Skillman Church of Christ's Podcast

The Last Will Be First - Jake Jacobson

July 01, 2019 Skillman Church of Christ

The parable of the vineyard workers continues to teach us about the Kingdom of Heaven and how God’s kingdom is unlike anything in this world. In God’s kingdom, God’s grace is not earned or deserved—you cannot even really work for it. Instead it is a gift from God. The work that we do is as a result of the promise of the gift. Not in order to earn it. Not only do we learn about how amazing God’s grace is as a gift, but we also learn that we can live joyfully and without resentment or jealousy. This week, as we read and remember this parable, may we choose joy. May we rejoice in what God has done for us and is continuing to do for all the other workers in the vineyard—even the ones who are brought in after us.