The Brightness

Free Brightness 10 - Alien Messages & Pleiadians, Parasite Breakdown, Put Women in Male Sports, Gun Olympics, Kobe Conspiracies

Issac Bright & Jonathon Freeman-Anderson Season 1 Episode 10

After an update on Yofi's fancy shmancy Vet visit JFA & The Bright One get into an Alien Message from a Nebula (1:58) I’m a Pleiadian Yoga Queen (4:40)  Parasite Breakdown (9:15) Anti-Discriminatory Work Discrimination (17:22) Put Women in Male Sports and JFA in the Gun Olympics (20:15) Vegan Puppies = Wrong AF (35:03) Kobe Bryant Conspiracies (37:32) Eff Michael Jordan (44:50) Memory of a Perfect Valentine’s Day (48:48) 

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JFA:   0:17
Welcome back to the Free Brightness. It's not all my town. Up until that one moment it's me, Jonathan Freeman Anderson with my beautiful coast. Oh, great. And of course, the one. The only the lovely babies. Your peas E o T e o Such an adorable puppy you got

Issac:   0:42
Yoki had a very fancy veterinarian visit this past week. Fancy? Yep. Very expensive. That's paid for by my fantasy football winnings. That's what I was afford it. She's now on a completely new diet cheese. She had an ozone therapy upper to push after we had some acupuncture on and great for puncture. That's right. You're just sitting there looking at me like really like this is good for you. It's like, really, why Why do you use this amusing? You having these things sticking out from all over me a little bit on. And then she got this fancy new What's it called help for her tummy called G. I G not be confused with G I. Joe G I g. I guess, says the Chinese energy General infantrymen, maybe a contemporary e. I was like, Do you get this dating, understanding joke? Okay myself. Nobody's dating me I'm dating myself on. Then she got some fancy new jerky treats, which are also very expensive and a whole new you a whole new thing. And

JFA:   1:55
it's been a minute in the minutes since we last got together. There was plenty of news, and I'm trying to find like I was like, scouring the Internet for positive funny news. And I was like having trouble finding with almost anything except for some funny, weird space stuff. These what funny word? Space. There's this radio frequency that's been, you know, consistently every 18 days, putting out another, like, feed you to the, you know, space people that are following it. And it's so consistent, it's it's pretty.

Issac:   2:27
There's a alien type of something putting out of frequency

JFA:   2:32
like a radio frequency from this nebula. And they were like sitting there trying to figure out a nebula. Yeah, on dhe, they couldn't figure out why. It was so like perfect like clockwork, having a occur every 18 days, though it was realized that it was probably like an orbiting planet that did what it had d'oh to create that that time signature the way it was, and I'm still reading it going. I know once you get past like the science techno babble about it all still feels two, uh, a little creepy in its perfection. For what? How it's being, you know, played back. I dig all that science stuff. I'm kind of a nerd for green, whether it's quantum physics or macro mechanics. When it comes to the planetary, the universe as it is, I don't believe honestly, we're alone in the universe. But there is some debate or not, how it is like I'm a big like, you know, I'm a big fan of the Futurist, but the two that I'm a favor of, neither them one doesn't believe it all, because at this point, considering how advanced we are as a species, hey believes that alien life would have contacted us already. And I feel like, you know, we've been contacted. Probably been plenty contact, just nobody wanting to, like push it. But it's being pushed now more frequently of pilots and all that stuff. And then the other guys like, Well, maybe they're all you know on other planets caught up in their own virtual reality that they're just too self absorbed t contact us or to connect with us, and it's it's it's really improbable that we're alone.

Issac:   4:07
The hubris of man to think they're the only ones in the universe there is such a is an overwhelming scads of evidence to prove and show that there is an enormous amount of alien contact. They're aliens all around their ships that are orbiting us, checking out what's going on right as we speak. There's all kinds of war is happening above the grist eyes underneath the ground. It's just endless. Nobody knows what's going on. You have no clue. You're just fascinated about little legislative nonsense. That means nothing. That's a nice sounding so cynical. But I actually have an argument with somebody today's whose point, you know, started equating me with her cookie yoga friends who sit in yoga class and you think you're like an alien. You like that friend of mine. He was an alien, like I just doesn't touch with the play 80 and swirling around my face, and they were telling me on a healer in this dimension and that I should go and use my inner Shaqra radiance to breathe myself into them. And that's what my in that I'm play Etienne and they're telling me these things because I know who they are because I am one with them and she's like and I'm a queen McQueen played and that's that he likes You wanna hang out with that girl? I'm clearly that girl is absolutely bonkers. But But I am play 80 and I mean, that's where I come from. And so it's like, Sounds like your auditory in. And she was like, Oh my God, you're crazy, You're a nutcase you like And then, you know, he just went downhill from there. I

JFA:   5:33
had a psychic once go into that detail with me about where I'm probably an alien from another planet because my aura reads this color and all this stuff

Issac:   5:41
well or a reading is a bit silly. You understand why? Well, because when you read your aura or all your reading when you get a picture of your aura, which Israel was getting a snapshot of that moment where you're is giving off what it's giving. My heat signature is not. You're walking around with a blue or yellow or purple every single time that that just might be in that moment, you go. Oh, yeah,

JFA:   6:02
Like a mood ring.

Issac:   6:03
Yeah, Just You're always shifting. You're always changing. Like if you're, you know, enjoy your gonna be You're always gonna be one way, but you can't take a snapshot. It's like taking us always that were always that way.

JFA:   6:14
That works. I mean, I believe with the it was a neuro Elektronik. Narrow, narrow electric chemicals that were going through our brains constantly as well is like the magnetic field that we're all attached to, that it's impossible for us to not have a frequency like we absolutely are all radiating some energy that can should be defined and, you know, seen on some scientific instrument of sorts, you know? But they won't on a real scientific basis legitimately, you know, give any of that credence emits we

Issac:   6:50
definitely emits a frequency. Are there? There? There are cells in our body that admit electrical frequencies. Yeah, and 88 for millimeters of not inches off her body.

