Purpose Without Apology

Standing for God in Babylon: Lessons From Daniel

Lisa C. Gant Season 4 Episode 77

Guiding Scripture: Daniel 6:4 - “At this, the administrators and the satraps tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government affairs, but they were unable to do so. They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent.”

  • The book of Daniel might be one of the most mysterious and intriguing books in  the entire Bible. It’s full of strange and fantastical imagery and prophecies of the future, but it also tells the story of four brave young Hebrew men who chose over and over again to stand for God, even when it was unpopular---and sometimes deadly---to do so. Those of us who live in the safety and freedom of the Western World will find it difficult to truly understand the danger that Daniel and his friends faced. Still, there are important lessons we can learn from their experiences, and that’s what we’ll be talking about today.
  • Lesson #1: You can’t eat what the people in Babylon eat.
    1. Daniel 1:8 - “But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way.”
  • Lesson #2: You need the favor of God in order to be effective.
    1. When Daniel asked for permission not to eat the king’s food, he received favor from the chief official (Daniel 1:9). This made it possible for Daniel to present the terms of the 10-day test regarding his diet.
  • Lesson #3: Godly wisdom is critical, especially during moments of crisis.
    1. Daniel could have simply thrown a tantrum and refused to eat the king’s food, but instead, he suggested a test (Daniel 1:12-13) that appealed to the Babylonians’ appreciation for logic and education (Daniel 1:4).
    2. Later, when Nebuchadnezzar gave an order to have all of his advisers killed, the Bible says that Daniel found Arioch, the commander of the king’s guard, and “spoke to him with wisdom and tact.” (Daniel 2:14)
  • Lesson #4: Pursue excellence with everything you do in Babylon.
    1. Daniel and his friends distinguished themselves from their peers by being exceptional in their work, which led to them receiving even more favor than before (Daniel 1:19-20).
  • Lesson #5: Taking a stand for God should give Him glory, not you.
    1. Daniel not only worshipped God privately for answering his prayers (Daniel 2:19-23), but also credited Him publicly at the first opportunity (Daniel 2:27-28).
    2. Not only that, but King Nebuchadnezzar recognized God’s power and sovereignty as well (Daniel 2:47).
    3. You may need to engage in some deep self-reflection to determine whether you’re truly hoping to please God with your actions. If your stand for God causes you to feel self-righteous or superior to others, it’s coming from your flesh, rather than the Spirit.

Action Step: Have you ever had to take a stand for God in a way that wasn’t popular with the people around you? If so, what did you do and say in that situation? If not, ask God for the courage to stand in a way that honors Him if the need arises.