QB Power Hour Podcast

QB Power Hour - What's New in QuickBooks Desktop 2021

September 29, 2020 Dan DeLong & Michelle Long Season 2 Episode 21

Dan is joined by Matthew Fulton and Carrie Kahn to cover the new and improved features in QuickBooks Desktop 2021

QB Power Hour is a free, biweekly webinar series for accountants, ProAdvisors, CPAs, bookkeepers and QuickBooks consultants presented by Michelle Long, CPA and Dan DeLong who are very passionate about the industry, QuickBooks and apps that integrate with QuickBooks.

Watch or listen to all of the QB Power Hours at https://www.qbpowerhour.com/webinararchive.html

Register for upcoming webinars at https://www.qbpowerhour.com/


00:00:01.650 --> 00:00:02.340
Dan DeLong: We will

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Dan DeLong: Welcome to a QB power hour. Today we're going to be talking about what's new in QB desktop 2021. So this is a rarity.

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Dan DeLong: For the power hour because typically we we tend to focus on what's new in QuickBooks Online, but last Monday QuickBooks desktop was was launched QuickBooks desktop 2021 so we are going to just kind of highlight those new features new and improved features in QuickBooks desktop.

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Dan DeLong: Today, we're not going to be joined by Michelle. Unfortunately, she had a death in the family.

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Dan DeLong: And so she's not going to be joining us today. But we do have some extra special guests. Joining us today I am going to post on our Facebook group.

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Dan DeLong: Just a little message for for Michelle. So if you are a member of the Qb power our Facebook group which is close to 10,000 members go in there and and let, let me show know that you're you're thinking about her today.

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Dan DeLong: My name is Dan belong and owner of bandwidth where we transform businesses through technology, formerly of Intuit for about 18 years

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Dan DeLong: And technically editing can do for dummies sixth edition already so and and working with a couple of folks that are joining us today. So Matt, or fargo Carrie.

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Dan DeLong: Carrie con. We want to introduce yourself.

00:01:48.780 --> 00:01:55.080
Carrie Kahn: Yeah, I'm Carrie Kahn and work actually work with Dan on our project of school bookkeeping.

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Carrie Kahn: I'm also Advanced Certified like Michelle with desktop online. We've been in this industry forever. I'm also a reseller member of the trainer right that right or network. As you can see all these things on here so I'm really excited to be here.

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Carrie Kahn: And as many know I don't hide how much I love desktop so happy to help and highlight some of these new features.

00:02:16.800 --> 00:02:19.230
Dan DeLong: Your motto is desktop is not dead, right.

00:02:19.440 --> 00:02:23.520
Carrie Kahn: No, it's not. It's still a choice, pick the right one for your customer, right.

00:02:24.060 --> 00:02:29.610
Dan DeLong: And we're also joined again by friend of the show. Matthew Fulton, introduce yourself for us.

00:02:29.700 --> 00:02:39.510
Matthew Fulton: Hello everybody, I'm Matthew Fulton with Parkway business solutions as well as a co creator of the Facebook group TV community live with my good friend, Linda Asante

00:02:40.200 --> 00:02:49.770
Matthew Fulton: To group, much like QB power will be infant version of it. We're still growing, I should say, but it's based on the concepts together. We all succeed. So I

00:02:50.520 --> 00:03:05.160
Matthew Fulton: am honored to be on the Qb power hour again for a second time. It's exciting to see after so many years of everybody talking about desktop is the desktop is dead. This re vitalization of this product which is so important to so many people.

00:03:06.480 --> 00:03:25.770
Dan DeLong: Exactly. And now, both of you are members of the Intuit trainer writer network. Now, does that involve you know how, what kind of interaction is that when you do trainings, or do you write, you know, as a more focused on the writing part for you or the or the training part for you.

00:03:27.720 --> 00:03:29.400
Matthew Fulton: For me, so

00:03:31.500 --> 00:03:36.240
Matthew Fulton: For me, it's been more on the training side of it than anything else.

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Matthew Fulton: I'm sorry, said that the wrong way. The writing side and it's creating articles, you're sharing knowledge. Everything else I

00:03:44.130 --> 00:03:55.200
Matthew Fulton: Was one of the more recent people added to the train writer network and haven't had much opportunity to conduct trainings, where you would necessarily go out to do the trainings for some strange reason this year.

00:03:55.590 --> 00:03:58.410
Dan DeLong: Yeah, I'm not sure why that why that happened.

00:04:00.390 --> 00:04:19.530
Carrie Kahn: And and for me to there's, there's a lot of opportunities to write blogs to do stuff for within into projects and then trainings and classes and webinars. It's really covers the gamut of stuff. So it's a lot of opportunities and networking and this year's been very unusual so

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Carrie Kahn: We can still do these things, virtually so the education can continue

00:04:24.450 --> 00:04:25.230
Dan DeLong: Exactly.

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Dan DeLong: Real quickly just

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Dan DeLong: Add to it, though.

