Non-Stop Rock Talk with Tyson Briden

Season 1 - Episode 17 - Darren Michael Boyd - Guitarist - Solo Artist, Famous Underground, Creeping Beauty

Darren Michael Boyd - Guitarist - Solo Artist, Famous Underground, Creeping Beauty Season 1 Episode 17

Guitarist Darren Boyd joins Non-Stop Rock Talk to discuss his thinking behind his instrumental solo album "Lifting The Curse". Darren also talks of working in Famous Underground with powerhouse vocalist Nicholas Walsh and of course it wouldn't be Non-Stop Rock Talk if there wasn't talk about The Pepsi Power Hour, Quiet Riot and many other things that molded and influenced Darren as an artist. Sit back kids, although schools out, and Alice did say, "We've got no class and we've got no principles", there is still a good chance that you may be forced to rot in detention before you will rock with Non-Stop Rock Talk!!!