The Beauty Haus by Shannon Kim

AL FUENTES: Mental Coach

January 08, 2020 Shannon Kim / Al Fuentes Season 1 Episode 9

spk_0:   0:01
Welcome to the beauty house podcast. I'm your host, Shannon Kim. As a student of hypnotherapy and a working hairdresser. My gift is connecting intuitively and energetically with people. So I've been able to see the deeper meanings behind their stories. What I've learned is that were more some more than we realize. My goal is to move you from surviving into thriving through the stories of creative professionals sharing their struggles. Impassioned, you'll discover how your natural gifts are connected to your highest purpose.  

spk_0:   0:44
I'm here today with Al Fuentes.   He is a mental coach and I'm so excited to share all of his beautiful and inspiring information with you today. Hi Al, how are you? 

spk_1:   1:05
Ah, fantastic. Yeah. It's been a great day.

spk_0:   1:09
I'm, so excited to have you here, please explain what a mental coach is

spk_1:   1:16
Well, I like to tell my clients that I am a personal trainer for the brain.  I don't just give nice advice and maybe give you some little worksheets to do to talk about things or to write down some goals.  If you were to imagine going to a personal trainer and wanting to get stronger. You would tell them, Hey, I'm looking to get stronger biceps. Maybe I'm a little flabby here. Oh, and by the way, i have a few injuries, and so you get an assessment from personal trainer. And after all of that time, then the personal trainer customizes a physical work out for you. And by doing that, then you have to do the work out. If you don't do the work out, you can have the best trainer world, and it won't matter. And so what I tell people is, we'll sit down and I'll understand how your brain's working. I'll understand the dysfunctions based on what you're sharing and the things you already know you want to change and want to get stronger and maybe some other things you don't you're not aware of. And through the process of time,, an hour, if you will. We understand how the mind is working, and then the last 15 minutes I design a workout, if you will. Some brain training that is really beautifully specifically designed to tap into what I would call fate and delta frequencies in the brain and get people to change their subconscious using beta and Delta frequencies, which our frequencies we tap into when we sleep and we generate energy to recover and heal. But if you could do that during the day, which is what we d'oh, you can use that energy that you generate to re fire and retrain the brain. So it's really kind of a subconscious, a subconscious approach, and it's definitely a mental workout to me. That is what a mental coach is, somebody who can assist somebody in there brain training. When I started doing this work, it kind of came to me. And to understand the amazing changes that I went through personally in my life, I had to kind of figure out how I did it. So I did some backwards engineering, and I did discover, like, experienced meditators. But people who have done it for a long time can tap into faded in Delta frequencies while they're meditating. But typically, they said it was reserved for experienced meditators who had done it for a long time, and it takes a little bit to get into. And so I heard all that, and I'm like, Okay, um, it doesn't necessarily take more than just a few moments. In fact, on my website, through some brain scans from they're of my song goes he had they wanted to test out because I had done some work with an athlete who got some amazing results, and they happen to know him in there. And they got a hold of me and they said, Hey, can you come in? We wanna hook up your brain in Measure out your state in Delta Frequencies. I'm like, Yeah, sure. So, um, I did. And in the first minute, I had really no activity and data and Delta both in the prefrontal cortex or in the back of the brain. And then they said, And so they measured me for a minute. And then the second minute, they said, Okay, do your thing, which is was my thing of tapping in and within a minute you could see major activity both in the front and the back of the brain and state and Delta frequencies in what that did, is it? It took us. It took my mind to a whole another level of tapping in, and in fact, I still think they used them today to kind of show what's possible. But what they were telling me at the time is like it's really highly unusual for anyone to be able to to shift gears that quickly.

spk_0:   4:56
Can you give people like a little snapshot of what your life looks like when you started this kind of a little history of that journey and then how that kind of spiritual guidance started to shift you?

spk_1:   5:07
Yeah, Yeah, for sure. In fact, I'll go even a little bit farther back because, you know, when I was born, I was born in Ohio in just a small town of 1000 people called Liberty Center, which is a beautiful place, and there's a lot of beautiful people. But it was a farm town, and it was just pretty much an alway farm town. I think there was, uh, Mike, maybe too ethnic families in ours was one of them, and and so, while there was many beautiful people in the town, you know, kids are tough in general, but then when you're a little different, kids can be even tougher. And I never fit in. And you know, Mom and Dad got divorced when I was young. I can't remember when it was in. You know, it was one of those things where my mom was very strong and proud woman, but she didn't want a lot of help from my dad. So she raised three kids and didn't accept a lot of money. So I think she was making maybe 12 grand a year, raising three kids in. And so we didn't have a lot at that time. And, you know, it was my mom was trying to figure herself out in life. My dad, he was trying to figure himself out in life. Both one came

spk_0:   6:14
from a

spk_1:   6:14
very, ah unusual situation. So they had tough lives and, you know, they just only knew what they knew. And so they did the best they could. But it was a tough life for me. And, you know, I kind of escape through sports and went to college and ended very well. And, you know, there was this instill keys of me that felt like I needed to give back. And I think a lot of that came from my mom because she was always helping people. She was always given to people, even if we didn't have much of anything she would still give to people, which was pretty amazing. So I I got to watch a lot of that growing up. So when I was in college, I actually did my first motivational speech back in 1993. And then my old school actually paid me to come in, and I spoke to the whole school was like, 300 people, and and and it was really, ah, unique experience. So that was really my fresh experience into kind of holding some kind of space of coaching motivation. And then I did some, um, teen suicide hotline stuff. I became an R a. In charge of the floor of her dorm when I was in college. Uh, was that for two years, my freshman year? Actually, by Thanksgiving I was our A and did that for two years and then was that has a head resident for two years and you go through a lot of counseling, uh, classes and stuff to make sure you can handle if kids come to you and need any help and stuff. So I did a lot of that, and I feel like I was just always in a position where people were asking me for stuff and questions and help in my mind watching my mom and having this taste for these things. I thought, And I want to help people in life. And so I kind of did that for a while until I realized that I was lost myself. And then in that I wasn't helping truly helping anyone, and I just I just realized that it was kind of a broken system because I was trying to give people all of me or this thing that was empty on the inside, and it just didn't work for me. So I kind of got away from all that. My dad was killed in 2000. I was out of college at that time, and he he was an interesting, uh, beautifully interesting person, but lives a tough life. Amy, he floated over on an inner tube from Cuba when he was 17. Ah, you know, You know, when I was 17 I was just worried about school and football and wrestling track. And here he is, escaping a country, you know, And his 17. And he didn't He didn't have anyone when he was here, and He just figured out life by himself. And it wasn't until the later years of his life when he was only like 50 something that I'm not really the best with age or timelines or numbers when it comes to like, you know, how old is somebody? How was I? I'm really like Time is very That's OK. Eso I'm sure I don't have all my facts 100% right, but and it's always fuzzies for me anyway. But the point is, is that just the last couple years he started coming into his own and really started becoming someone I could develop a relationship. Then he was gone in. During that time, I learned a lot about how beautiful death was, and it wasn't a sad experience for me. As much as it was an awakening experience. I got to learn about my dad because quite honestly, he came to me when he died and and I thought I was making it up. I thought I just really wanted to talk to him and I was making up the story, but for the last, for the 1st 3 days after he died, he kind of came to me that kind of he came here.

