Purpose Without Apology

When God Opens the Door: The Story of Our Miracle House

May 03, 2022 Lisa Gant Season 5 Episode 99

Guiding Scripture: Deuteronomy 12:5 - “But you are to seek the place the Lord your God will choose from among all your tribes to put his Name there for his dwelling. To that place you must go…”

  • All throughout this season, I’ve been talking about the importance of telling your story, and I’ve been giving other people the chance to share theirs right here on the podcast. In this episode, I’m going to “walk the talk” and share my own testimony of how God performed a miracle and blessed my family with a brand-new home. I’m also sharing 4 lessons from my story that can radically change your life. This isn’t about bragging; it’s about giving God glory for what He’s done. 
  • Something Big is Coming: In May 2020, the Lord told me in prayer that we were going to buy a home soon and to think about what I wanted. In April, I felt a strong desire for my husband and I to take steps to improve our credit, and I purchased a course to do that.
  • A Chance Encounter: That summer, my husband and I ran into a friend of mine at a local park who was a real estate agent. We hadn’t seen her in years. We casually mentioned that we were interested in buying “sometime over the next year or so.”
  • It’s Time to Go: At the end of October, the property manager at the house we rented emailed us to ask if we wanted to purchase the property. When we declined, he informed us that the owner intended to sell and that we would need to vacate the property within the next 30 days.
  • A 30-Day Whirlwind: We reconnected with our real estate agent friend, and with her help, we were able to find a new build, find an apartment to live in while the house was being built, and move within 30 days. We moved the weekend after Thanksgiving.
  • Temporary Discomfort: We chose to move into an apartment that was much smaller than the home we’d rented, and lived there for 7 months while our kids were in virtual school and we worked from home. It definitely stretched us as a family!
  • A New Beginning: In the summer of 2021, we closed on our home, got the keys, and moved again for the 2nd time in a year. We had a small housewarming ceremony in October of that year, and it was a deeply emotional moment. God. Is. Good.
  • 4 lessons learned from the process:
    1. God’s plans really are better than ours (1 Corinthians 2:9). His “not right now” often means a better “yes” later.
    2. God gives grace for the doors that He opens.
    3. When God opens a door for you, it’s often not just for you.
    4. God’s timing may not be comfortable, but it’s perfect.

Action Step: When was the last time God has opened a miracle door for you, either big or small? Have you told anyone about it? Think back to Season 5, Episode 85 (“The Power of Telling Your Story”), and consider how that testimony might encourage someone else. Then, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to give you opportunities to share it.