Chatting With Ingram

Leading the revolution with Genetec

March 04, 2020 Philip Ingram MBE with Paul Dodds Season 2 Episode 5

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Episode 5 of this seasons WithIngram PODCAST series sees Philip Ingram MBE chatting with Paul Dodds, the county manager for UK and Ireland with the forward thinking technology provider Genetec.  Paul is also the winner of the City Security Magazine Article of the Year. Genetec have just moved their UK office from Reading to a very plush setting at the heart of the City of London this was a great opportunity to get some real insight into the priorities of a leading technology manufacturer and to understand what is influencing the security industry and wider market.  This folks is (as always) a good one, but a challenge - see if you can find the obvious edit ;-). 

spk_0:   0:00
Welcome to within Groom Series of podcast. I'm Philip Ingram. This is absent five today and with pole dogs from the Canadian company Genentech, who've just opened a new set of officers in London warning you might actually learn something. I'm here with polls from Genetic is just going to tell us why Genentech has moved from reading up into these fantastic facilities in London. Wanna feel welcome to genocide UK offices? Yeah, we were in reading for some years, so we had to look towards

spk_1:   0:28
expansion not just in terms of office floor space to accommodate the growing Head county, but also we wanted to enhance the experience that we give Tio R and user customers extend the facilities that we way due to our integrated on. It's a cz well, and certainly with everything that was going on in the UK it's only through last year with the Brexit conversation, for example, were very keen to make a very clear statement that we were very much committed to the UK market, in particular on committed to the U. K. Is a key driver in actual fact for entire European business as well. So this is more than just a new office here in London in central London. It's very much a statement to the market to say, you know, we're very much committed to the to the UK is a major part of our expansion plans and your

spk_0:   1:11
how big is the UK capability? And how does that compare to the rest of global capability that Jenna take Scott well globally, where more than 1005

spk_1:   1:18
100 people in genetics over a small part of the genetic family but nevertheless in the UK, we now have in the region of 20 full time employees in the UK But that's not to forget that a lot of our extended services support services customer engagement was actually still reside out of the Paris office on DH. That location question doesn't have any impact on the delivery of services into the customer best and indeed our colleagues working in customer services, sales administration, technical support, they're engaging on our business every single day directly, so the overall you care team is far wider than purely the 20 people who actually reside in the UK territory. But we are growing as well, eh? So in terms of the Oran de function where we're constantly looking for heads, it seems the sales function. We have new starters, even actually in March. Technical resource was significantly expanded last year, so the expansion continues for us in the UK So I think we'll be having this conversation once again, maybe in a few months, with quite an expansion on the head count. Even in the UK,

spk_0:   2:22
I have no gender taken. The past is being one of the world leaders on safer cities, but it's been a while since have been briefed on it. Were Genentech word were genetics priorities at the moment on what sort of capabilities that you're providing out into the market? Well, indeed, the

spk_1:   2:37
city and the city concept is something that certainly within the whole markets has bean a very high growth area for us. And again, we're starting to see that in the European markets and in the UK markets here as well. So our engagement into local city infrastructure projects into city security, but more so looking towards not just the safer city but the connected city on. Indeed, one might suggest that the connected city does become a safer city by by default. We are looking towards expansion of portfolio beyond fundamental security applications into debt management. We're looking at data acquisition within our end user customers whereby we can accumulate. We can analyse. We could bring automation. Teo. Their organisations through good data management were looking also at cooperation because the amount of data coming into an end user organisation particular city organisation is huge. And we're really looking at how we can take that data, make sense of it and provided in a collaborative format to end users so that we can actually provide real business improvement, which ultimately lends itself then to public experience within within our safer and connected cities as well. So we're really focusing on outcomes as to how we can actually bring an outcome to our end user customers, not just providing fundamental security applications.

spk_0:   3:54
So with increasing complexity off the different systems that there are other, how are you helping Water Security staff's Mick greater sense off? The huge number feeds that they're getting in on the complexities off the security picture that's been presented to them well, the fundamental tools

spk_1:   4:12
within security centre within a typical unified deployment that's always being at the core to try and bring ah say unified approach to systems within the control room environment. But we're now looking to take out a stage further in terms of trying to ingest in anticipate again debtor inputs events coming into those control room environments on with products like Mission Control. Our decision support to the ability to give very direct and clear guidance in a dynamic fashion. Two operators in their in their day to day environment and again considering the fast amount of data coming into organisational control room environments. The ability to automate where we can, but also where we do after have the human input to give decision support, which can be very, very flexible and, as you well know, from your background Philip, the plan tends to go out the window as soon as the first shot was fired. Eso of being able to take event management whereby the situation can be changing in a very, very fluid fashion. To be able to take that data input, then influence the decision, support direction to the operator in a very diamond dynamic fashion. And it's this kind of enhanced intelligence that we bring to the to the control room. That's where we create real value and rheal value value, added Teo. Customer operations.