spk_0:   9:58
I just got I just got chills. Yeah, I just got That's what happens. I would love for youto speak about that and also about how people have so much fear around it. And, you know, I think this is such a beautiful conversation to have.

spk_1:   10:16
Yeah, Well, death for me at that time was much like anyone else. This thing that you know you're scared of, you don't wantto have been and feel like you have some control over and everything else. But when he came to me like the first day, I just thought I'd made it up and then But in that first day, he said, Hey, here's what's gonna happen tomorrow. You need to pay attention or this Here's what you need to watch out for in stuff like that. I'm like, I couldn't believe it because what he was telling me, he seems so far fetched the things that were gonna happen. But sure enough following day, all the stuff he said was gonna happen started happening. And I was like, Oh, like, Okay, I'm not making this up. He's really coming to me. So I started going paying attention. Then I started asking questions. Tell me about that. Tell me what's going on. Like, what is it about? He's like, Well, I chose to die. I wanted to go quick. I wanted it to be something that you know, where I had just I didn't have much time. I was dying of cancer. It was just came on, but I couldn't imagine, you know, my wife taking care of me. So I just wanted to go, and I'm like, Okay, he's like So trust me, she's taken care of. I made sure everything was set up and and she's good. And it was It wasn't He didn't plant. He didn't like, even though he chose to die, he didn't shows how he died. He didn't chose. He didn't choose. Um, like, which way in any or like, a day or a week? It wasn't set up in that way. He just said yes, I'm ready to go. And then he just let the universe work out the details and whatever way the universe was gonna work it out. And so that's exactly what happened. And he had all of his affairs in order, like, weeks ahead of time, and he just knew. But he was that kind of guy. He literally taught himself how to read and write English. He taught himself any job he ever did. You know, he just taught himself everything in life. I remember building computers when I was 17. And, you know, my dad was always, ah kind of construction mechanic Hanzee guy in that way, but nothing ever technical. And so he's like, Well, I want to do that, shall we had to build a computer? My Come on, Dad. Like, you know, this is, you know, forget it like it's computer. This is back in the early days of computers anyway, so and within a month, like he's like, Hey, come, come, come to the house. So I go see him. He built himself a computer, taught himself how to build a computer, and he could really do anything in life and in death. And so in death, he decided that was he was good. And he was. He'd lived as long as he wanted to live on this earth. He knew he had a choice by that point. And that's the thing. And one of the coolest things I've ever understood about death came from this imagery is if whoever's listening to this and then want to kind of see death from my dad's eyes is, you know, it's just imagine closing your eyes and your scent on a beach and you're watching surfers watching surfers catch waves. And if you watch surfers long enough, you're gonna see a few things going to see Surfers who look see a wave coming and you can see it too. You can see this kind of bulge in the water come up and they start to go catch this wave, and that bulge kind of fizzles before it even becomes a wave. And then the surfer realizes it, and they kind of stopped. They turn back around, they could catch. They go wait and maybe the next one. It turns into a way that happens. Sometimes they catch a wave and they just get up on it, and no sooner than they get up, do they crash down. And then some of them ride him all the way to the beach, which is kind of cool. Uh, so when you watch surfers like that, you just you don't feel any fear for them you don't think they're missing anything, that they're cut anything? Sure, you see, I'm just having a great experience. And if they miss a way that is, catch another one. That's life from how I understand it now it's like life comes and goes. It's like waves. Like, you know, someone comes into this world and however long they choose T come in and stay on that wave. You know, sometimes they control that sometimes they don't sometimes to catch a wave, and it's bigger than they realized and they can't handle it and they bounce. And sometimes, you know, they go to catch a wave. I'II come into a beautiful female body and then all of a sudden you know there's a miscarriage. It's like, Well, that way, I kind of thought it was gonna develop, but it never really developed, so that's that's okay. But the thing that's beautifully guaranteed is that it Life never begins and never ends. It's constantly just there, and it just takes different forms in different energies. And the biggest thing that he wanted to teach me other than that was that celebrate who I waas while I was here, not what I'm not when I'm gone.

spk_0:   14:57
Mm. Wow. What a gift.

spk_1:   15:02
Yeah. So after that death and me, we're good. I was like, Cool. And I was, You know, I never really had issues with people dying, and I never had any feeling. I was always happy to celebrate them. And I've done much meditating on it since. And, you know, I have some quotes that I've written about, you know, death. And, you know, the sunset and the sun rise, both being equally as beautiful, much like being born and dying. And just to add to that, there's two ways that people can truly understand and heal from death. Whether they visualize, close our eyes and visualize watching people surf the ocean or whether they literally go to the beach and watch it. That experience of understanding death in that way would really, truly heal them. But just one other piece to a two. And there was the other piece that I said that life does not begin, nor does it ended. Just transforms into different ways, but it also goes with communication. And a lot of times humans cut the lines of communications with loved ones once they die because they believe that that's how it is. And so when I work with people who are going through death and we talk about these frameworks, we also talk about communication in a way that it doesn't have to end. It has changed for sure, but communication has always been changing from the Pony Express to, you know, single single line phone and where there was man manual switch operators. And then suddenly it was, you know, rotaries and third party lines, which I remember when I was a kid, and, uh then these Cordless phone, which were really weird thing. And then all of a sudden,

spk_0:   16:44
the phones and, yeah,

spk_1:   16:46
the next level of communications gonna be even even much more different. I think stuff will get implanted in this. I mean to me.