00:04:27.630 --> 00:04:33.720
Matthew Fulton: Anybody who's interested in it. It has been one of the most beneficial things that I've ever been a part of

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Matthew Fulton: And truly what they're looking, they look for is there, it's for people that are out there, sharing their knowledge willing to contribute. That's how you become seen and get the opportunity knocked, you know, tapped on the shoulder for it so it's it's absolutely worth it. Yeah.

00:04:50.040 --> 00:04:56.520
Carrie Kahn: Here is crazy and passionate about it. You know, there's an application process and so forth, but it is like you said, absolutely worth it.

00:04:58.380 --> 00:05:02.880
Dan DeLong: Awesome. Well, again, thank you both for joining, especially on such short notice.

00:05:04.260 --> 00:05:14.790
Dan DeLong: So I really appreciate you both coming on. I was talking to Matt before we we broadcast that it's kind of funny because this is like Matt month

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Dan DeLong: To be on the on the Qb power hour we had on last time for the the PPP with Hector and then we did the same thing with his partner, Linda.

00:05:26.430 --> 00:05:35.880
Dan DeLong: In July, where she came on for Kibo advanced roundtable and then we talked about the niche nuances. So it's really funny about how how things just kind of

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Dan DeLong: How we are actually are a community of accountants and and really again. Appreciate you both coming on today.

00:05:43.950 --> 00:05:52.050
Dan DeLong: The little details about the upcoming QB power hour webinars course. We talked about desktop and Vimeo tips and tricks new features.

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Dan DeLong: Plus marketing your practice. We actually have the schedule of events.

00:05:57.270 --> 00:06:07.080
Dan DeLong: Next, Next month is actually going to be focused around money movement. We're going to talk about the nebulous QuickBooks cash account and we'll have a

00:06:07.560 --> 00:06:16.290
Dan DeLong: Relay come on to talk about some of the big business banking solutions that they have and then sending and receiving money with mill mill Leo and

00:06:16.800 --> 00:06:27.060
Dan DeLong: If nothing else will figure out what is the actual pronunciation of Melia is it Emilio is it melly. Oh, that will be the takeaway for with nothing else.

00:06:27.600 --> 00:06:37.440
Dan DeLong: For for that one. And then we've got some other other things scheduled. Here you have the PDF of the slides is available there on that, on that link there.

00:06:38.490 --> 00:06:43.440
Dan DeLong: I know we've been getting a lot of feedback about I can't get the to the slides.

00:06:44.760 --> 00:06:56.220
Dan DeLong: And we're working on that actually today's update I put in a put it in by the day. So, so you should be able to see by the date. That's the first

00:06:56.730 --> 00:07:07.950
Dan DeLong: First part of the name of the slide. So you go to the link there. You should be able to see the slides available there. There's a recordings of the pack prior

00:07:08.880 --> 00:07:18.900
Dan DeLong: prior webinars as well as the podcast. So some new announcement actually with the give me power. This week we're going to be launching our brand new website.

00:07:19.470 --> 00:07:28.200
Dan DeLong: So we're going to have a searchable archive the upcoming webinar calendar so that if you if you need to know what's what's upcoming

00:07:28.890 --> 00:07:45.990
Dan DeLong: It should go live this Thursday. So I didn't want to have that show up, you know, mid, mid you know this webinar cycle. I'm also an email newsletters, Michelle and I are going to be writing a little bit more content and that will be part of the email newsletter as well.

00:07:47.220 --> 00:08:01.320
Dan DeLong: So our agenda today we're going to kind of focus. This is based on the features that are already in 2020 some of those things were released midstream. They call them so slipstream updates.

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Dan DeLong: So we'll talk about those those features, then we'll talk about it all be cumulative so

00:08:08.460 --> 00:08:15.630
Dan DeLong: Your features that are in all versions of QuickBooks desktop and then features that are in desktop subscription. So that's a big

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Dan DeLong: Big change this year with regards to the subscription model that that Intuit is rolling out and then features that are in QuickBooks account. In addition, and then the enterprise platinum and diamond.

00:08:30.600 --> 00:08:32.430
Dan DeLong: versions of QuickBooks.

00:08:33.600 --> 00:08:39.570
Dan DeLong: So, first thing is our first poll what version of QuickBooks. Are you using

00:08:40.620 --> 00:08:45.330
Dan DeLong: So we'll go ahead and launch that and while while people are answering that.

00:08:46.050 --> 00:09:02.280
Dan DeLong: did want to mention. Also, if you have any questions for any of us put them in the Q AMP a section of the of the zoom chat bar there are zoom control, control bar at the bottom, rather than the chat. Because sometimes that just keeps

00:09:04.290 --> 00:09:15.390
Dan DeLong: It scrolls by and it's really harder. Harder to answer the question. So if you do have any questions, throw them in the Q AMP a section and then we can share those answers with everyone.

