AskPat 2.0: A Weekly Coaching Call on Online Business, Blogging, Marketing, and Lifestyle Design

AP 1120: How Do I Grow and Sell More Product Without Overwhelming Myself (and Compromising Quality)?

May 21, 2020 Pat Flynn Episode 1120

In this episode of AskPat 2.0, I talk to Sarah Murphy of Alchemilla, who's trying to grow a business and sell more product without overwhelming herself. She's come up with some amazing recipes that help people get out of pain, and she's been getting traction with one of her products, sausage tree cream. (It's a real thing!) She also accepted an invitation to do a speaking engagement, and then—bam!— her one-woman production making cream in her kitchen was suddenly overwhelmed. More time in front of her computer. Less time foraging in nature. She wants to help as many people as possible, but what kind of growth fits with Sarah's vision?

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