JFA:   7:00
Not to mention the energy on a molecular level vibrates and the vibration, its own right. It's sound frequencies that they could get tones from. And so we all have, like, an actual total frequency that we're all emanating on some level they have. Actually, they've actually been able to measure that. You know, maybe we'll figure out a way to measure the vibrations of individual molecules and then individual people from that they've been able to expand upon.

Issac:   7:28
Well, that's the basis of Royal Raymond life and how he's able to neutralize all cancers. We took everything that was on a cellular level, is on a sonic level as well, and was able to go in with a specific sonic frequency and go into those cells and be like, Oh, they need this. If they go, it's fascinating. And then he like, Oh, we

JFA:   7:46
have to kill you. Take that down when I lose money on you were gonna kill you. You know you're

Issac:   7:52
depressed. You're not feeling well, even though life so hard you're coming a royal women. How many poison? Always a great Come here, Get over here And oh, ran

JFA:   8:03
your gun almost cured cancer. You This would've thought

Issac:   8:09
we don't want to do that. Keep standing up for it and spending all your money

JFA:   8:13
on research so fascinating They just with Hitachi recently built a center in Florida to do therapy for cancer that's been around since the seventies. They only like this year are opening up the first United States senator to use this therapy. I mean, and in conjunction with Proton therapy, which is even more bananas, that they don't have that on a mass scale. They've recently only let insurance companies cover proton therapy, which is like laser focused radiation on cancer thing. Mother, this other form of therapies is something, something that I didn't do enough research on it, but it But it was just mind blowing. That's something that's been available for so long is only now getting released. I'm sure it's not a surprise to you is you're aware of how, like, you know, they are only like crap. They figured out electric cars. Well, we can't hide it anymore.

Issac:   9:06
And I try and keep him at 50. Long as we can. Electric cars will. There's water car. They're crossed for Warren.

JFA:   9:14
Yeah. Oh, yeah. Parasites wept. The Oscars. Have you seen it yet? Of course. The sign. Oh, yeah. And, uh, man, what do you think? The theme waas of

Issac:   9:24
parasite. I think it's about the widening gap between the elite and the non elite, and I think it's about that which you are and how you believe yourself to be will stay with you no matter what environment you enter. So that their mindset of who they were even when they were in the most beautiful, pristine, richest environment that they could have imagined through there shady dealings, wherever you want to talk about the other conning there was still who they were, you know, it wasn't like their minds. It wasn't that of abundance. Their minds that was strictly of were just latching on to this parasites. They were just Yeah, that's who they were. They couldn't get past that idea of themselves.

JFA:   10:13
The dad says, I think what I thought was the theme and this is kind of funny. So the theme in my head was the quote from the movie when he's talking to his son in the gym because you know, what kind of plan never fails? No plan, no plan it all. You know why? Because life cannot be planned. Look around you. Did you think these people made a plan to sleep in the sports hall with you? But here we are now sleeping together on the floor, so there's no need for a plan. You can't go wrong with no plans we don't need. We don't need to make a plan for anything. It doesn't matter what will happen next, even if the country gets destroyed or sold out. Nobody cares. Got it. That, I believe, was the theme that that life does not go as planned.

Issac:   10:52
Whoa. But that completely keys into the belief, system and mindset of people that are stuck in that idea of who they are that they it's nihilistic. It's a complete loss of any hope. There's just feeling like this is who we are and even, you know, even if they've had these great jobs and they get to live in this beautiful home or be a part of this beautiful home, they can't appreciate it because they're just like, I fuck these people, The hell with the rich people. And it's like when you're like judging rich or looking at rich and pointing and saying f that who they think they are, well, that's doing is distancing yourself from wanting to actually be that you're creating a boundary peeing yourself. You're pointing a finger, and that's not a mindset that gets you to a place of abundance. And I think their mindsets were so rooted in their depravity. And they're, you know, being these type of people that they were, as you know, perpetrated by their

JFA:   11:58
three irony of it is there in a sub basement. And they were looking down and like, in a metaphorical sense, while literally looking up with the guy peeing on there property right on the nature of like the father and his transition transformation rather from being somebody who is not only simple but willing to stay simple. Jenny coming fed up with all of it, you know, spoiler alert. But, you know,

Issac:   12:26
but the Children were extremely talented and intelligent and intelligent, and yet it didn't matter because they reverted back to their Yeah, their beliefs to their to their code, into the programming that they got from their parents, which is like, don't they pull right? Well, yeah, well, don't Doesn't matter what you do with your life. It's all gonna go to crap. Why make a plan if everything's gonna fail? But that again is mindset. That's a belief that, you know, is

JFA:   12:52
the classes disparity of watching like the rich guy and how they, like, praised him at some point, almost like a God like figure Thio, like the guy that was in the basement when he hit his head on the wall. God like I never thought I would think Morse code would come in handy literally. It's funny. The whole thing was a genre list like you think there was comedy. There was drama. There was horror elements. There was action to appoint and like a clever bit of a heist type vibe that I really thought was a nice homage to the directors that also were being nominated along with the guy that won best director. Best film screenplay like You know, the Esso. There's a moment where, like, they're rehearsing the lines that they're going to say fur to get the housekeeper out of there,

Issac:   13:40
Right, right, right.

JFA:   13:41
And it totally took me back to Reservoir Dogs with Tarantino.

Issac:   13:45
Oh yeah, that's true. I think about

JFA:   13:48
you thinking man, this is a movie, that it is amazing because the truth is it doesn't matter where you are in the world. We're all human beings dealing with human problems. It was a contemporary film that clearly made itself known is not just being a regional thing, you know, it wasn't like localized to South Korea, even though it was took place in South Korea. You know, the interactions with technology and I I saw it. I was like, I get it. I get why one, you know? But I saw four versus Ferrari and I was like, That's not gonna win. I want to see it looks great. Yeah, but it's like a total macho, you know, car, movie. There's nothing about it. And that's the thing that was fascinating was like there at the British Oscars. The BAFTAs basically Joaquin Phoenix one. And he was talking about how you know he was ashamed because he is a part of the problem. And how were the people of color being put out there? What? Why do you

Issac:   14:41
need a part of the problem? How is he part of the problem? He's an amazing actor. What does he want to do? Not work?

