Purpose Without Apology

The Power of Telling Your Story

Lisa C. Gant Season 5 Episode 85

Guiding Scripture: Revelation 12:11 - “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.”

  • Everyone has a story—including you—and your story is completely, one hundred percent unique to you. There is no one in the world who shares your exact combination of gifts, flaws, experiences, or opinions. God designed you with all of these things in mind, and His plan is for your story to have a powerful impact on the world. So the question is, are you ready to tell your story without apology?
  • What is your story?
    • It’s either a challenge you’ve overcome or something good that you’ve achieved.
    • It impacts other people around you in some way, either in religious or secular spaces or both.
    • It always brings glory and honor to God.
    • Ex. My story about depression
  • Why it’s important to tell your story:
    • It brings glory to God. (Matthew 5:16)
    • It is part of the Great Commission. (Acts 1:8)
    • It encourages and strengthens everyone who hears it (Revelation 12:11).
    • It is healing for us to share our stories. (James 5:16)
  • 3 ways to tell your story in 2022:
    • Share your story. This is probably the easiest and most accessible way to tell your story with others. It simply involves you telling people in your sphere of influence what God has done for you, such as friends, family members, coworkers, etc.
    • Write your story. This doesn’t literally have to be in the form of a book. It can also include blog posts, plays, movies, songs, paintings, or any other art form that God inspires you to use.
    • Declare your story. This often involves a form of public speaking.
  • 4 signs you may be ready to tell your story:
    • You’ve gone through Christian-based therapy or counseling to help you heal from any trauma you’ve experienced. 
    • You have a healthy community that is supportive and encourages you to tell it.
    • You have a strong sense of boundaries concerning what you feel comfortable sharing.
    • You feel that God is prompting you to share it.
  • Key Point: At the end of the day, only you know for sure if you’re really ready to tell your story. Never let anyone pressure you into sharing before you’re ready.

Action Step: Take at least 30 minutes to spend quiet time with God, and ask Him what testimony He has given you that you can share with the world. If you see the signs listed above in your own life and feel comfortable, begin moving forward with sharing your story, following the leading of the Holy Spirit.