Purpose Without Apology

REWIND: The Price of Purpose

Lisa C. Gant Season 4 Episode 82

We all say we want to live our lives with purpose, bringing glory to God and expanding His kingdom on the earth. And yet, Jesus tells us over and over again throughout Scripture that the life of a Christian isn’t an easy one. 

Here are 5 things that pursuing purpose can cost you. Are you ready to pay the price?

  1. Purpose can cost you popularity.
    1. Galatians 1:10
  2. Purpose can cost you comfort.
    1. Luke 9:23 
  3. Purpose can cost you relationships.
    1. Matthew 10:34-35
  4. Purpose can cost you resources.
    1. Proverbs 3:9-10
  5. Purpose can even cost you your life.
    1. Luke 9:24
    2. With the exception of John, all of the 12 disciples are believed to have died violent deaths, many as martyrs for the Christian faith.
    3. Acts 7 tells the story of Stephen, who is widely considered the first Christian martyr.
    4. Estimates vary widely regarding persecuted Christians today, but most faith-based organizations believe that anywhere between 10,000 and 90,000 Christians around the world are martyred for their faith every year. Could you be one of them?
  6. Here are 4 rewards that pursuing purpose can give you:
    1. Purpose brings you closer to God.
      1. John 14:21
    2. Purpose will give you protection.
      1. Psalm 91
    3. Purpose can give you prosperity.
      1. Joshua 1:8
    4. Purpose will give you peace.
      1. Psalm 119:165

Action Step: Take some quiet time to meditate on how you may (or may not) be pursuing your God-given purpose. Which areas have you devoted to God? Which areas do you still need to submit to Him? Spend 30 minutes brainstorming, and then ask God to help you fully surrender to His purpose for your life.