's let's go let's go sailing or go to the you know Virgin Islands during the winter and you know just come spring let's go We'll and somewhere and then yeah, let's let's hit Jean. Let's grandfather Tom. Let's go see Jean and have a su you know, like let's go out there on the lake. Right. Ah, you know, it's something we need to figure figure it out though. But yeah. I don't know. It seems like you know, you guys usually don't have kids. But you know, my kids are you know, it's every other weekend is a baseball tournament. And then we've got horses. My daughter got stepped on by her horse last night. The first time ever stepped right on her foot. And she's 10 years old. First time. It was bad. But then this morning it was arguments about wearing tennis shoes to school because the how bad or foot hurt it was swollen. Oh wow. Little kids where we talk about horses earlier. Sorry. I had to get that. But that's where we're at it. It's just it's hard. Tiffany you know my wife. It's hard to get away for any time when you don't have to they're not old enough to be self sufficient. But they're old enough that nobody wants to come in. Kids they ruin everything right? Yeah. Totally worth it but then you know so we've got a few got a few more years before we get you know a lot of freedom but anyway off that said you don't want to run them linger on. Alright, man, as we close this out. I've got a question for you. Send it what are your three favorite songs? Oh, man, I heard this you could be this and I was like, Man, I'm gonna get ready for this and I completely forgot about it. But I don't know that like, man I'm pretty pretty random on music because the lance I don't know that I have songs and necessarily like Austin I will say open my eyes a lot. Because you could go see bands whenever you want it to for 20 bucks down there. Right. And still can an amazing Yeah, amazing. Yes. So I would lean towards like more bands in general like in my playlist right now. I'm on like, if I need something to get beat, you know, like beat me up a little bit and get energized then. Probably going to go towards like Incubus. Just like, a lot of their songs. If I'm sort of mellow. I went saw a band and Asheville, North Carolina, like, they're called Mountjoy. I don't know why, but that just their whole two three albums of theirs. Love them. And then there's a band out of Austin. That is called the Wheeler brothers. They're not a band anymore like that. They actually went into construction side and but the Wheeler brothers I liked them a lot. Growing up it was always Pearl Jam. You know that side of it. I never got into rap a lot. I just wasn't there. Texas country Sign me up like the bob Snyder's that not necessarily Texas country, but he's just that that Texas guy and give me some sturgill Simpson. You know that side? Yes. I'm good with that. I'm currently I'm on a there's a girl. I think I will say she's out of maybe Stephenville Texas somewhere in that part of the world. You know, like, if it is Steven Ville, I'm right. I think that's the where she went to school at. You know, that's where like Ty Murray, where his ranch is, you know, time where he was married to jewel. This girl's name is Kat AC, Katie hasty, h A, S t y and I call When I heard maybe a week ago ish on on amazon music it It showed her music to me, I'm listening. I'm like, this is pretty good. Some of her songs are, you know, guy hate songs, you know, similar to like Taylor Swift. Or like, guy. So some of them I'm like, yeah, I'm out on this, but I like her voice and I like, you know, she's got good, good beaten tone. But then I read an interview because I'm like, okay, who is this? Who is this girl and when we're interviews, she basically says, If you guys knew who a lot of my songs are about the guy that it's about, you guys would make fun of me and never listen to it again. I I'm an idiot, this guy, he's not song worthy. And I wrote all these songs and now they're good and well I found that to be funny that you know, she wrote a bunch of songs to help get her through bad times. And turns out everyone kind of likes them because they can associate with them. But that's not wireless. I just think she has a really good voice and she's had some fun stuff but Okay, so so let's go i mean it's it's it's one of that like, I grew up and I mean we were ever we're on songs like good to be said it just depending on where you're at and what you're doing and in the place where you're at mentally like if you're well he says he doesn't listen to it while you're driving down the road. I bounce back and forth between like I listened to podcasts in the morning like news stuff finance stuff for business i've i've listened to some along those lines and then my commutes long enough that when that ends this there's a couple of shows I listened to their own like about the 30 to 40 minute range and then I got another 20 minutes I kind of music out for that last 20 but then coming home I'm either on the phone with guys like you or give me your I'm talking to people I've or business meetings. I will talk on the phone all the way home but if I'm not then I'll turn it on. And it's on Texas country. That's it and and that was born on the ranch. That came right that came up right on