The Klosters Forum Podcast

Feed & Flourish: The Klosters Forum in conversation with Dr. Agnes Kalibata

The Klosters Forum Season 2 Episode 37

Hannah MacInnes joins Dr. Agnes Kalibata, UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy to the 2021 Food Systems Summit, on The Klosters Forum Feed & Flourish Podcast series, to discuss the topic of biodiversity and ways in which we can transform our food systems in order to positively preserve our planet. 

Dr. Kalibata has a distinguished track record as an agricultural scientist, policymaker and thought leader. She has been awarded the Yara Prize, now the Africa Food Prize; an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Liège; an Honorary Doctorate from McGill University; and the Public Welfare Medal of the National Academy of Sciences for her work to drive Africa’s agricultural transformation through modern sciences and effective policy thereby improving livelihoods of smallholder farmers.