00:09:17.430 --> 00:09:28.560
Dan DeLong: And Matt and Carrie, do you have any thoughts about. I mean, in your practice. Do you use both are you focus on one or the other. So

00:09:28.950 --> 00:09:45.630
Carrie Kahn: Well, I use internally. I use enterprise absolutely love enterprise, but with our partner program. We have, we support both and and and help with both. So we're I don't use Qb. Oh, on a daily basis, but I love. I mean, I'm just love my enterprise.

00:09:47.550 --> 00:09:48.690
Carrie Kahn: I wish I could vote.

00:09:50.460 --> 00:09:54.000
Matthew Fulton: How amazing was it though that the responses like the both just one

00:09:55.980 --> 00:10:12.180
Matthew Fulton: Immediately like launched off and we use both here, our primary is QuickBooks Online, but we absolutely use desktop environment. We've had we've actually had a pretty substantial increase in the number of desktop clients. We've taken this year for some reason.

00:10:14.790 --> 00:10:18.270
Dan DeLong: Interesting. Let me go ahead and close the poll here.

00:10:19.500 --> 00:10:19.950
Matthew Fulton: And

00:10:20.070 --> 00:10:22.770
Dan DeLong: share the results. So yes so 79% of you.

00:10:23.940 --> 00:10:25.350
Dan DeLong: Use both and

00:10:26.520 --> 00:10:41.100
Dan DeLong: 19% desktop only. So there are some folks with with QuickBooks online as well that are solely in here so appreciate you coming today to find out what's on the other side of what's on the other side of the hard drive in this case.

00:10:42.570 --> 00:10:47.430
Dan DeLong: Alright, so first thing we want to talk about is what's up with the price with

00:10:48.000 --> 00:10:58.800
Dan DeLong: With QuickBooks desktop this year because that was a little bit of a surprise because of the shift that that into it is encouraging and I'm using that word lightly.

00:10:59.700 --> 00:11:01.230
Dan DeLong: subscription based

00:11:01.320 --> 00:11:12.570
Dan DeLong: Pricing for the software. So, and this really kind of ties off against you know just the way the industry is is you know the software industry is in general.

00:11:13.620 --> 00:11:17.820
Dan DeLong: And I know when I worked there in 2008 and they always want you know they wanted to

00:11:18.660 --> 00:11:27.750
Dan DeLong: Subscribe to this model of software as a service because they don't sell software they sell licenses to software. So, so this is just a way to

00:11:28.440 --> 00:11:41.550
Dan DeLong: tie that in as a software as a service. And that's with the plus edition and that is going to be causing more confusion because there is a version of QuickBooks Online called plus

00:11:42.480 --> 00:11:51.120
Dan DeLong: And now there is well there. There always has been. This plus option with with desktop. This is just making a little bit more of a resurgent

00:11:51.810 --> 00:12:04.320
Dan DeLong: With this year's version of QuickBooks. So it's the way that encouraging. This is the by increasing the cost of a one time license. You can still buy it right, Gary, I mean as

00:12:04.320 --> 00:12:05.130
Dan DeLong: A seller.

00:12:05.340 --> 00:12:06.930
Dan DeLong: You do have the ability to

00:12:07.020 --> 00:12:20.430
Dan DeLong: To do that. So the one time fee for the license has gone up, but in the plus subscriptions, those are little lower, you know, to encourage that to be able to do that so

00:12:21.450 --> 00:12:36.840
Dan DeLong: That's an annual subscription and then to also encourage that plus subscriptions include extra services. So the data backup. The Intuit data protect is included. And that's not just for

00:12:38.190 --> 00:12:56.430
Dan DeLong: Not just for the data file. You can backup other things as well. So if you have online backup subscriptions Carbonite you know the this maybe replace that for you or your clients and then the customer care which will answer the, how do I questions. We're not going to talk about

00:12:57.690 --> 00:12:59.040
Dan DeLong: The good, bad, or indifferent.

00:13:00.240 --> 00:13:00.510
Dan DeLong: But

00:13:00.540 --> 00:13:18.000
Dan DeLong: He had that do have that option to call mostly you know i put there for HDI is that, how do I, you know, types of, how do I handle this. I don't, you don't necessarily want to call them about how do I run my business that's where we come in right as as advisors. Right.

00:13:19.290 --> 00:13:23.820
Matthew Fulton: Know, Dan. Since You've Been Gone. It's riveting HDI. It's just not the same. I mean,

00:13:23.970 --> 00:13:24.600
Carrie Kahn: It's not

00:13:24.720 --> 00:13:39.990
Matthew Fulton: As much point was just so great. And one thing to just remind everybody, the US when it comes to subscriptions. We are the last ones out there that are now moving over towards a subscription based model for desktop and are like

00:13:40.620 --> 00:13:44.490
Matthew Fulton: All. A lot of the different countries all have to do a monthly for some time now for a couple years.

00:13:45.990 --> 00:13:54.420
Carrie Kahn: And there's also mentioned to the said, we got it was, it was announced on Monday that you know is released on Monday.

