Inspiring Living with Mark Candelaria

Inspiring Scottsdale Arts with Gerd Wuestemann

Mark Candelaria Season 2 Episode 41

This episode features Dr. Gerd Wuestemann, President & CEO of Scottsdale Arts. I joined the Board for Scottsdale Arts about 6 months ago and that's when I first met Gerd and experienced his passion and vision for the arts firsthand.

After getting to know him better through prepping for this podcast, I cannot wait to learn more about his fascinating life story, starting in Germany as a Classical guitarist touring the world at an early age. In his mid/late 30’s tragedy forced him on another path where he built an academic career as professor of guitar studies at U of Louisiana. After that he launched two successful companies before starting a career in arts administration and eventually becoming the President & CEO of Scottsdale Arts as we know him today.

Gerd will also tell us all about Scottsdale Arts and its various branches, the importance of the organization in the community, the challenges of the past pandemic years, the improvements and visions for the future of Scottsdale Arts and all the exciting performances, events, etc. coming up this year!

Visit our Podcast Page to see renderings of the new Civic Center Performing Arts Center in downtown Scottsdale, as well as photos from all our past podcast guests and topics!