spk_0:   16:53
Well, like frequency communication, enter or something.

spk_1:   16:57
Yeah, but even, like, you know, having equipment and plant it in, you know, the head. So you can you have an internal mike and you have some controls, you know, stuff in the movies. But to me that that's not that doesn't surprise me if that would ever unfold. But the point is, is communications ever changing and when you talk about our communications. You and I were in different places right now speaking, you know, through this beautiful technology. So why is it any different for us to be indifferent places? This is me and my dad or whoever's listening in their loved one. And so I asked people, especially my own clients. Let's not stop the communication. You can really, truly go up in a safe way, go up without getting lost and go up in a way where you can connect and continue the energy exchange, continue the relationship, continue the experience. It's gonna be different, for sure, but it can be beautiful in deeply enriching and beautifully powerful in. So when people understand that my clients especially they have a great sense of not only relief in healing but actually continuation of a relationship that doesn't have to be over,

spk_0:   18:14
that is so beautiful. And it touches my heart so deeply to have it reframed in that way, because I have never thought about that continuing communication just through another dimension. I'm so I'm so happy that you're sharing this with people.

spk_1:   18:33
Yeah, it's really beautiful of people. I mean, if you think about especially people that have impacted your life in If you imagine sharing just having a conversation with him and in your head, you'd be surprised how much that person alive in this still in this physical form or not how much you can interact. I mean, how many times have you thought of somebody? And then they've called you out of the blue, Someone you hadn't thought about in years.

spk_0:   19:01
Oh, yeah, definitely. And also that telepathic communication. You know, especially I've used that, especially just a visual ization of a communication if I'm having a difficult time with somebody or if there's something I really want to say, but it's, ah, hard conversation to have in person all start visualizing that conversation, going really beautiful and putting really beautiful energy toward it. And then when I actually am with the person and start having that conversation, it already has all this positive momentum behind it telepathically. And it's really helped my communication, especially in difficult situations.

spk_1:   19:39
Yeah, and that's a really great exercise and really beautiful that you do that And if we can do that, and why can't we connect with other people in their essence in their energy because it's still all around. It's still like, you know, it's, you know, it's like turning off a flashlight. And you know, if you're in the dark and you turn off the flashlight, you can still see a glow.