00:13:54.780 --> 00:14:04.980
Carrie Kahn: And and the price difference. It's not quite three times as much. But the one time purchase only usually keeps you about three years and then you have to upgrade so

00:14:05.550 --> 00:14:16.380
Carrie Kahn: They have literally our cost for the Pro is it used to be 184 it's now 359 99 so that's very expensive and for the

00:14:16.830 --> 00:14:24.030
Carrie Kahn: Plus, if you get the subscription, which covers a year 149 95 so I just tripled that price to see

00:14:24.390 --> 00:14:33.510
Carrie Kahn: You know you save $100 so you've got to decide what's right for you. But don't be afraid of subscription enterprise has been doing it for, I think, like, five or six years.

00:14:33.990 --> 00:14:46.740
Carrie Kahn: It's literally the same thing. So you can, you know, put it on your local machine. But in the background. The technology is so it can see if you really have a subscription. And if you don't, if you're not active it'll lock you out.

00:14:47.580 --> 00:15:01.440
Carrie Kahn: But don't be afraid of it, and you get as we're going to go through to get a couple bells and whistles extra using it so it's it's time to embrace the subscription because into it is making it financially better for you to

00:15:02.640 --> 00:15:11.190
Dan DeLong: Get the latest version. So just like you. Patricia asked in the Q AMP. A does this replace the Pro Advisor program this plus

00:15:11.610 --> 00:15:11.820
Carrie Kahn: It.

00:15:11.880 --> 00:15:19.560
Dan DeLong: Does not replace the Pro Advisor program. This is for end users of, you know, your clients, they can

00:15:20.970 --> 00:15:33.150
Dan DeLong: Purchase QuickBooks Pro Plus where they can purchase QuickBooks Premier plus and then that is the annual subscription cost and it's inclusive of the data backup.

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Dan DeLong: The included support, you get the latest version. So when you have an active plus subscription, you'll end

00:15:41.610 --> 00:15:51.960
Dan DeLong: Comes out next year it'll automatically be be associated with their account. They don't have to install 2022 in order to keep continuing to use it if they like the 2021

00:15:52.530 --> 00:16:01.650
Dan DeLong: And they don't want to don't feel the need to update update, you know, learn something new. There's new new products or new features in that version.

00:16:02.520 --> 00:16:11.460
Dan DeLong: If they don't need want to, they don't have to, but they'll have access to it. And then there's discounted hosting. You only get discounts on hosting and then this year.

00:16:11.970 --> 00:16:25.770
Dan DeLong: There, including a subscription only feature to also incentivize the the the going into the into the you adopting the plus or the software. The service option so

00:16:26.430 --> 00:16:36.000
Dan DeLong: Yeah, it doesn't change the costs. It doesn't doesn't replace anything is just a different purchasing option for for QuickBooks desktop.

00:16:37.770 --> 00:16:40.230
Dan DeLong: So we'll talk first about the features that are in

00:16:41.760 --> 00:16:50.160
Dan DeLong: That are in the latest version or their latest release of 2020 and also being billed as new features in 2021

00:16:50.910 --> 00:16:59.790
Dan DeLong: So the PDF preview for emailing forums. There's improved liability reminders simplified the payroll setup and up capital funding so

00:17:00.270 --> 00:17:07.860
Dan DeLong: The free PDF preview for emailing forms so you don't have to look. You don't have to see what attachments look like

00:17:08.580 --> 00:17:20.670
Dan DeLong: After they've been emailed you can do that right now within within QuickBooks desktop when you go to email them, there's an option there to see the attached files and you can preview.

00:17:21.720 --> 00:17:36.870
Dan DeLong: Anything that is being attached to the email, rather than looking your outbox or CC yourself what actually did that look like and that's also that's for not just the the invoices or transactions that you're actually emailing

00:17:37.920 --> 00:17:42.720
Dan DeLong: But also for any attachments that you might be sending along with them as well.

00:17:44.610 --> 00:18:01.320
Dan DeLong: Is there is improved liability reminders and you can integrate your payroll reminders with an email calendar. Now, now this is only for desktop when you have desk a desktop email client. So what I mean by that is if you have outlook.

00:18:02.700 --> 00:18:18.060
Dan DeLong: Or an email program that has a calendar associated with it. Like if you're using Gmail webmail based email, it's probably not going to work that way because it has to detect that there is a email to default email on your computer.

00:18:19.260 --> 00:18:35.460
Dan DeLong: So you can create an email or a reminder for yourself inside the calendar to be able to make sure that you don't forget to do your liability payments or do your tax forms because late fees are awesome, aren't they, man. I

00:18:35.580 --> 00:18:39.630
Matthew Fulton: I personally try to rack up as many of them as I can ever find it's a great way to use my money.

00:18:40.440 --> 00:18:40.770
Dan DeLong: Right.

00:18:41.100 --> 00:18:46.800
Matthew Fulton: One thing to add that you're showing on the screen here, which is great. You're talking about the cloud based like email programs.

