Winking Kat Tales

Winking Kat Tales: Aesop's Fables -The Lion & The Mouse

Winking Kat Season 2 Episode 2

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Green Series (ages 4 & up)
Copyright © 2018 by P. Haines-Ainsworth & Terence Alaric Levitt
    published by Winking Kat Books

The Lion & The Mouse is the first of three episodes dedicated to the fables of the Greek storyteller, Aesop.  Winking Kat has adapted this familiar fable into a short, musical, presentation for young audiences.  The story is about a lion who reluctantly makes friends with a little mouse.  The mouse, Tillie, promises that their friendship might be important someday, but Leonard, the lion, doesn't believe her.  When Leonard suddenly finds himself snared in a trap, Tessie steps in to help him as only she can. 

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Cast:  Danny Miller, Jen Makenas, Jenna Jordan, Kyla Roberts, Patricia Haines-Ainsworth.  Piano: Terry Levitt.