JFA:   14:45
No, he doesn't have a problem working. He's made that clear to. But there's yourself what? He

Issac:   14:50
considers himself a part of the problem because he hasn't, you know, how is he a part of the problem.

JFA:   14:55
Oddly enough, he's also part Hispanic. So against this, why would you

Issac:   14:59
say that? That that makes no sense to me. Sees losing. What's wrong with you? You make me feel bad about eating a burger. Now I've got it Now. He's part of the problem,

JFA:   15:09
right? It is an institution that has been established. You know, the Warren system. Thio continue toe sort of, you know, proliferate and exploit. You know these films without giving them the credit that they're doing. Just mercy was an amazing movie, and you know Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Foxx, and it was, you know, deserved to be nominated. It wasn't already. You know, I think on some level in my mind, because a lot of things are fixed. They could have been throwing parasite a bone by being the one.

Issac:   15:41
Look, I don't know what happened. We can't release the numbers. That's what they should do. Release the numbers. Let's see what the vote comes down to

JFA:   15:49
it. It's a good point, you know, We'll script says he was with being interviewed, and he was talking about how, like there's not a strong female leads in his movies of my movies. If they called for a female role, I will cast a female role but doesn't mean that she's, you know, gonna be like the lead necessarily. Like Margo Roby didn't talk for 30 minutes into Once upon a Time in Hollywood. You know,

Issac:   16:09
I haven't seen it,

JFA:   16:10
but there's well, there's a there's a nature of it still being controlled, and I feel like there's a slow but steady shift in the world, you know? I mean, I'll say this last thing about like this this conversation because I was having it with Kate and I agreed over the point that there needs to be many more avenues for, you know, women, minorities. You know, gender was a preference, all of the different variations of people that are being, you know, ostracised and put down in whatever industry Thio have access to being as equally heard as the You know, the white people are like the manor, whoever it is. The straight white male on dhe Goldman Sachs just recently said that it won't consider and their Goldman Sachs or the people that determine who which companies will be released in the Wall Street as official public traded companies. So I ps

Issac:   17:03
Goldman Sachs being the vampire squid of the planet. We know his earth. They've agreed that they will no longer be should be hung upside down by their scrotum. Sze along with most weeks, I

JFA:   17:16
agree. And it's sad that this is like news on some level. But it's And they had to make this, like a rule that there were no longer consider companies eyes viable if they don't have anybody of color or a woman on their board on the border directors.

Issac:   17:33
Really? Yeah, well, that's interesting. So no longer. So you basically shut me up. I'm going to edit that.

JFA:   17:43
I'm just saying like it's fascinating, Okay, even across like the business sector, where many times you see, I

Issac:   17:48
disagree with that. You look, you can't force people to hire people. That's not how it should work. They should want to. It should not be forced. That's why I never, you know, agreed with what was that whole thing? One you had to hire black people

JFA:   18:06
from out of action.

Issac:   18:06
Affirmative action. I disagree with you completely. I disagree with you disagree with. And they did it with, you know, the NFL, like you have to interview at least two black people for your coach Will. If they want to hire a black rose, we're gonna hire a black coach. They shouldn't have to. Black people coming. All right, We did our due diligence. There's are, too. But we're gonna hire Herman being smuggled Google,

JFA:   18:25
right? I agree. This has

Issac:   18:27
to be because you want. You can't force people to change. You can't force people to stay here, okay? They're going. All they're gonna do then, is there gonna Here's a woman. Here's a black guy. Here's the Hispanic people are on the board and they're going to let them know very clearly you don't have any power whatsoever. And you're just here his show. And if you think you're gonna get out of line, then off you go. We'll just get three other people.

JFA:   18:49
Their anti discriminatory tactics are discriminatory.

Issac:   18:53
They are. You know, you can't force people to be something that they're not in this type of way, you have to. It has to happen organically. It's

JFA:   19:02
the stomach. And the problem isn't so much to me about like having thio make them this mold of diversity. You have to have this many white people in this one black with this many women, as many gay people, this many Trans people.

Issac:   19:15
What if somebody wants to hire six tricks for their board like them? God bless them and they should

JFA:   19:19
know who does have that problem, too. And they haven't started throwing guys in tank tops is what is the issue to me is that it should be about merit and quality,

Issac:   19:28
back capability to do the job to be meritocratic. Exactly.

JFA:   19:33
There's the debate. If the person's interviewing you has already been pre set with the common with common rule. Now that it has to be diverse or not, you know, I mean I mean, it's just But then again, look at what the NFL just did with the Super Bowl and the woman who took the Niners all the way to the Super Bowl. They didn't win.

Issac:   19:54
We're talking about the woman in the coach. Oh, she was one of the secondary is what you're saying.

JFA:   19:59
Yeah, but she was. She was on that. She was on the coaching staff and she helped pushed them all the way to the big game. And I didn't win, but it still is a feat that shouldn't have been this long in the making. For a milestone like that.

Issac:   20:16
Here's what I think is happening sports. They need to start putting women in actual men's sports because I couldn't do it. I'm gonna be really horrible. But I don't watch female sports, huh? I just I just can't get into it.

JFA:   20:31
My brother worked for the Sparks.

Issac:   20:33
I can't guess I can't. There's nothing that it's not that I can't appreciate a number like, Wow, they're really playing well, but I don't get viscerally emotionally attached to female

JFA:   20:43
sports. There's a difference in the thing that you're looking at on the way people approach female sports versus male sports. Unfortunately, like my brother worked with Sparks and he said, they all were told to and they did Initially, I don't think they do anymore, but put on make up. But by the end of the fourth quarter, it's all drink down their face. It is like this isn't something you'd ever see men have to do. They might do it voluntarily in in the NFL,

Issac:   21:09
but I want to see women. I know their women athletes out there that could absolutely compete in all the major sports of that, males are competing. And I know I saw a video of this amazing black safety. That was I think she did a commercial recently and she was killing people out there.