00:18:47.520 --> 00:18:55.560
Matthew Fulton: If you use the windows count. I'm sorry. Windows mail program, you can actually link in your Google email.

00:18:55.830 --> 00:19:11.940
Matthew Fulton: And it runs through that desk type of a desktop app and it should be able to kind of connect to it and give you some hybrid aspect of it. But yeah, it's definitely it stuck to the desktop. It doesn't have it Chris has wings to go to the cloud to give me the reminders there.

00:19:14.610 --> 00:19:21.420
Dan DeLong: Now, there's also simplified payroll setup so there's less steps in the payroll setup. I mean, I, this has always been

00:19:23.370 --> 00:19:29.940
Dan DeLong: A nebulous thing when you when you launch the payroll setup and then there's oh there's only 42 steps.

00:19:31.140 --> 00:19:37.500
Dan DeLong: To set up the payroll because, I mean, you need to set up payroll correctly. So you want to make sure that those steps aren't missed

00:19:38.010 --> 00:19:46.710
Dan DeLong: But now it's it's it's consolidated and you can invite your employees to fill in their personal payroll information, much like

00:19:47.070 --> 00:20:01.230
Dan DeLong: You do when you invite a contractor to enter in their, their 1099 information they can do that stuff on their end and it feeds back into into QuickBooks desktop so shared and leveraged

00:20:02.340 --> 00:20:04.080
Dan DeLong: Options of being able to

00:20:05.310 --> 00:20:22.680
Dan DeLong: Set up your payroll properly and there is a simplified paycheck entry, as opposed to the detail of this huge Excel spreadsheet of historical paychecks. So there's a basic and advanced when you're setting up payroll now in QuickBooks desktop.

00:20:23.730 --> 00:20:24.840
Dan DeLong: capital funding.

00:20:26.070 --> 00:20:35.550
Dan DeLong: If you don't know capital QuickBooks capital is is a way to provide or increase cash flow by getting a short term loan.

00:20:36.510 --> 00:20:48.720
Dan DeLong: With QuickBooks capital in you can now access access that from within QuickBooks, and well, as well as use the QuickBooks data to help secure the short term loan so

00:20:49.560 --> 00:20:58.950
Dan DeLong: It makes it easier to apply because the data is already in QuickBooks to be able to get those short term loans inside of QuickBooks desktop now.

00:20:59.400 --> 00:21:07.890
Matthew Fulton: What a great resource for revenue right like for funds right now as we're still expanding and working our way out of everything you know PPP related

00:21:08.250 --> 00:21:17.430
Matthew Fulton: This is another way for businesses to utilize their current sales to kind of extend their runway and build back up their business. So that's great.

00:21:19.800 --> 00:21:28.740
Dan DeLong: So we're going to now dive into the actual features of 2021 so the biggest thing this year is the improved bank feeds.

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Dan DeLong: And we'll actually have Matt kind of take the lead on on that we'll talk about new new customer groups, which leads into other features of automating the statements customizing you'll be able to customize payment receipts. Finally, some of these things are what took you so long features.

00:21:50.070 --> 00:21:50.670

00:21:52.140 --> 00:22:02.940
Dan DeLong: And then talk about the auto matching for merchant payments and there's some tools that are available in with with kind of coinciding with the with the launch of

00:22:03.780 --> 00:22:17.130
Dan DeLong: That will we'll talk about as well. So yes, improve bank feeds it looks more like you do, but doesn't necessarily work so much like Qb. Oh, as Matt and I were talking a little bit before the show.

00:22:18.600 --> 00:22:19.920
Carrie Kahn: How to get there. One day, right.

00:22:20.850 --> 00:22:34.530
Dan DeLong: Right, so I'm going to stop stop sharing so that Matt can kind of take take over here and show what he's been working on over the weekend with with regards to the bank fees.

00:22:35.340 --> 00:22:40.470
Matthew Fulton: So, you know, the good old sayings that walks like a duck and it talks like a duck, it probably is.

00:22:41.460 --> 00:22:56.040
Matthew Fulton: It's not a Qb. Oh, duck, definitely. I mean, then look like a Qb. Oh, bank rules, but it's it's a great improvement and it's definitely much easier to look at with the eyes, but there are still some areas. I think that will be exciting to see it evolve over time.

00:22:57.570 --> 00:23:04.410
Matthew Fulton: Most of the functionality is pretty much exactly the same. Now what I've done here. So if it shows. We've got some fake data in a fake company file.

00:23:04.860 --> 00:23:21.180
Matthew Fulton: And gives you the ability to kind of get a feel for this. I have to say my absolute favorite part about the new setup here. It's a search function right here having the search function gives you the ability that you can start to type anything in like I can do coffee.

00:23:22.890 --> 00:23:33.720
Matthew Fulton: And if I search it, it will shrink down to just whatever will match to those, you know, whoever I'm searching. So if you're doing a large rebuild of data.

00:23:34.050 --> 00:23:47.280
Matthew Fulton: This becomes a very quick way to be able to come in. Select All which that's probably my second favorite feature is the Select All button. Finally, and you can then quickly go in and modify these different transactions you can update modify course.

