The Adventure to Evolve

19: Personality Isn't Permanent: Break Free from Self-Limiting Beliefs and Rewrite Your Story

Cha'Lea Stafford Season 1 Episode 19

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What is your personality? 

Are you an introvert, INTJ, or DI in your disc profile? If you're not sure  - someone who maybe is your employer.

Throughout your career, your personality is constantly being measured to understand who you are - but get this your personality doesn't matter.

Your personality is not the most fundamental aspect of who you are. 

Instead, your personality is surface level, transitory, and a by-product of something much deeper.

Joining us today to explore this topic is Dr. Benjamin Hardy.

Dr. Benjamin Hardy is an organizational psychologist and bestselling author of Willpower Doesn't Work. On June 16th he released his newest book, Personality Isn't Permanent.

From 2015-2018, he was the #1 writer in the world on Ben and his wife Lauren adopted three children from the foster system in February 2018 and one month later, Lauren got pregnant with twins who were born in December of 2018.

We’ll explore: 

  • What is personality?
  • Why you should consistently put yourself in new situations that can initially be emotionally uncomfortable.
  • What are transformational learning experiences?
  • Why are type-based tests like Myers-Briggs unscientific? 

You’ll discover: 

  • How can we enhance our subconscious to overcome addiction and limiting patterns? 
  • How does your subconscious impact your personality? 
  • How does personal narrative impact personality?
  • How do you systematically design and become your desired future self? 

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