spk_0:   20:02
Yeah, yeah, yeah

spk_1:   20:03
for yeah, for quite a while before it finally like, dissolves out into blankness. That concept is very much the same when a soul is here and then it s old goes back up in out of this physical form back up there's that kind of fading, and the time on that really lasts a lot longer than our lifetime. So where maybe you could quantify if you hit a stopwatch, a flashlight, Maybe a few seconds before that, that glow of the light finally fades. It's not the same concept when it comes to souls. In this realm, it's much slower. So that's that's low soul fades. I mean, it'll last much longer than you still living in existence in this life, so you can still feel see, connect to it if you choose to open up to a different framework. But it's that opening up and what most people do, which is very normal humanness is it's part of the human construct. Uh, is that people just understand death as a place of loss, which is completely understandable. In normal, the understanding is of what they don't have any more of us is what they gained, which is all fine, because again, it's the normal human construct of how most people process death. However, that's that mindset. That framework prevents you from continuing to stay connected or to open up the possibilities of a new connection or a different connection because you're in already in Los versus gain. So why would you think, Oh, I can still talk to somebody? That's like the thing was pretty awakening cause that was like, my first true realization. I know my dad was a big deal, but again, it was such an isolated incident. I thought it was just special to my dad's death in teaching me about death and not something to awaken me. I never I didn't have a, ah, big enough vision to think of it as anything else other than a just a tiny little blip in time. But when I I went to the psychic, she said, you know, hey, uh, give you write down your questions and then bring him. And so we wrote down, like, 35 questions and we might walk in, and we're like, Here you go. And she lived a couple hours away, so it wasn't even like she was local. And? Well, here you go. She goes, save your questions. What gets home? Okay, so then she starts. She said, sit down. She hits the tape recorder, and she's like, flips over some Terrel cards. And I'm like, All right, like, I've seen this in the movies. Like, I'm not sure how this is gonna go. I e wasn't skeptical, but at the same time, it wasn't like, you know, thinking like like, this is gonna be amazing. I just didn't know I was kind of observing. Well, she started kind of talking to us about things. She flipped a car to go. Oh, you guys are thinking about moving like yeah, yeah, true. Okay. And she kept flipping over some car and then after about a few cards, just turned to us, and she literally just told us about our lives without us ever saying a word. She answered every one of her questions except one without us ever asking a question. And halfway through I was really aware of what was happening, and I was really aware of her connection. And I'm like whatever she's doing, I that's what I want to do, not coaching somebody or being giving a reading. I'm talking about just the fundamental, unlimited connection to something greater. That's what I saw. I saw she was connecting to something. Whatever she wanted, his was, can't you? I wanted to connect, and I just I just felt that I can't explain it other than that. So during the process, she had mentioned some health issues that my girlfriend was going through at the time she got So we'll rake. You can heal that. And we're like, Okay, and she's like, You should come to my regular class in my court. Cool. Yeah, what? We're in, We're there. I just say whatever she said. She could have told me anything and I would have done it. And so at that time, and so it was Ricky. So we just went up to a rake e class, and we're driving a couple hours to go back up for this class. And after that initial experience. I'm like, All right, I'm like something, something. Something's about to happen. I just felt it. And so I started doing ranking and Ray, he opens up this connection this energy, working for those who don't know what Ricky is. Ricky is this Japanese kind of energy healing practice in Ray means universal life force and key means energy much like CI in China. Um, but it sze just Japanese. I mean, there's a lot more to it, but quite simply, you just learn howto connect to the life force energy that we all feel an exit in tap into when we sleep. But it's something you can generate during the day. And so this kind of teachers have to do that, but in a very spiritually and a beautiful way, using cool symbols and stuff like that. So that's what I started learning. And that's what started opening me up. So I read this book creative, creating money by sin. A Roman sees wise in so many ways and probably an even way. She just does naturally that she doesn't know how magical she is. And again, I'm not. I've never heard Tony Robbins speak. I've never read a book. A thinker, girl rich. None of that. All that stuff I'm not include into Deepak. I don't have not well read. I'm not well versed other than the stuff I go in and go up with. But the thing about sin a that was really cool, is she was teaching me how to have a spiritual practice because I'd read a chapter every morning and then I would do the exercise at the end. And what she is teaching you to do is not just take information as is. She's teaching you how to take what is there and do something with it so you can make truth out of it, which is so beautiful. And why her books were so amazing is because you have you read a chapter at the end. There's an exercise, as you know, because you've read her books. But for the people listening, you know, you read a chapter, you do the exercise. That exercise is designed for you to take it in and go up and make your own truth from her stuff. And in the beginning of her book, she even says, Hey, you know, take what resonates with dozen don't don't use. It's okay like whatever is here for you is. And if it's not, it's not. That was how I thought it always was, because that's the only thing I knew because it's the only book I ever started reading first. And my teacher was very much the same way. She didn't want to be anyone's truth. She didn't want to be like anyone's hero or guru. She was just like I'm teaching you this. This is simple stuff. Anyone could do it like Don't get too excited, you know? Come out. Yeah, you're right. She was my reiki teacher. But she's so much more. She Her name is Claudette Cleveland, and she lives up in, Ah, up north, uh, south of Sedona. And she's a pretty. She's an author now. Sh um, she's written some really cool books, some really, really great books, some cool novels, and then she has a son. Novellas, too, that she writes, she's she's kind of a fun writer, so it, if you're interested in and checking her out, she's she's there. But she really taught me Ricky. We want a for Ricky. Class 123 Iraqi mastered out with her we did, uh, some channeling classes, astral travel classes. So these are the things I was doing in the two years of my life to just try to figure myself out. And what happened was, as as as I was working with people on Ray Key, I started getting tons of messages. And that's when that channel, that same experience I had with my father, was just like, wide open. And however, though it was happening more than I realized I was in high inside, even in college, kids would come to my room and they have problems. Or I'd stop by and say, Hey, how you doing? And I'd share wisdom with people that I didn't know where it was coming from, and I distinctly, distinctively remember as a kid talking to another kid about their problems. I'd said something, and I'm like, Where did that come from? Because it sounded really cool and smart. But, you know, I didn't consciously think of it, and I literally just said, Where did that come from? Well, that sounded good, and I remember I had many instances like that as a kid being a peer counselor, and so now it's all coming together now I'm starting to figure like, Oh, wow, like kind of Ben experience in this. I just didn't know it. And I was so much in my own way with such a thick and heavy ego or human experience that I didn't really allow myself to understand it. Nor did I even know it was there. It just happened. And so once I was doing Ricky, though, then I knew that I knew what I was doing. I knew how I was doing it. And then the message for started coming and he just never stopped.

spk_0:   28:53
So I was gonna ask you about the breath and the visualization and how you use the physical body and the power of your own energy to teach people how to start healing. Yeah.

spk_1:   29:08
So this is where the story gets interesting, because after two years, I'm like, uh, people are coming to me. Hey, what you doing? People in the office? Truly, I've seen you change over two years, Like what's going on, like, you know, people in my life. And I'm like, uh well, I didn't know what to tell him. I didn't. You Ricky is still is, like, not on the cusp of just being this mainstream thing. So young back then, it definitely wasn't so I didn't really know how to articulate. Nor did I understand I had a guy people like that a few like, Well, let me just show you some Ricky. And that didn't work out very well cause that wasn't really something that I could truly work with. People on on away where they could then work with themselves, at least in a functional way. I felt at the time. So it's like, OK, what do I do here? So I just meditated on it said, Alright, universe, I'm doing good. I'm making six figures. I'm happy. But if you want me to do this, you gotta show me something because I do not know what I'm doing. And so it took a little bit of time. I meditated for a while and and I just started getting some downloads. I wrote it all down. I got clarity on it. And then I went and did some research, and everything I wrote down was backed up by the things I looked up. Everything I did in research. So understanding the brain and doing some no science research, doing breath work, stuff doing the different components. And what I came to understand is that in each area, the physical body, the breath itself, the way we can use the mind. These things were all there, but everyone was kind of in their own field, and none of them no one really had put it all together. And they especially didn't link the fact that you can connect from the subconscious and push it through the prefrontal cortex. And that was a huge distinction. That the universe is trying to give to me is like, Listen, this is meant to be not just reserved for something when you're sleeping. Nor is it just when you're meditating. It's meant to be pushed through the front of the brain. I'm like, OK, it's really meant to be the driver of the back of the mind. This bigger consciousness is meant to be the driver that drives the front of mind, and what the problem is is that everybody was using the front of the mind and just logic and intellect to make all the decisions and drive their life, which puts a ton of pressure on the front of the brain, which is why there's so many mental and physical challenges through this process is because people really struggle and they put way too much pressure on the front of the brain because they're living out of the front of the brain. And so then everything is from there, and it's never was never supposed to be that way. So ah, lot of the challenges and people's lives were coming from that stress in that struggle, so they just taught me howto happen. So I developed a system that was able to work on your breath, which, oddly enough, was something that I had been working on since, uh, see what would have been 1990 1990 I want to say, And there was a year I was in high school, I think was a young kid and I went to this college, um, camp a wrestling camp because I was a wrestler and wanted with skin. And this guy, one of the rest was just like I got my resting resting heart rate down 45. He's like, that's how much power I have over my breath in my body, and I was just like that must be the measure of being in good shape because he was talking about being in good shape of Michael. Then in my head, I need to get my heart rate down to 45. I didn't know how to do that. I've been trained so hard to do everything. So I just started playing around with breath work. I put together some understanding of breath work that I already knew as a kid. Plus some some stuff I was learning Understand how to relax the body because the universe was like, If you can relax the body much like you relax it during sleep, if you can get a rhythmic breath and you can then allow yourself to create this slowing down of their front of the mind. But more importantly, you start activating faded delta back the mind. So this and then you want to add physical sensation to it. So not only just the breath itself, but feeling the physical body using this, this body, in a wave of opening it up, relaxed body have a regulated breath and then to use imagery. And the three of those together create this connection that starts toe open up the back of minuses. If the back of the brain thinks, Oh, you're going to sleep now, OK? Because we're using imagery. We're using the breath. We're using the body's open state and then literally. So when I work with people now, some people start yawning because and I go. That's normal, by the way. Some people I feel a little tired or foggy afterwards. That's normal. You've probably experienced that as well because they're not used to tapping into those frequencies while they're conscious. So it triggers yawning because the body goes, Oh, you must be tired Start yawning because that's his indication. That