00:23:48.330 --> 00:23:56.790
Matthew Fulton: Now the rule side of it. Once you start establishing rules. You can see the way this is set up the rules creation.

00:23:57.450 --> 00:24:07.770
Matthew Fulton: This is the one area that I think still needs to be evolved a little bit more over the next couple years is the way that they're actually handling the rules and the way that they're set up, it's still very

00:24:08.640 --> 00:24:16.650
Matthew Fulton: It's, it's like QuickBooks Online, but the way it's structured and just doesn't give enough control to it. I personally feel like there's a little faster way to go about it.

00:24:17.970 --> 00:24:25.920
Matthew Fulton: You have, of course, the ability Navy ROI. You can have your money in money out as we all know from the Qb. Oh, and then you're when transactions. We all or any

00:24:26.370 --> 00:24:36.480
Matthew Fulton: I will tell you, whenever we see problems with rules in Qb. Oh, this is the area they almost always land in almost every single time. So if you're using this and desktop, keep an eye towards that.

00:24:37.260 --> 00:24:49.740
Matthew Fulton: And now you've got the ability for the memo. The description memo being your bedroom of course description being the description of shows up. And those are two different things in a bank downloadable file, of course, as well as amount

00:24:50.220 --> 00:24:55.170
Matthew Fulton: So you can really fine tunes rules by adding extra lines on to the information

00:24:56.580 --> 00:25:05.340
Matthew Fulton: My favorite example stuff like this is using something like a mount and you can actually do is equal or greater to for like eight months.

00:25:05.820 --> 00:25:17.850
Matthew Fulton: So you could do if it says ATM withdrawal. You could do amount is greater than 3999 and less than $60

00:25:18.540 --> 00:25:29.640
Matthew Fulton: Take and do the first portion to X amount. And then the remaining amount goes to as a split goes to like bank fees. So having the ability to kind of do these multiple layers really helps quite a bit.

00:25:30.900 --> 00:25:40.350
Matthew Fulton: Now what it's doing. Of course, as we all know, is it's going through the memos and trying to find the details. So you can start to apply different rules automatically inside here.

00:25:40.860 --> 00:25:48.900
Matthew Fulton: And once you have them recognized. All you have to do is come in, you're going to go either, you know, change them up or just to add and confirm

00:25:50.370 --> 00:26:06.330
Matthew Fulton: Now these are older ones because I was setting this up. So I'm going to say, yeah, forget the fact it's 90 days pulls them all in automatically. And I can go back to my unrecognized I can still see him from this session in the added to register. Also, which is really, really great.

00:26:07.590 --> 00:26:23.280
Dan DeLong: This is really the in general. I mean, like, really high level kind of stuff. It was always as Qb. Oh, kind of came out, there was always that yeah but it does this, and desktop bank fees is one of those things that

00:26:24.420 --> 00:26:24.660
Dan DeLong: He

00:26:24.990 --> 00:26:40.320
Dan DeLong: Was kind of the roles are reversed. You know, it doesn't do a lot of things in the desktop that bank feeds do in QuickBooks Online. And so it's kind of neat to see some of these things, finding their way back into into desktop.

00:26:41.130 --> 00:26:45.000
Matthew Fulton: You know, I agree with you for the longest time, I've always seen it as

00:26:45.390 --> 00:26:52.740
Matthew Fulton: People specifically moved from desktop to online because they wanted the power of automation. They want that those painful capabilities which

00:26:53.070 --> 00:27:00.900
Matthew Fulton: You know, quick short plug, that's what led us to to create vendor sake, was something very similar to this, where it's that ability to take the power of

00:27:01.290 --> 00:27:08.580
Matthew Fulton: The bank rules and make a hybrid solution for desktop so people have to choose between the two. So, this is a great

00:27:09.150 --> 00:27:18.000
Matthew Fulton: Improvement. And again, this search function is just so powerful. If you look at any of Hector's videos set David's videos, videos I do on the stuff

00:27:18.510 --> 00:27:24.720
Matthew Fulton: You, sir, if you sort by a bank memo, you get all the notifies next to each other. You can very quickly, you know,

00:27:25.110 --> 00:27:33.930
Matthew Fulton: Instead of having to come in and click one at a time. You could filter down and change them in batches and folks and you just start getting through to stuff super fast. That's great.

00:27:34.500 --> 00:27:52.710
Dan DeLong: Now the is that section of Park Park partial partially recognized what what shows up in there. Have you seen what show, you know what, what, what will be partially as a part of a rule or is it just not quite sure what to make of it when you when you see a transaction in there.

00:27:53.040 --> 00:28:02.850
Matthew Fulton: From what I've seen so far. And I've been playing with it. Trying to number one break and figure out ways to make it work better. It's when you have these different as you start adding more and more rules in

00:28:03.600 --> 00:28:12.420
Matthew Fulton: You'll see that I don't have tons in here at the moment, but as you have more rules the partially recognized is where it's uncertain about something. So if there's

00:28:13.200 --> 00:28:16.770
Matthew Fulton: If you already had. Let's see. It's somebody in the office that's cutting checks.

