Book Club Reporter Book Reviews

Maurice Benard Book Review Podcast - Nothing General About It

Laura Jay Season 2 Episode 19

Shocking Tell-All  Instant New York Times Bestseller!~

Nothing General About It How Love And Lithium Saved My Life

  • Nothing General About It - How Love (And Lithium) Saved Me On And Off General Hospital written by daytime TV General Hospital star, Maurice Benard. 
  • Maurice is a wildly popular daytime star of General Hospital. He portrays the character of Sonny Corinthos, who suffers from manic-depression.
  • Emmy Winning General Hospital star Maurice Benard has written a shocking tell-all 
  • Instant New York Times Bestseller!
  • In his emotional account of his life, Maurice Benard, offers intelligent insight into the struggles that come with mental illness. In this poignant memoir, Nothing General About It How Love (And Lithium) Saved Me On And Off General Hospital, Maurice brings not just honesty, but the cold hard facts about living with bi-polar disorder. And to his credit, Maurice also provides useful, if not, critical mental illness facts and contact information for those who may be struggling.

Mr. Benard also stars in the movie: The Ghost and the Whale,  which I believe is available for streaming. The Ghost and the Whale, is a powerful story in which Maurice portrays the main character, who suffers from bi-polar disorder and whose life is in utter disarray. However, as it turns out in real life, Maurice has lived his own personal life battling bi-polar disorder.

 Note from Laura Jay:

Buy the Book & Get the Audiobook Too...Here's why:

I can tell you from my own personal experience, listening to Maurice tell his story in his own relaxed voice is amazing! You will feel as though he is speaking to the listener as a friend. All of his emotions are there. Maurice recounts his heartfelt reactions to life events, including several deaths of loved ones and friends. However, Maurice also cheerfully shares some funny and entertaining stories of his life. As you listen, you will hear the tone of his emotional and heart-felt feelings.”  

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Book Club Reporter Book Review Podcast - Transcript - Nothing General About It - Maurice Benard


Intro: Duration: (00:11)

 Hello gentle readers. Welcome to Book Club Reporter Book 

Reviews Podcast. I’m your host and Book Club Reporter, Laura Jay. This season two, episode nineteen. 


 Book/Author: (00:12)

  Today I will talk about, Nothing General About It - How Love (And Lithium) Saved Me On And Off General Hospital) written by daytime TV General Hospital super star, Maurice Benard.


About Book Club Reporter: Duration: (00:25-00:42)

 And before we get started, be sure to read all my book reviews, book news, book club reading lists and more at And you can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. Just take a look at the show notes for this podcast for all the info and links.


Invitation to Listen: (00:43)

But, right now I invite you to relax and enjoy my book review of:  Nothing General About It How Love (And Lithium) Saved Me On And Off General Hospital. 


About Author: (00:54)     

Emmy Winning General Hospital star Maurice Benard has written a shocking tell-all instant New York Times Bestseller.  In his emotional account of this life, Maurice Benard, offers intelligent insight into the struggles that come with mental illness.


Book Review: (01:12)

 In this poignant memoir, Nothing General About It How Love (And Lithium) Saved Me On And Off General Hospital, Maurice brings not just honesty, but the cold hard facts about living with bi-polar disorder. And to his credit, Maurice also provides useful, if not, critical mental illness facts and contact information for those who also may be struggling. 


Book Review: (01:38)

Maurice is a wildly popular daytime star of General Hospital. He portrays the character of Sonny Corinthos, who suffers from manic-depression. Mr. Benard has also starred, and appeared in several movies, such as the Ghost and the Whale which I believe is available for streaming.


Book Review: ( 01:55)

In The Ghost and the Whale, Maurice portrays the main character who suffers from bi-polar disorder and whose life is in utter disarray. However, as it turns out in real life, Maurice has lived his own personal life battling bi-polar disorder. 


Book Review: (02:12)       

Understanding mental illness can be difficult at best. Not all  families are able to close ranks and come together to help their afflicted loved one. Living with mental illness can be a daily struggle.


