The Dylan Kohlstadt Show

S04 E02 | Marketing and Tech with Nikki Cockcroft

August 04, 2020 Dylan Kohlstadt Season 4 Episode 2

AskDK Show - Season 4 - In the second episode of season 4 I interview Nikki Cockcroft,  

Global Chief Marketing and Technology Officer at Virgin Active. 

We talk about Marketing, IT and how the two interlink. We also discuss Re-thinking your Marketing Strategy, dealing with corporate life and answer burning questions like; Is Traditional Marketing Dead? What are the skills gaps in digital marketing? How to become a successful marketing manager and how to define digital marketing in your own way. 

You can reach Nikki on Linkedin here:

In season 4 we interview top marketing managers and thought leaders who can inspire others in the industry.

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Dylan Kohlstadt has over 20 years of marketing and digital management experience in gaming, insurance, financial and property industries and can be considered a subject matter expert on all things digital. She has extensive local and international experience (South Africa, UK, and Australia), and has managed global and national brands in multiple languages and countries. Dylan has an IMM in Marketing as well as an MBA. She’s married and a mother of two young girls, and is the CEO and Founder of Shift ONE Digital, the Digital Marketing Academy and Check out my businesses! Shift ONE will do the work for you. Digital Marketing Academy will teach and train you on how to do it yourself. And Dylan Kohlstadt (that's me) can coach and mentor you and help you work out your strategy.

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