Skillman Church of Christ's Podcast

Upside Down - Jake Jacobson

Skillman Church of Christ

As we continue to prepare for Easter Sunday and the resurrection of Jesus, we recognize that within each of us is a dangerous darkness and selfishness. We each desire to tell our story on our terms, and in such a way that we are benefited and blessed as a result. Often, this way of living is at the expense of others. In order for us to be benefited and blessed, someone else may have to suffer or to take a lower place than us. However, Jesus encourages us to intentionally choose someone else’s good over our own. It is in giving that we receive. It is in losing our lives that we find it. Jesus’ economy is upside down from our own. As we prepare for Easter and how Jesus gave his life for ours, we choose to participate in this upside-down economy of giving and losing instead of taking and benefiting at the expense of someone else.