Book Review: (02:25)       

Maurice provides readers with a personal account of how his mother and father took steps to get him help. Maurice was able to move forward. He did so armed with a diagnosis and with prescribed medication.


Podcast Ad: Duration (01:10)

I’d like to take a short break here to tell my listeners how easy and fast I got started podcasting. If you’ve heard my Buzz Sprout podcasting ad before just go ahead and skip forward one minute and you’ll get right back to the review. If my story helps others get started podcasting as fast and as easy as I did, well that’s just wonderful. 

Here’s my story in a nut shell. I did a little research on how to start a podcast. I came across Buzzsprout has an amazingly easy interface! I quickly found everything I needed to upload my audio recordings. And within a very short period of time, I found my podcast listed in major podcast directories. Now, I’m having fun turning my book reviews into podcasts.

Here’s more great news! Buzzsprout has come up with a great way for podcasters to monetize their podcasts. I’m doing it, and you can do it too! If you’ve been wanting to get into podcasting, here’s your chance. To help you get started I’ve placed a Buzzsprout link in the show notes of this podcast. And following the link in the show notes lets Buzzsprout know I sent you, gets you a twenty dollar gift card, if you sign up for a paid plan and helps you support my podcast show. Hey, okay, let’s get back to our show now.


 Book Review: (03:50)       

Okay, so we left off where Maurice was able to move forward armed with a diagnosis and with his prescribed medication. Like many other mental illnesses, this is not the end of the story. Maurice soon learned awareness and taking the proper medication does not guarantee a blissful life.


Book Review: (03:50)       

Maurice enjoys boxing. So, it’s not a surprise that while his bi-polar impulses may have led to a few mis-steps here and there, Maurice, just like any great boxer, has always fought hard to make a comeback.

Book Review: (04:09)

Maurice and his family were actually frightened when a stranger believed she was Maurice’s wife and the mother of his children. When it was determined that the person was mentally ill, Maurice was understanding.

Book Review: (04:35)                                

Without question, this would be a disturbing situation for Maurice and his family with which to contend. But he understood the woman was suffering from mental illness and that she needed professional help. 


Book Review: (04:50)

For sure, Maurice and his family are a success story when it comes to living with a family member with bi-polar. Yet, I am sure they had to gather all their strength and understanding to make their way through the labyrinth of mental illness. We must remember and understand that being mentally ill is just that…an illness. 

Book Review: (05:07)

And as we know, with many types of illnesses, when one member of the family is ill, the whole family may become ill as well. Knowing this is true, it is a testament to Maurice and his family how, with love, deliberateness, and hope, did not just stumble into, but did successfully create a way to stay together.


Hardcover Book: (05:27)

So that was pretty much the end of my book review, but I did have a few other things that I would like to say. I actually listened to the Audible audio version of: Nothing General About It How Love (And Lithium) Saved Me On And Off General Hospital. I know that many of Maurice Benard’s fans will understandably want to purchase the hardcover book. And you sure should.


 Audiobook: (05:53)

I suggest you may also want to consider the audio version as well. Uh, ‘cause I understand, you know, the book would be a very nice keepsake. And uh, but the reason I’m kind of pushing towards the audio version is that I can tell you from my own personal experience, listening to Maurice tell his story in his own relaxed voice is amazing!


 Audiobook: (06:16)

You will feel as though he is speaking to the listener as a friend. All of his emotions are there. Maurice recounts his heartful reactions to life events, including several deaths of loved ones and friends.


Audiobook: (06:30)

However, Maurice also cheerfully shares some funny and entertaining stories of his life. As you listen, you will hear the tone of his emotional and heart-felt feelings. And so that for me just makes the audio version so worthwhile.


Thank You: (6:48)  

Thank you all for joining today for this book club reporter book review. If you would like more info about today’s book review or a copy of the book check the show notes for this podcast episode or simply visit

See You Next Time: (7:03)          

And don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast, because there are many more book reviews to come. See you next time.


End of Episode: (7:10)