Facebook the other day. Where was that sticker at somebody stick? Somebody's sticker at a door somewhere. Oh, it was the Rufus racing crew. It was at the Rufus grill. It was all the stickers on the door and one of the stickers on the door was 94 or five the ranch and I'm like, I have the app I have that app in my phone because for the longest time well in Houston granted it is Texas. We didn't have Texas music on the radio. Well now we have our it's on the HD channels. So the country station has HD one and Hd 283 was on the HD three of both of the country channels. But my prerunner doesn't have HD Radio. So I get that and you realize what you just said my pre runner doesn't have HD Radio not free runner. Such a hard line. I did buy commuter I have a commuter car right now but but now I was coming out drive that thing 100 miles a day round trip and that frickin truck is still on 40 inch NATO's six two liter all the travel there's nothing funner than that thing in process. I call it processing traffic. It's fun. You're five lanes wide of traffic and you just processes you just process as fast as you know. Everyone's wrong. I mean, yeah, yeah, the speed limit 65 but I mean that's a that's an idea. That's that's Yeah, everyone you know in Texas it's again five lanes wide six lanes wide some places and you're everyone's going at and so you just go at seven or eight and you just you weave you just process and then you get mad at yourself when you process a bad lane and you lose a spot or two or three or 10 and you're then you're just cussing at yourself like damn I knew better than to get behind the silver import I thought I knew silver imports bad and I still pulled up behind it and they give you like the Cody Cody Wagner He always gets behind the Prius Get out of the way that's no we have the left lane it didn't even have their you're pressing more these people all over the country though you can be doesn't matter if you're West Texas, where it's the 90 you know like we're you're rolling now there'll be somebody just parked in the left lane just Yep. Driving speed limit. Yeah. What is this? anyway? Well, hey, as we're I'm done with you, but we could go on for hours. I know that we accomp I don't know that we checked anything off of your list that you sent me to pre pre game this one right? It's like oh, let's talk for a while. Oh, we did. We told a ton of great stories. It wasn't scripted. It was and I love catching up with you. But was there anything that we missed that you wanted to make sure absolutely off the bottom of your heart and the top of your head that you wanted to get out there and that we didn't cover? I think I'm good Honestly, I mean, we covered about everything. I mean it's it's your questions are good. They made me think a little bit you know, it definitely made me miss ultra for but at the same time, you know that The one question that got me was there was, what was the hardest lesson? I think was one of your questions that you've learned in life. Is that right? Maybe, you know, it's not good to divulge my questionnaire I'm joking. I think that was one of your questions. But you know, like, for anybody out there that needs to hear it itself worse, you know, you like determine what your value is to the people around you and don't ever lower yourself to whatever just to make people happy keep keep your standard high and always do the right thing and value what you have to give to everybody around you. That's what I'll leave with. So self worth Oh, those are those are Words To Live By. Absolutely. So yeah. Well Jeremy thank you for thank you for being a good friend thank you for you know, the all the years that you worked at ultra for and all the courses you helped build all the events you helped put on and, and maybe making memories for everyone that listens to this show and in our genre and helping build the genre and then continuing on with what you're you've got going with SRS Clyde man, glad to know you and rock sports. You're one of my you're one of my favorite people that Hang Hang out with and drink beer I drink fireball with as well. Although, thanks for putting me on podcast, right like I always drove down the road either talking on the phone or listening to music now. Now started listening to podcast and gotten, you know, went down that rabbit hole. But it's good. It's education. And then now you don't have JT hanging this over you right because JT took your spot originally back in Episode 15. Something like that. Set up on Yeah, I remember agreeing to coming on and then I ended up bouncing out of ultra for and JT took my spot. Yeah. And he was supposed to be episode, I believe seven and then we recorded it. And you know, it was it just wasn't. It wasn't a good interview. It was he was in a different place. You know, we just lost Jessi combs speaking about her in so we scratched it right when we did it again. And it was so much better. But uh, yeah, it shouldn't be in your spot. And so here we go. You know, it took us a little while to get back to you, but I'm glad to have had you on man. Thank you. Appreciate it. Yeah, I you know, great. Alright everybody. I hope you enjoyed it. I enjoyed it. And on that note, we're out.
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