JFA:   21:27
Put her in the NFL. Big, was she? I don't know. I don't remember. She's in trouble. Do you think she was in college? I mean, do you think she could take on give it a chance? £500 animals Give

Issac:   21:37
her the chance. If she wants Thio, give it a chance. You're telling me there's not a female picture out there that can throw 85 90? That could be a picture. I completely agree with you telling me this Women in the N B A. That aren't just as good as anybody. That's in the NBA for men right now. Of course there are. I have slept really

JFA:   21:54
believe that on merit, people should be given the shot

Issac:   21:57
when if a woman wants to go in a trial for the embassy should be given the chance there. Any women that give it a chance and male sports are

JFA:   22:05
there Not that I'm aware of. So that's horrible. I mean, like it's fascinating because

Issac:   22:10
because to me, that would seem like what you would want to be. I'd want if I was an athlete, just like any of us. And actors and comedians. Anybody you want to compete in, the highest level,

JFA:   22:18
do we? Do we talk already about me being in the Olympics in 2024 or 2028? So I worked on a commercial. You're gonna get to it. So I worked on a commercial. We're going to be an Olympic try. For what? For Napoleon. Rolling down a hill, throwing a barrel. Push me. E worked on a commercial for Katie tape, which being insufferable. My pleasure. Thank you. And the gold for the stuff ability. Just Anderson. The judges are Isaac in. Yo, Fi. That's right. 10 for in stuff ability. Thank you, s. I was on the set for a commercial for athletic tape That helps you know, circulation your muscles when you put it on. And three time Olympic gold medalist Carrie Walsh, who is a beach volleyball players. She's gonna be the 2020 Olympics again. And I even asked her So how you gonna do? Because I'm gonna win gold I don't care. I'm gonna win. Have you meet all these people? Where you were you? I was on a commercial on Dhe. You know, my job partially was, like, escort her back to set everything

Issac:   23:20
you were. The Walker did? Yeah.

JFA:   23:22
E told her back when I was in the Boy Scouts, I was a certified pro marksman by the NRA, And I apparently was, like, the best in the country that you're shooting rifle and shotgun free. Really? Ruth,

Issac:   23:35
do you have a gun?

JFA:   23:36
I don't not have a gun, but in the Boy Scouts, they create these little mini militias. And

Issac:   23:41
I love that we should have more militias in this country

JFA:   23:43
in the summer camps. They teach kids how to shoot rifles and shotguns.

Issac:   23:47
Thing is obviously not happening. Now. What they're teaching is Nerf balls.

JFA:   23:52
Yeah, they used to cheat orienteering. We get a map and a compass. Now they have GPS. I'm not kidding that Give the kids GPS today. Orienteering like this is not the point for survivalism. Regardless, I did so well in the first day. Like you're supposed to take five days to shoot 5000 points on a target and hit 25 clay pigeons. I did 5000 points in half an hour and 29 clay pigeons in another half hour. What what What is this? Boy Scouts is the Boy Scouts, and I put Jews and Boy Scouts don't really make it. Initially, No, you were Jewish. They knew I was Jewish and send you to like, the little they were against gays and girls, but not its again.

Issac:   24:31
Are they against gays? That probably half the people in Boy Scouts

JFA:   24:34
where they've changed their stance on that? And Steven Spielberg got pretty pissed off and returned his Eagle Scout like credit like it matters? Because because the idea about not letting gay boys being Boys Scouts or Scout masters either why would they cares? Because it is originally a religious organization

Issac:   24:53
on their religion.

JFA:   24:55
One of the scout laws is to be reverent. Is a boy really

Issac:   24:58
gay? It's five years old at that point, like really

JFA:   25:01
five cups cow. So you gotta be 12 or older to be

Issac:   25:03
12 but even 12 like, What are they going to do?

JFA:   25:06
They stole a maximum out of my tent that a 12 year

Issac:   25:10
old gay boy is so freaking scared and nervous that what does he think he's going to do? Like start making out with everybody and he's gonna turn all the straight boys and then they're going to start wearing pink tutu wiggling dildos. The gay Boy Scout is going to infect all of the Boy Scouts. They're going to start watching RuPaul on Netflix and they're gonna be baking chiffon and God knows what. And Macron wait, don't tell me how you're gonna be in the Olympics.

JFA:   25:42
Well, I told us all that

Issac:   25:43
you told you about because you're you're this expert marker. And how old were you when you did this?

JFA:   25:47
I had to be 15 16.

Issac:   25:49
So this is 35 years ago

JFA:   25:51
and I said all this Carrie Walsh at the end of the shoot, she says, May I expect to see you in the 2024 2020 Olympics because, unlike her athletic sport, beach volleyball don't lose the ability to shoot necessarily. But in my research, what I found was fascinating was for a long time it was a coed Olympic sport, like it was both men and women on the same platform, and they only recently in like the nineties split it. And then again, they put it back together than split it again in 2012. So only men competing this version of it and only women in this version What the hell?

Issac:   26:24
Because what happened was the women were probably shooting better in the men. I got pissed off and I split. It would happen. What woman? Want a cool? Somebody got angry, but they split it. And then they found out. And then the men were like, No, no, we're good. We're good. We're good. You could bring them back. We're okay. And then another woman probably beat the men again. Happen to get a still be as young to tell me what happened. Except I told you. And then they put it back in either. Like please, guys, you cannot lose to the girls again. And the girls are gonna beat him again.