spk_0:   34:09
means yawning is actually a sign of hypnosis. You know, when people are going into hypnosis, they start yawning. So it's a pretty powerful trifecta because, you know, relaxing the body is actually what opens the door to the subconscious. And then kind of the imagery and the feeling are the languages of the subconscious. So it's like the trifecta you're setting up is everything for reprogramming and rewiring Subconscious.

spk_1:   34:36
Yeah, and yet and the body doesn't know what I mean, but he's just gonna react to the environment if it if you have the illusion of it being cold, and your eyes are signaling because maybe you have fake snow and fake ice and you have this illusion, but the temperatures actually warmer. The body could still trigger shivers or cold because just doesn't just is going off of the information is given and in the same with watching scary movies. It definitely triggers a lot of chemicals in the body, through fear and through flight and so which aren't necessarily healthy. But that's a whole conversation for another day. Um, yeah, in the same thing, yawning, yawning is that very thing. When you're putting somebody into hypnosis or I'm guiding, somebody threw a visualization. They start yawning cause the blood is just assuming that it's because of that. That experience and So, Theo. The point is, is that that's what I came to understand, but not necessarily from a hypnosis standpoint from a conscious taking this cabin. People talk through it, guide through it, work through it from a conscious level, and I'll also then drive into the front of their brain to the prefrontal cortex. And as they learn how to take that connection with breath, it now becomes the turbine that breath becomes the turbine generating energy and then drive that connection through the prefrontal cortex with their own will. You know them choosing it.

spk_0:   36:01
I'd love for you to talk about your breathing Thio Enlightenment technique. I just side love. I you know, I've listened to the whole talk about that, and I would love for you to share that. And also, you know, just kind of every time you say a truth and take a breath how that charge replaces and re wires will provoke I'd love for you. Just explain that whole thing because it's so amazing.

spk_1:   36:25
Sure. So again, early on, the universe was very clear on me. They they said, Don't make this about you. I don't try to be somebody's answer truth. And don't make this complicated. Those were very clear, like these are non negotiables. Once I finally got that the universal like all right, here's some simple stuff because that's one of the rules simplicity and in so the breath. And they were talking about the breath and I said, Listen, this is really enlightenment. Super simple, And at the time people were all trying to talk about all these different past to enlightenment, the way to enlightenment and all these different things you could do in all these modalities. And that was a really big thing when I got this message. And it's really simple. You need one simple modality. Your breath. That's it. Okay, tell me more. Think about breathing. And if you breathe in, if you take a breath in what do you breathing in? Like oxygen, of course. And like, how do you know? Do you ever worry about it? I don't know. You do carry on oxygen meter with you Everywhere you go. No, but he man, you probably I couldn't find one anywhere. Really. No one's worried about oxygen being in the air. This is so like So there's Helen. Me, they're saying Okay, listen, think about it in one breath in your breathing is something you can't see taste or smell something outside of you, something bigger than you. And that's something you just have to have pure trusting. And I know you have pure trust because you don't question it. You don't carry an oxygen meter. You don't wonder where your next breath is coming from or if there's enough air. And if you really think about that. That's totally true. None of us ever question where there isn't enough oxygen in the air. I mean, of course, unusual situations. If you're scuba diving, is their oxygen in the tank. If you're somewhere in some crazy situation short. But I'm talking about normalcy of life. None of us ever question if there's enough oxygen in the air. So in one breath and you have perfect trust, we all do. And it's proven because none of us ever question it. And then if you take that breath in your where you taking a course in the lungs, where's it going through the body? You ever breathe a breath and go, Oh, my gosh, is that going to get to my toes? I really,

spk_0:   39:04
really want that to get to my toes. Is it going to? And I'm really

spk_1:   39:07
concerned. No, we don't question. We just know once we breathe in, we know we have complete trust in her body to get it where it needs to go, period. So in one breath in, we get to have this perfect trust in something outside of us, something bigger than us, something we can't see, tastes or smells something we have perfect, perfect trust in faith. And then we also have perfect faith within us. Perfect trust within us. And then when you breathe out, you let go of all you no longer need. You're a master of letting go. And when I heard all this and I finally like linked all the elements Whoa! Mind blown officially mind blown because I was like Think about it. Every religion is trying to get you to believe in some God, some, some deity, Some face some something. And I think all religions are so beautiful in their own ways. And and I'm not here to promote religion or any specific religion. I'm here to say that the concept of that process, if we could understand it on the most simplistic level, it's faith. It's trust, perfect faith, perfect trust. And we already have it in something. We can't see it. It's our breath. Now, if you want to tie that breath to your religion to your god, sure, go for it. Whatever you want to do, it's your choice. But no, Already you have perfect faith and trust. You just gotta learn howto get there in your humanness so if you can bridge the gap between what's already there, which is perfect faith, perfect trust and perfect ability to let go of what doesn't serve you any emotion, any attitude, any issue I go. I know you can, because you're already perfect at letting go. And so the humanness doesn't, of course, make it that easy. But that's where the that's where the path to enlightenment is. It lies in the journey between what is already built into which is perfect faith and perfect trust and where you're at now, which is whatever version of human this year. Your existing in.

