AskPat 2.0: A Weekly Coaching Call on Online Business, Blogging, Marketing, and Lifestyle Design

AP 1121: I Started a New Brand, and Now I'm Overwhelmed. What Do I Do?

May 28, 2020 Pat Flynn Episode 1121

On today's coaching call, I'm talking with Jill Gilbert, an entrepreneur who has been producing a big event around digital and medical tech and recently launched a brand of her own focused on women's health called She's got an ebook called Wicked Wellness, and she wants to do everything: videos, podcast, blog, a community site . . . This is all new territory for her, so she's looking to just talk it out—does she do this or this? How does she make sure her audience is getting what they need? We talk about finding the best way to create the transformation her audience wants to see.

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