Courage Cast - Build Your Belief

412 - What is Your Definition of Success?

Eric Nordhoff

The Kingdom of God works very differently than the world does. In 1 Samuel chapter 15 the Bible tells the story of a man who thought God wouldn’t mind if he was a little disobedient as long as he worshipped God. King Saul thought, If I give God a sacrifice, He won’t care that I didn’t do everything He said to do. God won’t mind.

Saul was wrong. God got angry and told the prophet Samuel to tell him, “Which pleases the Lord more: burnt offerings and sacrifices or obeying his commands? It is better to obey the Lord than to offer sacrifices to him” (1 Samuel 15:22 ERV).

Saul thought he could substitute sacrifice, or worship, for obedience. But, in this scripture we learn that obedience is the key to unlocking the blessings of God!