spk_0:   41:21
Yeah, that's the whole approach to the inside out healing with, like, every single tool that you have and you're using you already that's already coming from within you. You already have it.

spk_1:   41:34
Yeah, and you don't need some seven day quiet retreat. You don't need to go escaped to India. There's no searching outside of yourself in some, you know, certification or training. You don't have to become a coach. You don't have thio. Sell all your possessions. You don't have to live in the streets. There's nothing that you have to do extreme in this process, All you have to do is understand the teaching that your breath is trying to give you when you're looking for the trust, the faith of fuel to move forward. If you're just zoomed in to what's going on in your life in front of you, it's gonna look real big and scary. But if you can look to the timeline of your own life and look at every situation you've, you've put yourself in consciously or subconsciously you're gonna see they've always figured it out. Through that process, you start building some love from trust, some space for yourself, some momentum that gives you the fuel to get through. This next situation without is much fear without as much doubt without as much worry and the timeline of our own lives. All of ours is a great opportunity for us to realize how big we are. Realize how much we can do. Also give us perspective on kind of what's in front of us, in how it doesn't have to feel or speed as Bigas. We want to make it as humans.

spk_0:   42:56
You talked about Thea purpose that comes from within the life's person purpose of growing up and out. Could you talk about that and explain what that means? I loved the tree analogy. I loved that whole talk

spk_1:   43:09
when the universe explain life's purpose. To me, it was in the trees. So I think of a tree. All it does is one thing. Grow up, in, out. That's it. And it doesn't so beautifully grow up and out. Now if you understand how much a tree gives to our world, it's tremendous, probably just about more than anything else, and it gives most of the oxygen for us breathe. It provides a shade that regulates the temperature of our earth. It provides a food source, a shelter. The roots in the ground provide stability for the soil. Give nitrates back into the earth. A tree to so much for this world and every one of us by doing one thing and one thing only. Growing up, in out, that's it. That's all has to do. It doesn't wait until it's two foot tall before it knows the tree. It doesn't wait for the perfect temperature or the perfect environment. Trees grow everywhere like you see trees growing outside of mountains. I've seen a growing over ah water line. Ah, concrete, Big concrete waterline. Um, I've seen trees in the most magical place is growing in just out of pure sheer just to be, uh And so with that, I started to understand. Well, what if we were like trees? What if our whole focus my focus, your focus was just to Grover? Now what if all I did is used this connection This ability to serve myself so greatly raised my vibration raise my connection branch out my, my, my my branches so wide grow so tall roots so deeply Just by that alone I can share with this world So back tree concept If we could all focus on our life's purpose which is to be like a tree Grow up, in out Then then that redirects this giving concept back to self and all of a sudden. But then you you come from place of wholeness.

spk_0:   45:03
Yeah, I think also that there's this idea that we have to be further along before we can start. So there might be somebody was sitting is like Well, you know, I have so much to work on before I can kind of be focused on growing up and out like, you know, Can you speak to that mindset that you know? You know what? If you were just a little bit more then you are now, like how that could just move you along from wherever you are now.

spk_1:   45:31
Yeah, I do see a lot of people who either promote or through being in some kind of coaching role or people who are on the other side looking for, you know, answers. Being in this, um, un ending like needing help, unending needing, fixed on any needing to release something so that they can finally be ready or have or do or whatever else it is. And it's like this perpetual healing because you need to heal before you can be ready

spk_0:   46:05
for what I That's what I mean. Yeah,

spk_1:   46:08
yeah, yeah. And the reality is that that's like it doesn't even make sense in my consciousness anymore. Because everybody right now if they just stopped and breathed and got real quiet and kept did five minutes of breathing in through the nose, out through the mouth. No matter what their environment is, no matter what their financial situation is, no matter what is going on in their life. If they just did that in through the nose, as deep as you can out through the mouth as deep as you can. That simple No other rhythmic? No, no counting, no nothing. Just greased to set a timer and do that. People would find a connection to themselves. And that's all that's needed to to do this work. The concept of what you're saying is that anybody at any stage of the game is ready, and it doesn't. You don't have to get to a certain point to be ready. If you can breathe, you're ready. And if you're listening to this, guess what? You

spk_0:   47:08
You're ready? Yeah. I love it. Thank you for explaining that. You know, I love that because I think there might be people who think like Oh, Okay, well, let me just get a little bit more, and then I can do that. You also Really? I love this quote that you had. I don't know if it's a quote. What? You said the body is the deepest level of storage. And that just resonated so deeply with me because, you know, I know when we have trauma we really stored at our body, and our subconscious mind really informs our body. So I just, you know, you had mentioned you had had a broken back, and then you know that you are able to heal your bat through healing your emotions without surgery.

