Book Club Reporter Book Reviews

My Way To You - Creek Canyon Book 1 - Book Review Podcast

April 05, 2020 Laura Jay Season 2 Episode 15

My Way To You - Creek Canyon Book 1 - Author: Catherine Bybee

Book Club Reporter - Book Review

 My Way To You is the spectacular beginning of a new book series by Catherine Bybee, Creek Canyon, Book 1. This book is a women’s fiction novel about college age, Parker Sinclair. A devastating wildfire wreaks ruin upon her family’s land. And the passing of their parents, has left Parker to take on the responsibility of raising her younger siblings.  


My Way To You is a fascinating novel highlighting the inner strength of a young woman who leaves college in order to raise her younger siblings and manage her parents’ property. This is also the captivating story of a young woman’s inner strength, in the face of seemingly unsurmountable obstacles, to accomplish more than she ever dreamed. To paraphrase from the publisher’s description: “The last thing Parker needs is a mudslide destroying everything she has worked so hard to maintain.”


Parker has her work set out for her. As the reader, we are gripped by Parker’s admirable determination to succeed. But soon we are dismayed Parker’s obstinacy might be her undoing, as she is steadfast in her ways. Colin Hudson, the public works supervisor, tries diligently to lend a hand to Parker. Yet, she is distrustful and doesn’t make it easy for Parker to help her.  


My Way To You is an absorbing story of a young woman’s determination to succeed. However, the story of Parker also brings something important to the forefront. There are times when accepting help from others, may be the wrong thing to do. However, sometimes it is the only right thing to do. And knowing the difference is essential, if not crucial.


I highly recommend My Way to You as a fabulous women’s fiction novel. I am greatly looking forward to the next book in this series.

For the full book review and/or to buy the book:  Click here

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