Skillman Church of Christ's Podcast

Prayerful Preparation - Jake Jacobson

Skillman Church of Christ

As Jesus himself prepares for the crucifixion (and resurrection), he prays to God, “if it’s possible, take this cup of suffering away from me.” No one ever said this way of following Jesus was easy. Even Jesus found it difficult. Yet, Jesus teaches us that the prayer doesn’t end there. Jesus continues in his prayer, “However—not what I want but what you want.” Jesus teaches us one of the most difficult lessons we will ever have to learn (and by the way, to face daily too): to give up our desires and to accept God’s. In the preparation for Easter, as we have observed the Lenten season, we prepare for Easter Sunday this week by understanding that God’s desire is that the love that God had in creation, the relationship that God had in perfect community with each person, creature, and even the created world itself be restored to harmony so that God might share the love that God has within God’s self with the created world—the entire created world. What will we do to help bring that harmony of relationship back to our hurting world and into our hurting lives?