spk_1:   47:48
Yeah, Yeah, absolutely. So to speak to that comment. You know, a lot of this stuff is again the university. Keep it simple. So if you think about the brain and how it works, you have the front of the brain, which is the forehead roughly. And that's like the short term memory, the daily functioning. Then you have the back of the brain, which is more like the storage place, if you will. And it's also where your emotions and stuff are programmed in through the neural net of the back of the brain. And so how you relate to life, your personality, Uh, all those different things. That's all kind of back of the brain stuff, based on how you were shaped through life than on the front of the brain processes it. Computers much like that, too, like you have, like the short term memory was just called the Ram, and you have the hard drive which stores all the data, huh? And then what's really though much more than that is there's one more layer. Everyone just thinks it's front of the mind back the Brian back of the mind, but that the last layer is the body and data and information and energy is stored in the body along with actual chemicals. So, for example, when you think about a magical place where maybe where you got, um, your first beautiful sunset by the ocean and you can take yourself back there or for somebody else it was that moment. They got engaged, and everything is crystal clear. Or that time when you were 12 and you were you were just out in this field with your friend. And it's one of the most magical memories. Or perhaps it's not just your brain thinking that your body is experiencing that memory that programming to and the whole. It's a total experience, and so several things were happening. One. Your body is accessing the storage, the stored information. Two. You're releasing chemicals that create an experience in the present day body. But if you're in present day and if we go back to, um, let me maybe a scary movie and you're scared and watching the movie, which is fine. Understandable. You're releasing chemicals. These chemicals then go into the bloodstream because your brain you you see it, which then processes in tow a thought, which then fires into the brain. And an experience in this case an emotion than that emotion. Ah, that the like, a little lightning. But what's the brain? And the brain releases chemicals, and that's how you understand what emotion it is. Those chemicals then get dumped into the into the system. Well, if you are in a constant state of fear, doubt or worry, if you get angry really easily, these air big chemical dumps into the system, well, that actually has to go somewhere. So for some people, stress settles in their neck and their shoulders, and they get like, really tight. Some people get migraine headaches. Some people have lower back issues I was with. I was just talking to a client, and in most lower back issues are highly tied to money issues, and these emotions sit in your body not only in stored like memory, but also because the chemicals that are released they actually also scientifically, just through science itself, they actually chemically chemical sit in just in pockets of the body. So it's a combination of stored memory and its combination of actual chemistry of the body. And the combination of the two causes health issues and stuck. And our actual physical body is designed to be a communicator. That whole process, if you start developing that relationship with the body, changes in what we do in visualization work is not only start clearing out and releasing that toxic energy, but we also start storing new data, not just in the back of the brain. But we start storing new data in the body and replacing old data that's just stored and stuck. And that's what creates a lot of healing with people. Physically, they start healing themselves from issues neck back. And then there's some still some things that are beneficial, like going to maybe a stretch expert or maybe stop drinking or smoking or some simple things. You know, these air surface things. Maybe it's maybe it's just going for a walk every day. Whatever it is you don't just on Lee do. When I hit my back, 90% of it was emotional because I was already doing like, stretching and things that it just wasn't having an effect. But I didn't on Lee just do the emotional I did that, plus the physical stretching and learning how to be mindful on loving and the food choices and everything else and the combination of it all but a majority of it. I'd say probably 90% of it was emotional and then supporting the physicals that the physical body doesn't need a whole lot of encouragement because if you call yourself, it'll heal. It knows how to. He knows how to be perfect, you know, so it doesn't need a Tana. It just needs a little bit of like support, but where it needs a tremendous money, help is with use topping the emotional attack on it.

spk_0:   53:10
I think another piece of that that I was thinking about two was kind of You talked about that duel experience of feeling your emotions fully and really allowing because they think that oftentimes were trying to suppress, because we're so afraid to feel really allowing that full experience and at the same time trusting and knowing that what you're going through, it's okay, It's gonna pass. You've always figured it out. That was a really kind of profound concept as well.

spk_1:   53:42
Emotions in general. What are they meant for? Feared out worry. When scarcity shows up in my life, when fear it fear shows up, it's a lack of trust. When I have fear on any level, 1 to 5 or otherwise, it is present because trust isn't and fear isn't the enemy fears, not a bad thing. Scarcity is not the enemy. If scarcities showing up my value and myself isn't as full as it should be, it is not meant to be this thing that you're supposed to run from. Like you were saying. You you were saying, Don't run from it. So I'm saying the same thing. You know, many people were think that, like they have to push it down, pretend it's not there or whatever else having run from it. And that's not the case. In fact, if you really look at these emotions, they're meant to be friends, and I look, that's why it's only like a one or a two for me ever. Because I don't want with, um, I don't go. Oh my God, is my life falling apart? Is this the sign? Is the other shoe dropping? I used to live that way, but now I go. Oh, scarcity. What's up? How are you doing? Why are you here? Ah, you're here because clearly I'm not fool. Let me let me check on myself here. Okay? I let this little action for this little behavior or this little thing invite you in. And you're just here to remind me of my truth. And so now I use all these emotions as friends to show when they show up. I don't get scared. I don't get concerned. I go. Hey, welcome. Not so that I can live with you. So not so. I could just be embodied with fear of scarcity. Not so I can own it as a badge of honor. Welcome. What do you What message you got for me?

spk_0:   55:24
Yeah. You wanna welcome them? You can get the message because that's what they want to do. They want to express, and then they want to leave. But wait where

spk_1:   55:34
people have a problem. Yeah. Yeah. People welcome him and then use them as their identity. And that's the challenge is welcome. they could be at the table, but they're not the only truth. Sometimes scarcity shows up, and I'm feeling it. I'm like, All right. We'll also my feeling right now I'm feeling trust. Okay? I'm feeling knowing it myself. I'm good. Well, why are you here? Scarcity. Well, maybe you're not feeling 100% trust. You know what this little thing does Does is showing up, causing me to not have 100% trust. I need to correct that. Okay, Cool. So then that's the conversation. But sometimes, like, I'm dealing with this beautiful family and the kids, and they're kind of the family split up. I was talking to the kids, and I said I said to them So you know, you have a birthday party there like, Yeah, And you have people come like Yeah, well, sometimes the party there's gonna be things like being afraid or being concerned or wondering if everything's ok. And those feelings were gonna be at the party. And that's okay, But guess whose else's at the party. Love, happiness, fun. Do you feel love right now? Yes. Can you feel love and still have fear at the party? Yes. Which one. Do you want to be bigger? Which one do you want to focus on love? Okay, well, it's ok of fears. They're just focus on love and let fear just be there and be okay with fear being there. It doesn't have to be the only thing you're experiencing. It doesn't have to be the only thing at the table.

spk_0:   57:04
Um, I also love I should want to kind of start wrapping things up here, but I really want you to talk about the idea of pulling this enlightenment through your cells and then anchoring it in your body with all these good feelings. Like, how do you bring it, like in your waking life, out into your body and into the world with you?

