Skillman Church of Christ's Podcast

Prepare the Way - Jake Jacobson

December 10, 2018 Skillman Church of Christ

The night that Jesus was born and the subsequent nights were a busy and perhaps hectic set of nights. In the different Gospel accounts, we see not only Mary and Joseph present, but likely different animals, shepherds, and magi from the East. We hear about people who come to see this child in the Temple at his dedication (Anna and Simeon). We know that King Herod wanted to get rid of this potential rival to his throne, and that he ends up killing all the children who might be a threat to him. Jesus entered the world, and peace may not have been the adjective we used to describe his birth and early childhood. Yet, Jesus brings the peace of God to the world. Jesus shows us that God is good and faithful. And Jesus invites us to announce that peace to the world around us, even in the midst of tumult, darkness, and violence. May we prepare the way for the peace of Christ to enter our world fully and finally.