spk_0:   5:35
Yes, designing in flexibility and the ability to deal with the unknown and the unknown unknown is something that is critical to everything that we do, I think

spk_1:   5:45
absolutely and, as I say, the ability to try and change that standard operating procedure. No more dynamic standard operating procedure, depending on what happens next. Because no standard operating procedure khun take account of changes to the plan. That's what we try to do with Mission Control in terms of addressing our ingesting data in real time to their influence, the next step in the standard operating procedure to then influence the next stage of action by the operator and also bringing as much automation as we can to make his management of events ah, lot slicker, to bring order trail post events so that we start looking trend information not necessarily with single events, which in itself is is very beneficial to try and identify bottleneck and procedure. But when we can identify event flow over over long periods of time to identify real trend and where we can then again bring decision making capability and organisations to improve their business flows and improve their day to day operations.

spk_0:   6:45
One other thing that has struck me as we go through all the technical side of things. The technical requirement for the security industry is growing enormously. We keep hearing of shortages in people of the right sort of technical skills. Are you seeing that in the industry? How do

spk_1:   7:00
we deal with it? I think with any industry there is always a clamour for the best people out there. We're very fortunate Jen Attack that we work with without doubt some of the best integrators within our marketplace on DH again. Within Genentech, we attract some of the very, very best talents within the UK and not only from a commercial on technical sales perspective, but now also recruiting heavily in the orange, the streams with our own orangey facility here in the UK officers, eh? So we are looking constantly to try and find the next generation of the very best talent out there again. When we talked earlier on about professionalisation of our industry on bringing bringing more talent that we can develop into the industry, we have some responsibility to do that. We have many programmes within Genentech globally whereby we do work with young talent and we tried to bring them on for, you know, long term career paths within our organisation. So we all very, very committed to a myriad of programmes within the university sector, but also within our internship programmes where we can try and find that talent and nurture. It's not just for Jenna Tex best interest, but for the interests of the industry that we work in.

spk_0:   8:08
So do you see genetic as, ah, hardware manufacturer or software house? Without

spk_1:   8:14
doubt, we all A software manufacturer. We have certain hardware components within the portfolio. We do provide appliance technologies to support the software installations that we put out there into the market. But first and foremost were an engine engineering company. First and foremost, we are a software house and we like to think you're we know that we're an innovative provider of clever technology to provide real outcomes to our end users.

spk_0:   8:41
No, you talked a lot of data on you. Talked a lot about connecting things together, cities together that with it brings a completely different threat spectrum when we're getting into the cyber. The data protection We've got the debate that's going on in the press that moment with Huawei and five G connectivity, a no genetic used to lead Andi. You probably still do lead on a lot of the cyber capabilities that you're putting into place and making sure that that element off what you're providing is cutting edge. Where are you without at the moment? Well, as you know, Philip

spk_1:   9:16
Cyber has Bean such a core concept within Genentech for all of our history, actually. But in this current time, it's it's it's very current. It's increasingly relevant on DH. It's very much at the heart of everything that we do not just in the research and development of our technologies, but also within the ecosystems that we provide around our solutions. So the engagement that we have with our technology partners who share our same values the engagement that we have with our integrated partners and ultimately with our end users, to try and create this ecosystem of trust first and foremost before we even get to the technology a conversation is absolutely key and core to everything that we do with genetic

spk_0:   10:01
expanding. That's likely. Do you think it's time for the security community, especially in the UK toe. Wake up and start talking about security and not talking about physical security and cybersecurity and everything else and recognise that it's all components off, one effort on. We need to bring it together, and if so, how do we do that? I wholly

spk_1:   10:23
agree with what you just said that and I think it is time that we did this. And I think cyber responsibility for all stakeholders, within business and within within projects needs to be taken extremely seriously. A say. We try to work with technology partners, integrated partners under and uses that share our values. But I think we have AH responsibility as well as trusted advisers within that your system to bring education to the conversation. First and foremost and again technology players a heavy pots in cyber protection but first and foremost is education on fundamental good cyber hygiene within everything that we do in terms of the technologies that we use, the way that we deploy, even at a personal level, in terms of how we use our mobile devices, how we use our technology, we have to have very fundamental good principles of cyber technology hygiene on DH that starts with the end user, I think, or it starts with us is a different individuals before we even get to the technology side of things. So I think education is very important, but again, also working within this ecosystem of trust. I think end users in particular should look to the technologies that they want to deploy. They should look towards the partners they want to work with, to deliver that. And we need to have again the ecosystem of trust between all parties as a starting point for technology and solutions. Deployment.

spk_0:   11:44
No, we're seeing this week, I think the security minister disc um out with a statement saying that he's backing and they're going to bring in what's called Martin's Law, imposing a level of security on crowded places after the horrific Manchester attack on DH. The lady that's been pushing it. His lyrical Feagin Murray, whose son Martin hit, unfortunately, killed in that attack. But this is government policy for the first time, I think, properly legislating into the security arena. Do you think that we need a top down approach from the wider cyber and data protection outside what we've got with GDP are to try and bring some form of mandated cyber certifications, minimum standard of cyber security that will come in so we can properly integrate all this from a policy perspective.

