Skillman Church of Christ's Podcast

The Wasteful Love of Jesus - Jake Jacobson

April 08, 2019 Skillman Church of Christ

In this passage, the aroma of Mary’s perfume as it is poured on Jesus’ feet fills the whole house. In other words, Mary’s action of giving, of sacrificing, is infectious and it spreads everywhere. Judas can’t stand the smell of this wastefulness, and yet Jesus defends Mary’s actions not as wasteful, but as a beautiful gift. As Easter comes nearer, we should understand that by participating in the “wastefulness” of Jesus’ giving of his life, we provide a gift that is sweet and that will fill up “the house.” Our actions, when they look the way that Jesus’ actions looked will have that sweet-smelling fragrance; it will be intoxicating and infectious too. We give of ourselves, following Jesus’ example, and for the sake of those who need to know about the good gift that Jesus gives to us through his life, death, and resurrection.