Skillman Church of Christ's Podcast

Dark Days - Jake Jacobson

January 31, 2019 Skillman Church of Christ

The book of Lamentations expresses the pain, doubt, and hurt that the people of Israel, God’s people, feel in the midst of exile. The people are crying out in lament to God, asking for God to come back to them even though they have turned their backs on God. And the book ends open-ended. It ends without resolution. But, the story does continue. God’s people expectantly wait for someone to come from God who will give them a new identity. Someone who will offer them light in the midst of a dark time in their history. And Jesus does come—the light of the world—to give them hope, even in the midst of their difficulties. Now, Jesus asks us to join him as the light upon a hill and the lamp for the whole house. May we offer light even in our pain to those around us. May we become like Jesus, and shed light into the darkness.