JFA:   26:52
Come on, Olympics. Don't be a sexist is not to be. See what I'm

Issac:   26:57
saying? Like I love when if women could beat men than they should be able to be. Minute. Look, there's a lot of women out there that could kick my ass. They're huge

JFA:   27:04
again. Back to Rhonda Rousey. She's easily kick my ass. I could easily and I would let her. I would

Issac:   27:10
not let anybody was

JFA:   27:11
beautiful, but I just saying like that they're good enough to let him in. I would love to see I would totally root

Issac:   27:20
for, ah female coming out of the yankeesbullpen or something. Maybe

JFA:   27:24
awesome. The funny thing is about the the catcher, and they're saying they're feminists and it'll slide and, you know, joke's clearly making them not feminine. Feminist way

Issac:   27:37
Got a guy named Brett Gardner is like, you know, this stocky short little ball of muscle. You know, he's He's just like this pit bull. I'm sure there's a chick out there that's a stocky ball of muscle that I've seen that could be like our little Brett Gardner when he retires. I would totally love to have a little chick Brett Gardner for, like, 5 10 years. I

JFA:   27:56
totally root for women to be included in every every facet of the entertainment world that they should be included that they aren't already

Issac:   28:03
Well, no, let's put a line at that. They don't want him taking my job. I don't wanna be like, you know, Isaac will be great in this part. But let's give it to a chick

JFA:   28:09
just because I think a feminine Isaac out there might be your perfect man.

Issac:   28:13
I'm already a feminine Isaac.

JFA:   28:14
Look for your mirror. I see

Issac:   28:17
your eyes. E got all sections of the spectrum's covered so much on my own

JFA:   28:22
spectrum. What I will say is interesting. About the difference in the male gaze is the columns of the female gaze. Kate showed me this this little story about how suicide squad was shot by a man and the way you notice Margo Roby as Harley Quinn. That is clearly a male's definition of what a woman should be like in that role. You know, her boobs are pushed up and the camera is focused on her boobs on makeup, in the way that her out costume is like Thorne up and created is a very, you know, male attractive look and then birds of prey directed by a woman. The cameras focused on her face, and it looks like she might even gotten a picture on costume. It was less about.

Issac:   29:03
Did you see them over yet?

JFA:   29:04
Not yet. It's on my list. You see, that

Issac:   29:07
I'm not really that interested wonder Woman 1984. I will be there opening night looks I cannot frickin wait for one woman. 84. I I'm bursting through the seams. It looks so amazingly unbelievably amazing. Oh, okay.

JFA:   29:24
That's what On a side note, I get annoyed

Issac:   29:26
and black widow looks good too. I want to go see Black Widow. To be honest, I actually David Tennant is his name. He's in it that he looks great. David Tennis Done, innit? David Tennant do from stranger things.

JFA:   29:38
No, that's not his name. David Tennant's the doctor. Who? Character. That was in a good omens.

Issac:   29:43
And the guys that's from stranger things, David something. David

JFA:   29:46
played a Hellboy in the re

Issac:   29:48
David Huffman. No, don't google like being

JFA:   29:55
like the Russian Captain America?

Issac:   29:56
Basically, I love it. Yeah, great. Great. That's gonna be good. I can't wait. All right, So wait, You're going to be in the Olympics And 2024.

JFA:   30:06
I'm looking at it, you know?

Issac:   30:08
So if you go and you're like, Oh, my God, I am still the ship. Then what would you do?

JFA:   30:12
I follow up with it and see if the sponsorship you know, that's what you need. A sponsorship? Not necessarily, but because I have to afford the training, you know, why do

Issac:   30:22
you need training? If you do this shit,

JFA:   30:24
you still gonna be able to shoot and regularly repeat it. But

Issac:   30:27
I thought you said in camp you're it. And pigeons nine million miles away. And that you were like

JFA:   30:32
I was. But I again I haven't gone recently. Like to me. I just want to put this out there right away. I do

Issac:   30:38
not selling yourself short of being

JFA:   30:40
No, I'm genuine. I have skills in shooting guns and rifles and shotguns and handguns in discounts. Think this one. Dad brought a nine millimeter and an A k 47 o'clock, and we all got to shoot all that stuff. I was still good in that. Where? What's this? That you were shooting under the red rock canyons?

Issac:   30:59
Callous. And for you in Denver?

JFA:   31:01
No, no, Calvin. And tell the Red Rocket Red Rocket We launched rockets and shoot guns. And what was so funny is his son a good friend of mine. He was so cocky about it, you know, did the whole sideways thing, which is like the terrible way to shoot a gun. And he wasn't paying attention and one of the clip released it. Cut the side of his hand. You gotta be very aware of where you place your hand on the gun because it has an action. And how old were you when you were doing this? That I was 15 16 17? I was shooting guns. Probably Young way scouts. You were through this. And then that's what you

Issac:   31:32
were doing this summer when you're when I was 15 and someone's going to acting Summer Arts Institute, New Jersey. That's what I want. So you're gonna go? You're gonna figure out that you're still the shooting stat as and then what? You gotta do it. I said, there's there's the other thing. That What is he going? You suck.

JFA:   31:52
Yeah. If I go on, I suck. And I waste all this time energy I'm competing against, Like the Annie Oakley will not actually not know any Oakley's anymore. Like the sharpshooters with world. You know, it's gonna carry Smush. What's the troubles?

Issac:   32:05
Carrie Walsh. You got Carrie Walsh behind you? Yeah. Why did you go to Kick Ass? Can you get back with Carrie Walsh.

JFA:   32:12
I'm sure I could figure out a way.

Issac:   32:14
Well, don't be a stocky loser.

JFA:   32:16
No, but I could email her. I could go through her. Social media

Issac:   32:19
has to be like a Carrie. I'm putting out to everybody I know. I know nine other amazing beach volleyball people in the world just so that you know that I'm not stalking you, Andi. I have a girlfriend. So that you this is nothing any intimate it out? No. And I'm not trying to do this because I'm interested in you. What's funny is and that I believe that you should You should be on the board right now with a business and that somebody should cast you. Yeah, should rule the world. And I wish you get hope somebody on the Yankees gives you try out. Having said that, one woman can't. Yes. I hope you get on the board of the business and get an audition with the Yankees. And James Cameron makes sure they knew they represent Yes. Can you help me be the shooting of badass? And I

JFA:   33:04
believe I still am. I you know, I don't know what it was when I was like eight. My dad got me an intended. My mom got me a Nintendo and I had the Duck Hunt video game and I sat there and I just kicked as shooting duck hunt.

Issac:   33:15
So I sucked at that game.

JFA:   33:17
They're not giving guns to kids anymore for video games.