spk_1:   57:25
Uh, it's really simple repetition. So first you got to start somewhere. When I first started trying to meditate, I could I couldn't barely even close my eyes and stayed concentrate on anything. I was all over the place through repetition through using my on my athletic mind. Ah used intensity and drive and focus to force myself. And if I had to do it over and over and over until I could finally sit for, sit for five minutes and just breathe and maybe say a mantra or say I thought in my head that's what I did when I first wanted to close my eyes and see excuse me, see myself. I just kept working at it until I could see myself. And it's not always easy for any of us, and for me it was really hard. So through all of this, I just kept working and the first step was being able to get quiet and go within. Second step was thing going in and going up. Third step was then taking that an up and coming back out with it, and that repetition is really important. And as you do that, then in that third step of going out, that can mean various things. At first, it may just mean opening your eyes and trying to stay in the breath. Stay in that feeling of that connection in the back of your brain and then allow that to just be hold as long as you can with your eyes open, because once you open your eyes, you start losing its natural, especially in the beginning. But you just keep working at it until you can go in a minute with your eyes open. Then two minutes in three minutes, then maybe five minutes. Then add another variable, like writing. And then you go come and hold my eyes and I'm gonna grab a pen and paper and try to write and boom instantly. I lost the connection, which is normal. Can we human So that I don't know. I'm just gonna keep working at it. So then I get practicing, breathing eyes open, stay connected and then right. And then came talking, speaking, just talking while I was staying connected, talking while I was flowing. And that and then it was walking. I mean, literally. It sounds really silly, but true things like I go, Can we try to go for a walk while keeping this connection, take in the trees, feel the heartbeat of the earth beneath me feel and this sounds kind of funky, but it's just I'm just thinking, How much can I experience the sun flickering off a lamppost or whatever? I was just trying to take in as much as I can while staying connected. So you just keep pulling through these experiences in that pulling through his key if you need an altar and you need a quiet space and you own and you have to be meditating for at least 30 minutes to get a connection. Okay, fine. That's where you start. But then take the ultra way. Take the incense away. Take take Thea, take the 30 minutes away and try to do it in five or 10 or 15. Whatever it is, the ultimate goal is once you get to whatever connection you're getting to, the ultimate goal is to pull through with eyes open while moving, breathing, riding, talking, doing active things. And then, if you want to add to that and go spiritually with it, that's even cool, too, because now you've got the universe involved and the natural flow of, Ah, stream and the wisdom going through your decisions, how a tree doesn't matter how cold it is still alive. It doesn't matter how warm it is. It doesn't matter how many, how much wind. The tree just becomes one with nature. So does every plan. Every animal is just. If you could take that wisdom and learn that oneness through just connecting and pull that through to your everyday life, not just feel it while your eyes are closed. But while you're driving while you're while you're interacting with people, that feeling that energy, it evolves your normalcy of your life, and that's the key to it all. Everything that I do I just try to do it is connected as possible in therefore I extract as much magic is, I can out of it. And that's what pulling through this connection means to me and what can mean for everyone else. It's just meant to mean living your everyday life just a little bit more magically and again, it's an intimate process. You know, most people if they watched me or saw me, they wouldn't know the master. I'm experienced on the inside and I'm not trying to shout it. I'm just living it, you know, I'm not tryingto you know, be anything for anyone. I'm just I'm so much enjoying it takes me work to share. Actually, it's more work to share it than it is to live it. That's why I'm not very good at Instagram or or Facebook, you know, I'd like to grow my instagram. I'd like more people to understand how simple this is. So

spk_0:   1:1:54
that's why everybody. Where to find you on instagram.

spk_1:   1:2:00
Yeah, Instagrams. Great. Because you probably get a good look int o kind of some of the stuff I try to post regular leads. It's at the dot Al Fuentes, that's it's at B Dal Fuentes. And then my website is al fuentes dot com. And so those are probably the two main ones. Um, toe, look at because those were really my most active places. Al Fuentes is LF you e and T. E s in case you're not don't aren't seeing this pop up on your screen. You're just listening to the recording, Um, and on their own information, Cool. Um, there's some cool information on there. There's free audio's There's free visualizations. There's really cool stuff. There's talks I've done, and I just have a fraction of stuff on there. I just wanted to give people an opportunity. Uh, two. Have some access to something that doesn't cost them anything. Not even an email. I don't ask for anything. You guys go on, grab any of that stuff.

spk_0:   1:3:01
The information is absolutely beautiful. I hope everybody. I would like everybody to go and have the experience that I had listening to all the talks in the downloads and the meditations. It's been so inspiring to be here with you today and thank you for taking so much time and sharing all of this amazing knowledge. And, you know, everything that you've learned and, you know, really working toe shared. Inspire others. I'm I'm so grateful. This has been a really beautiful episode.

spk_1:   1:3:34
Thank you. It's really great getting to meet you in fellow Midwesterner. And

spk_0:   1:3:40
yeah, I'm from Michigan.

spk_1:   1:3:43
Yeah, yeah. So one of these days will have to connect in person.

spk_0:   1:3:48
That would be great. So there's two final questions I like to ask each guest at the end, and that is what inspires you and what keeps you growing.

spk_1:   1:4:00
Um, wth e universe inspires me and also keeps me growing. That's the only two things I feel I can, uh, you know, with information. While it is nice to read books or to hear things or have resource is out there like this podcast. It's really the connection that you go in and go up with where you create the most profound truth. And so for me, that's inspiring to know I can go higher that the universe is there for me so I can go higher and it keeps me going. Keeps me because you know, I'm not even on. I don't think in this lifetime ever be close to my limit of connection or vibration. And so I just want to keep going. Hi. I'm excited to see how high I can get, how magical my life could be for me because of me. Just so I can continue to enjoy what is here

spk_0:   1:5:01
that is so beautiful and so inspiring. I'm so inspired to try to do the open. I manage. I was practicing what you were talking about it. Like keeping the connection with the eyes open and raising my vibration and just going higher every second taking more in. So I'm deeply inspired by what you're doing. And thank you so much for being with us today.

spk_1:   1:5:23
You're very welcome. Thank you so much.

spk_0:   1:5:30
Thank you for listening. And if you like what you hear, please follow us on Instagram at the beauty house. That's t h e e a u t y h a U s and feel free to comment and share it with your friends. Yeah,