Skillman Church of Christ's Podcast

A Kingdom That Lasts - Jake Jacobson

Skillman Church of Christ

As Jesus continues to teach his disciples and even the religious leaders of his day about the Kingdom of Heaven, he challenges them to seek that Kingdom—the Kingdom of God—above the kingdoms of this world. He confronts the religious leaders and Pharisees about the kingdoms built upon religion, and he confronts our kingdoms today built around ourselves, or our ideas about safety and comfort. Jesus invites us into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he does so asking that we would bring everything and give it to God—that all of our fruit would be dedicated and devoted to God alone. As we continue to read and learn from Jesus in these parables, may we devote ourselves fully to the Kingdom of Heaven, and not to the kingdoms of this world or even the kingdoms that we ourselves build up around ourselves, and may God’s Kingdom continue to come on earth as it is in heaven.