Issac:   33:20
I I suck it all shooting games. All the shooting games were used to have a video game that gave you the gun. I was horrible. I'm not good at the shooting. Well, I'm not good at first. Personal thing. Only thing I'm good at is the sniper thing where you could sit there for 10 minutes and you've got the little circle. And you just have to, like, keep figuring out where to put the circle on your zoom it in. And that's all I could do. That's it. Took me forever, and I I would upset. I feel like it's still not center.

JFA:   33:46
Mom didn't tell me till two years ago that I had the best scores in the country, and I think partially really. So she's

Issac:   33:52
been withholding this information from you. That's awful. What kind of mom would do this?

JFA:   33:57
Someone that doesn't want her son to become a sniper. Snipers make good money. Killing people is not the point of shooting guns to me. Like I enjoy the sport of target practice. I don't want to tell her that. Yeah, I don't wanna

Issac:   34:07
go hunting. For all you know, you could been Olympic. Exactly. You could be Olympian Olympic, a long time in a long time ago. And instead you're sitting in the valley with some crazy, cynical, crazy Jew schmuck like me talking in a podcast for are enormous audience is

JFA:   34:26
totally encouraged me killing on stage, but not in real life. Oh, good Lord, there's there's nothing about me being a creative writer, actor, drummer, producer, comic that comes in a shooting a gun so you could be the first badass sniper comic. Do produce ball

Issac:   34:43
bla ba dee ba daba doo. I don't know all of it.

JFA:   34:45
First, I hope there's some comic, other this transition successfully from gang life in military life into

Issac:   34:50
action. I don't know if you can say that now, because the climate is very much anti guns, like if you start saying I'm a great shooter, I don't know if that, like I didn't

JFA:   35:01
really want to tell people that I got a menorah. You

Issac:   35:03
can't say clay pigeons. A vegan. A like crazy on you. That's what kind

JFA:   35:08
of a first week to shoot a pigeon. It's a plate digit. So it's a special type of a pigeon. It is not a real pit. Oh, I'm sure they never realtor you. They're just thing killing the pigeon, yelling at a meeting. A ticket from its bob. It is crying and screaming, and then you shoot it and have a burger afterwards. Again. Did you see the Oscars? Yes, I did. Did you hear walking Phoenixes Acceptance speech? Of course

Issac:   35:36
I heard we didn't. We just go over this? No, but his speech about Poland, the Katherine I turned. I had to mute it At that point. I knew I was I could stop. Oh, my God. Stop! And I walked away

JFA:   35:47
because we're species or whatever you wanna call it?

Issac:   35:51
Look, there's parts of it I definitely agree with in the new sports. I don't I do

JFA:   35:56
believe that there's this weird sense of ego centric.

Issac:   36:01
I believe everything he spoke of. Eye. He's absolutely right. But I need a burger, so but you have to figure out a way to make it okay that I cannot eat. I cannot not eat. Sorry, it doesn't work for me. I know I'm o positive. My ancestors ate meat and veggies, and that's how we survive. When I don't eat meat, I don't do well and I don't need it every day. I just needed, at least like a couple times a week. And if I don't, I'm already a buck 22 just

JFA:   36:28
Joe. Rogan's got a great bit about vegans who are fighting the fight for everybody else that doesn't want to do that. But the people that have made their animals vegan and you're watching these emaciated pets?

Issac:   36:41
No, I have not made their animals. That is horrible. That's another You think yo fee would be eaten frickin plant based poo poo. Will she be? He would not even be like that. You give me the look.

JFA:   36:53
That's exactly what the animals air conditioned to do. On a certain level, they have todo kicking

Issac:   37:00
their animals begins. That's animal cruelty, right? Agree? That is extreme animal

JFA:   37:05
cruelty. I gotta hear the Joe Rogan bit about it. It's so genius because it's true. He's like Don't do that. The animals need to eat the meat that's there. Their diet.

Issac:   37:13
Yeah, that's what they zig. That's horrible. Was wrong with people

JFA:   37:19
on. We could come back full circle. What's wrong with people today, Isaac? Terribly

Issac:   37:23
wrong with them.

JFA:   37:24
What's going on? So

Issac:   37:25
I will always give you meet in all kinds of crazy meat stuff. Heats the weird meat stuff with the organs and all that stuff you gotta eat. That's good

JFA:   37:31
for her. We are gonna wrap up pretty soon, but I did want quickly mention my Kobe Bryant story. May he rest in peace unless your conspiracy theories and he's on an island somewhere with you, Buck, which

Issac:   37:45
I'm not a conspiracy. There's an idea that will say I will say that the

JFA:   37:52
only other conspiracy was that he did die, but it happened to be his helicopter got taken down somehow from Big Pharma because he was in a lawsuit with the big pharmaceutical company who was trying to owned the trademark Black Mamba, which he owned, and he was the same

Issac:   38:09
day. Well, I will say there is. I'm just going to say this. I will say there is a hint of a possibility that it was

JFA:   38:17
a ritual sacrifice. I think something might have happened foul play wise. It was weird.

Issac:   38:23
It just It's too weird and I'm not going to get into it. But if you look at the numbers of it and I mean the numbers of the day and his numbers and all the numbers and ended it just very, very eerie and it happened on Grammy weekend and it's kind of it remind that this is the first thing I thought of and then I'm like, Oh my God, it's kind of like a Whitney Houston thing And she was definitely murdered. So

JFA:   38:46
what was worried about her was that they told the party that she was at that. She was dead and nobody did anything about it. They let her stay in her bathroom

Issac:   38:54
so that she was totally, absolutely murdered, just like Michael Jackson so like, But I don't believe I think that might be more of a cover of just because they're sick, disgusting people that

JFA:   39:06
there is no end in failure on that helicopter I read today and the same day that that court case went to trial against Kobe for the trademark of Black Mamba was the day that he died. And there's something really weird about the circumstances of all. My sister, who worked for Ah helicopter company, said that like there's only one of three pilots that could fly the helicopter, and she believes that there is pressure on that pilot to fly anyway. Despite the weather conditions, the fog might have never pressure. Whether it was Kobe saying Get up and go or somebody else telling that the pilot to fly despite his training that told him not to fly. All the police helicopters were grounded that day because of the weather, and yet that helicopter took off. Anyway, this

Issac:   39:52
is all very, very strange and that there was a major descent. You look at the the trajectory of the flight. It just it just looks very weird. And this guy was the most decorated, most achieved pilot for his

JFA:   40:06
red station. There is no reason necessary that that should have happened. Maybe it was maybe the bronze securing his place in MBA.

