Skillman Church of Christ's Podcast

The Red Tractor and the Power of the Holy Spirit - John Mark Davidson

Skillman Church of Christ

The Skillman church has big plans.  This month we will speak about our hopes, dreams, and visions for local and international missions.  Last week Mike Young also spoke of a season of prayer and discernment for the direction and mission of the congregation.  In all these discussions, are we including the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit to give us power to do great things.  In our modern world, we often unintentionally leave God our of our plans to spread is kingdom.  We put our faith in the "right" hire, the development of an effective mission and vision plan, events, and outreach programs.  All of these are important, but it is also vital to remember that first and foremost we are a spiritual institution.  We ultimately rely on God's Spirit to open doors, to make things happen, and create opportunities for growth.