spk_1:   12:34
Indeed, it does need to be a top down approach. Without doubt, legislative engagement is an interesting conversation. We don't want to restrict creativity. We don't restrict free flowing technology development. But at the same time, money factors have to play their part in terms of responsible developments from a cyber perspective. And I think if legislation can address risk at an appropriate level, then we should support that Onda again. If it brings ah, all manufacturers into, ah, a common level of responsibility and capability from a cyber perspective, then that should be encouraged as well.

spk_0:   13:15
But you're a North American company with global reach on dipping into Europe. How much do you think the differential ways that data and personal data has handled across the globe is going to make that virtually impossible? Or do you think we in the UK should put our flag in the sand and start to then try and influence everyone from from a position of strength? I think I think

spk_1:   13:41
that, um those countries that are governed by what we refer to as liberal democracies I think those countries net need to take the lead in terms of how we address cyber unde fundamental physical security applications on Do you know you mentioned Europe, the UK in North America. They are indeed democratic societies, and hopefully we provide technology development solutions, deployment within irresponsible and coherent fashion.

spk_0:   14:11
Taking another. Aside from that, do you think one of the issues that we've got certain within this country is that security itself, whilst it's dealt with as a profession, isn't really a profession because we don't have an overarching professional body setting those standards, interacting with government to make sure that there are the consistencies out there from either a technological perspective or procedural perspective or or something else? It is a time we professionalise this business. Well, I think we

spk_1:   14:37
are a professionalised industry on DH. Certainly the area the market that we work into the partners that we engage with, I truly believe that we do provide a professional ice service and trusted advice capacity to to all of our customers. But we do have to remember that the UK security market has been evolving market very much at the forefront of of the global industry and security for 30 plus years. From a technology perspective on DH, we have to make sure that the industry keeps pace with technology on DH. That's where I think top down. Not so much a legislator of legislative approach, but certainly top down engagement to Dr Professionalism and standards within the industry is against something that we need to embrace. Technology has moved very, very quickly on DH. We've moved in the last 10 to 20 years from the analogue to the I P. Many integrate has embraced that and come on that journey. But it's an evolving technology, and it's very fast paced. On DH. We have to make sure that we meant in not just educational standards but ah, real technology approach from our integrated partners to make sure that they keep pace with the demands of our end users who have this constant craving for technology and in particular software

spk_0:   15:48
on DH. That has been highlighted. I think very clearly by some of the argument that we've had around the dealing with fish or recognition software on the artificial intelligence mechanisms that are that are in the back of it. Where do you think? Did you think technology is getting ahead of where legislation is, where the industry's understanding is? Do you think there's this clamour to use new stuff all of the time on DH? Is it right that we deploy it before we've got control mechanisms in place?

spk_1:   16:19
I think it comes down to responsibility on responsible deployment of technology. You know, they're You're correct that the end user base out there is clamouring for the latest technologies available, especially when you mentioned earlier some of the very high level crime and threats that we face in mon society. But we must be careful that we deploy appropriate technologies to the level of risk presented on DH. That level of risk is very different to mass public safety applications versus protection of commercial buildings or or maybe lower level parking facilities. For example, we wouldn't be looking to provide very high end, potentially controversial technologies into an application that maybe just needs a slightly different approach or more fundamental security approach. But again, a Zoe said a few times today, it's about responsible use of the technology that's available to us within the marketplace and again creating that ecosystem of trust. Within the end, user space integrators ourselves as manufacturers and our technology partners to deliver that.

spk_0:   17:24
So within that spectrum, where's Genentech today? On were, Well, Genentech be in, say, five years time. Well, where we are

spk_1:   17:32
today. I think we've moved the conversation on quite significantly from fundamental Security s Oh, yes, Ah, Corporal Business was indeed through video access control, licence plate recognition and this unified approach to security provisions. And again, we're now moving more towards how we provide a broader, broader impact into our end users daily business. How we protect the every day with our end users as well how we assist them in terms ofthe managing data, how we assist them to make sense of the data that they are actually accumulating, whether that be video access, control related or the myriad of all the sensors that they have going on within their businesses. And through that we want to bring business improvements and real value to end users. And suddenly the conversation goes far beyond that of just video access and unified security solutions in them, or business improvement areas as well. We're also looking ATT collaborative technologies to products like clearance, for example. Where once we've accumulated this data, what do we do with it? You know, storages is one thing. Well, yes, we can't store cloud technology for storage is again now becoming very much more commonplace. But it's how we extend collaboration an access to that data through multiple stakeholders in irresponsible and secure manner to enable maximisation of the investment to enable efficient access to information on deficiencies within the business process between all stakeholders.

spk_0:   18:57
Pull on that note, I think that's put Genentech into very clear perspective in where you are and where you're going. It has been real pleasure talking today. Thank you very much indeed. Thank you very much for love. It's been a pleasure to have you here.