Issac:   40:16
That guy, I don't trust that guy. The day

JFA:   40:19
after he beats Kobe's record

Issac:   40:21
on a court with snakes on it. It's weird and then he gets a tattoo of Kobe and there's snakes. There's

JFA:   40:29
a lot of lot of strange things.

Issac:   40:31
A lot of strange things again. I'm not saying it's an absolute, but it just when I thought I was like, Oh, God, why they did that.

JFA:   40:40
And his daughter and everybody else just

Issac:   40:43
I was I was I'm not a huge Kobe fan, but I was really, really deeply.

JFA:   40:49
I was elected. I grew up with Coby going at Laker games as an Angelina. I felt the city took a hit.

Issac:   40:57
Yeah. Oh, yeah, You could feel the sadness. You could feel the sadness in l. A. For days,

JFA:   41:02
even the metro buses that r i p Kobe on the side of them around the city. And it was I mean, I don't know. I

Issac:   41:09
you wanted your Kobe

JFA:   41:10
story. Yeah, Well, for starters, I know I loved your picture. You posted with prints.

Issac:   41:16
Okay? I can't believe I found that.

JFA:   41:18
That was great. Amazing. It looked like Prince had such mutual respect. He

Issac:   41:22
was like, Hey, Hey, Prince loved that prince played better. 00 yeah, yeah. No, But he was a real basketball. He was a badass. Heard he was in high school. A high school basketball player.

JFA:   41:35
So there was a genuine love. Yeah. No, he loved basketball. Side note. Kobe had a genuine love for Harry Potter, and he would refer to Harry Potter when he won awards and games. So that was insane. But what was it? I went to the Laker, um, parade after they won two years in a row. I went to the Laker parade.

Issac:   41:57
What you did? You know, you didn't tell this to use the story with the shooting. I already told the Lakers

JFA:   42:01
parade shooting story like a parade shooting story you were getting shot at by cops. I was just saying, like, I start Kobe on the double decker bus, holding the big trophy and yelling, We were yelling, and he was He was visibly affected by the reaction from the audience being this is his city, you know, driving through the streets, you know, we're shoulder to shoulder with people that I would normally not be shoulder to shoulder in downtown parts of L. A. That you would be no gang territory. Potentially. And we were rooting for a guy that looked back at us, not with disdain, not with condescension. not with any sort of like better than concept. He was. He was genuinely happy that we were sharing this with him, and that felt really good. That felt like there is a guy that loved his city. It didn't matter what happened with all the other players and all the other awards. You know, he not only loved his city, but he loved the game. And he loved the competition of it all. You know, I heard a great story about a guy that came to from another opposing team, and he thought, I'm gonna show up Kobe. And he came to practice. And Cooley was already practicing before the guy showed up. An hour and 1/2 later, the guy gets done practicing. Kobe is still practicing. And later after the game, it goes over the Kobe and he's like, Hey, man. So why were you still going at it so hard? Even after I finished, he goes because I saw you show up. That was his nature, because I realized that I can't stop. You know, I just You know, I wanted to say that whatever for whatever this word, whatever this is worth, I believe that He was a light for Los Angeles, angry, growing up, being a fan of the Lakers, my family of the Lakers family. We have it. We had a dog named Shack gonna name our next dog, Kobe. But the father of that dog was already named Kobe. So we named the dog Dodger and Dodgers, still alive and well with us. And so, like it, Zoe got photos of Kobe in paintings of Kobe in our house like it was really a You know, I've seen him from 8 to 24 I saw him go when when he played a jack for the first time. After that split came back on Christmas Day, my family was there a two game and I love for me sports. I'm not a big sports fan, necessarily. But I'm a big fan of good stories, so if there's a good narrative, I will go watch it. You know John Elway coming back to play his last game and going over to the Super Bowl in scoring a touchdown. Kobe playing shack for the first time after they split up Jordan playing bird like there's their you know or magic, there are people that I like to watch because there's an element in Kobe Bryant and his last game scored 60 points.

Issac:   44:45
Yes, he did. I saw that game on TV. It was one of the greatest games I've ever seen. He was unreal. He's amazing. I was rooting for him. I wanted him to win seven titles because I hate Michael Jordan was such a burden. I want Why do I hate Michael Jordan is

JFA:   45:01
besides taking the Hitler stache. Try to bring it back because I'm

Issac:   45:04
a Knicks fan. Why Dwight

JFA:   45:05
would know that's right, because he

Issac:   45:07
ripped my heart out and stomped it in his in his disgusting, overly competitive death grip. For a decade,

JFA:   45:15
we truly are. East versus West

Issac:   45:17
ripped me a party. Tour us apart every year. We could not beat that son of a bitch. He's the most competitive evil taskmaster ng fascist on the basketball court. Yeah, he was obsessive. That's was a monster. He was a monster, and we could not be. I hate that guy. I hate him. I don't hate people in this world. A lot

JFA:   45:40
of the bulls that were playing I really like Dennis Rodman

Issac:   45:44
know I hated Michael Jordan I hated that guy I love. When John Starks would, like, beat him on the fence or shoot over him and dunk on them, it was the greatest. Oh, yeah, is the greatest thing in the world that that's why I want it. I always really For Kobe. God, could we just get one? Just get at least times like I wanted the last two seasons. Just Hi, Jordan. Just time. So, like, he doesn't have this. I've got six, and you all just gonna have But But Michael Jordan is the most. You know, Nobody in modern Era is ever Michael Jordan. God bastard! Let it go. I can't let it go. I can't let. I'll never let that go. I can never tell never that the prime of my sports viewing youth was ruined by Michael Jordan. Anything funny happening this week? Funny. What do you mean?