00:28:17.220 --> 00:28:34.560
Matthew Fulton: And you don't want rules to take over, you need to have those automatic first, but you also have the rules. Everything else, what will happen is they're going to be uncertain. So this is not a fully recognize you can review it there instead first to make sure had level of uncertainty.

00:28:35.970 --> 00:28:37.980
Matthew Fulton: So hopefully that helps answer that question.

00:28:38.880 --> 00:28:53.010
Dan DeLong: Yeah, it's just a just to kind of point out that there are that there is like that no man's land between recognized and unrecognized that were partially recognized in the in the new the new bank feeds and

00:28:54.660 --> 00:29:01.110
Dan DeLong: One might think there's a lot of wasted real estate up there at the top, but since you only have one bank account.

00:29:01.140 --> 00:29:10.170
Dan DeLong: Let's go here, those, those tiles will actually fill in for each individual account for that particular financial institution so they

00:29:11.760 --> 00:29:18.420
Dan DeLong: Know that they that you might actually see multiple ones show up there as you have more more banks. Correct.

00:29:18.630 --> 00:29:25.710
Matthew Fulton: Correct, yeah. Again, fake data and making it to where we can share it openly out to the world. We only have the one account in this fake file, but yes.

00:29:25.980 --> 00:29:36.180
Matthew Fulton: Now, you actually would have everything in one space. So you don't have to exit out of this, go to another account to then open that up and then make the different changes into that account, you can

00:29:36.450 --> 00:29:40.950
Matthew Fulton: Much like Qb. Oh, go for each of the different accounts, all within the same environment, of course, right.

00:29:41.580 --> 00:29:47.040
Dan DeLong: And now it doesn't actually do it automatically. Like, like QuickBooks Online does

00:29:47.640 --> 00:30:00.360
Dan DeLong: So we're not not there yet it still needs to be initiated either the connection is still the same. Right now, you have to go out, get the get the bank's feed download the transactions that are the file to bring in

00:30:00.990 --> 00:30:07.020
Dan DeLong: To QuickBooks, or if you connected it directly you can hit the button and then we'll go out and update your account right

00:30:07.380 --> 00:30:12.660
Matthew Fulton: So you can actually set up as I just clicked it went to a different screen. Here you can see

00:30:14.610 --> 00:30:18.060
Matthew Fulton: If you wish to go directly to a certain bank.

00:30:19.170 --> 00:30:31.620
Matthew Fulton: So the difference there being instead of having to go and download a QB oh file, this would actually make it where you can click a button, have an update and pull that information in which is is very nice. It's just a couple less clicks so

00:30:32.640 --> 00:30:32.910
Matthew Fulton: It would

00:30:33.270 --> 00:30:39.690
Dan DeLong: There's like three different ways to connect. There's the Web Connect where you have to go find a file, there's a direct connect

00:30:40.320 --> 00:30:47.970
Dan DeLong: Which typically involves a fee with the bank yes set that up where it's a two way communication. You can send payments out of QuickBooks, and then there's a

00:30:48.780 --> 00:31:01.560
Dan DeLong: What QuickBooks Online uses is the is the express connect connection and some financial institutions will allow you to do it that way that Chase and capital one or in your, in your experience, have you seen

00:31:02.010 --> 00:31:03.180
Matthew Fulton: They're expanding more

00:31:04.200 --> 00:31:11.790
Matthew Fulton: So, I mean, for a lot of the bank feeds, there's the whole idea of the you go through the front door, which is using the username and password and you're scraping data.

00:31:12.090 --> 00:31:17.190
Matthew Fulton: But now, thanks to everybody getting on the same page of the importance of technology, they're now going through the back door.

00:31:17.520 --> 00:31:30.720
Matthew Fulton: And actually using API calls and they express connect so you're getting a more consistent connection better data, it's, it's definitely the way of the future we're gonna see more and more of these institutions banks and credit cards starting to use more of that.

00:31:31.530 --> 00:31:35.220
Carrie Kahn: Got dropped out a couple questions. I've been monitoring the Q AMP. A and it's crazy.

00:31:35.940 --> 00:31:37.320
Carrie Kahn: A full time job in here.

00:31:38.460 --> 00:31:39.870
Dan DeLong: So if you I asked you.

00:31:39.870 --> 00:31:40.860
Dan DeLong: To join us, Gary.