JFA:   46:37
I wanna end it on a funny note. Little Kobe homage. I think we should end it on a humorous note of some sort.

Issac:   46:44
Well, I have this little cough because, uh, I didn't ozone therapy things. You know what that is? 03 No, I don't know. You know, again my director with the apothecary. Theo got you with the Montagues? Yes. And now she's got an ozone making machine maker. Ozone water. If you ever had ozone water, they sell, like, three bucks. The bottle. I think I had it once. Let me tell you, I felt hydrated for the first time in my life. Drinking this

JFA:   47:19
bozo is good for you.

Issac:   47:20
Well, yeah, drinking it's but what it does that that's ozone infused water that you're drinking. But then what you can do is you can take this like, stethoscope thing, and then it puts in its tubes. And the ozone gas itself comes in your ears and it goes into your your your throat and all that stuff in your lungs, and it clears out all the bacteria and everything in your ears, and it basically is a really amazing detox for your system.

JFA:   47:50
Why don't you take me to that? I would have taken to the comic story. He told me about that.

Issac:   47:53
Well, here was the problem. I should have only been doing it for 30 seconds to a minute, maybe two minutes. It felt so good. I kept it on for four or five minutes. So the past week I had what's called a Herc, CNN or whatever it's called reaction, which is basically my body just got so overly detox and all those toxins have been released. I got severely sick for the past week. I was out of commission.

JFA:   48:22
You really you know about Van Halen? Eddie Van Halen on the Master cleanse Hey, had done so many drugs and smoked so much cigarettes and treated his body so badly that when he actually tried to do the master cleanse, he had

Issac:   48:34
an adverse reaction. Of course, of course, because he's got so much toxin to do. One little thing. But this thing just might cut my throat still a little sore and dry. My my lungs were just a little bit. I overdid it. I don't know if that's funny,

JFA:   48:47
but I just want to wish everybody a good Valentine's Day. And if you Oh, no, it's Valentine's Day. Oh, God, I hated Shoot me Now think. Throw me off a cliff. I hate it. I heard it different in denial. Oh, my God. I don't want to. I'm gonna flush myself down the toilet. The worst agent here, Mark Holiday I want to throw up so I can't stand it. I wrote a whole rant. I understand

Issac:   49:18
I love Valentine's Day, but I'm always miserable and alone on Valentine's.

JFA:   49:22
I'm with you. Oh, what A Nor. Okay, I gotta watch everybody else. You love Yo

Issac:   49:29
fi, you're gonna have to just up in a little dress. We're gonna have to go to dinner.

JFA:   49:32
You're not alone. There's a dashboard confessional concert having a Valentine's Day asks whose passport they make. The Mobi ist status. Single person music. And they were like I'm so lonely. My girlfriend left me like That's their theme for all of their albums. But they're doing a show on Valentine's Day, which I know means there's Tana people. Maybe they're not dashboard confessional fans, but there's enough single people out there that they're like, All right, let's put on a show for that. You know,

Issac:   49:57
my, my the Wiltern My life has been nothing but a downwards file since four years ago to the day of Valentine's Day.

JFA:   50:06
Do you need a

Issac:   50:07
hug? It was the greatest Valentine's Day I've ever had in my existence.

JFA:   50:11
I heard what happened.

Issac:   50:12
I proposed to she who shall not be named on a tower in San Francisco. It was amazing. It was the most perfect weekend in San Francisco. It was It was It was idyllic. It was. I've never been in. Sanford was like, 65 not Windy and Sonny the entire time we got to the hotel in the oath, the hotel was lit up in purple for no reason.

JFA:   50:35
Oh, my God. You with

Issac:   50:37
IRS? They're twins coming here like, No, I'm like, Oh, I'm coming here the way guests. So no is the most perfect weekend. We had the most amazing time. It was It was blissful that we ate wonderfully well toward it was as great and perfect every weekend that you could have. This is 2000 and 16 And then the moment we came back to life just went to shit. And then next thing you know, jobs were gone. Accident prince goes bye Bye. Chie goes Bye bye. My house goes bye bye. And I've been Look around

JFA:   51:15
you. You got me. You're doing all right. I

Issac:   51:18
got yo fi. That's the only thing that matters is all that matters. All right, Are we done?

JFA:   51:23
I think we ended on a funny note.

Issac:   51:25
If I can make it past the Valentine's Day, which is not a guarantee I might be throwing myself off a cliff. Uh, then there will be another podcast, I guess. 11. Yeah, man, I'm gonna close.

JFA:   51:37
I'm gonna We're gonna keep this up. I'm gonna keep this up.

Issac:   51:39
You're going to keep it up. You're gonna get a blow up. Isaac doll, that here with the GOP little purple Isaac purple. You you're gonna get You're gonna get Isaac's Funchal pop made and you get there. And

JFA:   51:51
that sounds fun. Do you know what a fungal pop? Of course I know the funk of popular. I don't know. I have a Funchal pop key chain that I forgot to bring.

Issac:   51:59
You have my integrity. You have my Batman us Be fun

JFA:   52:06
somewhere. I also have a saw. Another Batman, a USB. But it was like 50 bucks. No, you don't

Issac:   52:13
need to get another Batman. You're my Batman, USB. I want it back. I will get it. You know, you keep saying that you're not gonna get it

JFA:   52:19
somewhere in my stuff. You don't even know

Issac:   52:21
where it iss.

JFA:   52:22
I've been moving a lot, so yeah, I mean, you said it's at your mom's house that my mom doesn't get it in my stuff at my mom's house. So because it was in my car from my

Issac:   52:31
old Lincoln. Oh, good Lord J. I want that thing. It's the only thing that's gonna get me through Valentine's Day. Oh my yo fi and My Batman, USB This 1970 style with

JFA:   52:43
blue and gray. So word got a star on the Walk of Fame only recently.

Issac:   52:54
Oh, yeah, somebody paid for it. Well, that's the only way. Of course, that's only when you get a store. Finally, somebody pays for it.

JFA:   53:01
What's his face had? One forever. Adam, thanks for listening to you.