00:31:41.280 --> 00:31:52.470
Carrie Kahn: Thanks. Nice. They could never do this by yourself. Okay, so, Helen Smith is asking. She said her rules are unstable in my Qb. Oh, do you can you, does anyone. I'm not

00:31:54.990 --> 00:32:07.140
Matthew Fulton: I haven't experienced that myself with Qb. Oh, where the rules are unstable. But keep in mind that the order in which the rules are in in line there will absolutely the change the way they respond

00:32:07.440 --> 00:32:16.260
Matthew Fulton: And I tend to find if you're finding situation, something's not responding correctly, double check that all versus any and I'm sure it'll be the same thing here as well. Check that first

00:32:16.890 --> 00:32:30.090
Matthew Fulton: Also, then take the rule, move it to the top check and see if it works perfectly. Then if it does, you know, you've got a good rule. And then you just have to figure it out from there. But if you solve a challenge, reach out to me afterwards. I love bank feed problems.

00:32:31.620 --> 00:32:31.950
Matthew Fulton: I live.

00:32:32.640 --> 00:32:35.190
Carrie Kahn: Here's some more. They keep rolling in. So hold on.

00:32:37.140 --> 00:32:49.500
Carrie Kahn: Michael is asking, well, Michael. This is a comment. So maybe you can give some feedback. He says, I prefer the way QB allows you to make the header smaller for the actual workspace. Is that something we can't do in

00:32:49.590 --> 00:32:51.150
Matthew Fulton: In the flow. So talking about this.

00:32:51.150 --> 00:32:52.140
Matthew Fulton: Area at the top here.

00:32:52.350 --> 00:33:06.450
Matthew Fulton: Yeah, that is a great feedback that I'm sure into love I'll be happy to try to pass it on as best I can. But I'm sure they would love that feedback. So this would be collapsible give you more workable environment. It's a great suggestion and

00:33:06.630 --> 00:33:07.200
Dan DeLong: Are in the queue.

00:33:07.230 --> 00:33:10.800
Dan DeLong: And if you recall can be Oh didn't do that at first.

00:33:11.040 --> 00:33:30.180
Dan DeLong: Correct. So that was something that was added, based on the feedback. So it's great that you know it's starting to look this way and in these. These are great feedbacks and call outs as well. And eventually, those types of things should happen as we as we voice our boys are concerned.

00:33:31.020 --> 00:33:41.100
Carrie Kahn: Okay. And this is a question I think I know the answer but I since we're letting that lead this one double check. So does American Express card allowed to use bank feed feature.

00:33:42.660 --> 00:33:49.410
Matthew Fulton: A good case. So, I assume. The question is, do we have the ability for like the direct connection because we've had so many difficulties with

00:33:50.040 --> 00:33:58.050
Matthew Fulton: All the there's been a lot of companies where they pop up and don't work for a bit of time I'd have to double check it. I think it's still a downloadable setup so I don't know for sure.

00:33:58.770 --> 00:34:00.210
Carrie Kahn: All right, there's more.

00:34:00.300 --> 00:34:03.450
Matthew Fulton: Every time I run my background.

00:34:03.870 --> 00:34:07.290
Matthew Fulton: I'm as you that way because I'm there's so many amazing features.

00:34:07.320 --> 00:34:09.210
Dan DeLong: Yeah, yeah, we've only talked about one

00:34:09.240 --> 00:34:21.270
Dan DeLong: Major feature in 2021. So actually, let's go ahead and launch a poll and then we can maybe address some of these extra, extra questions that are coming in here.

00:34:21.660 --> 00:34:32.460
Dan DeLong: So oftentimes you know what what frequency is is when you when you upgrades. You know, sometimes the Leapfrog over over one year.

00:34:33.330 --> 00:34:43.260
Dan DeLong: Sometimes, though, gotta have the new version. What, what is your upgrade habits of your, of your desktop clients do they wait until Intuit sunsets, the

00:34:44.160 --> 00:34:51.390
Dan DeLong: The services that are attached to it or you know sometimes they'll just drive it into the ground. You know, they don't use payroll, they don't use online banking.

00:34:51.780 --> 00:35:02.280
Dan DeLong: You know, use any of the services they just use it as a glorified checkbook. I'm going to drive this until, until maybe windows upgrades and no longer support.

00:35:02.430 --> 00:35:03.870
Matthew Fulton: Windows fall off basically.

00:35:05.310 --> 00:35:07.920
Dan DeLong: Exactly. My dad's PT Cruiser.

00:35:09.780 --> 00:35:22.800
Matthew Fulton: I would love to see from people in the comments to please comment, what is the oldest version of QuickBooks desktop, you still are actively using somehow for a client, some way and loves you know what the oldest one they're actually using it.

00:35:23.760 --> 00:35:25.590
Dan DeLong: That's a good, that's a good thing. We had

00:35:26.610 --> 00:35:28.290
Dan DeLong: When I worked in into it, they had

00:35:30.660 --> 00:35:41.430
Dan DeLong: To do they had a QB oh accountant cloud Pro Advisor number that they they reuse it was actually a registration number for

00:35:42.510 --> 00:35:47.730
Dan DeLong: For for quick in 2019 99 2000 Quicken

00:35:48.810 --> 00:35:58.230
Dan DeLong: And people were caught. We've got calls for people trying to register quick in 2000 and quick and quick in 1999

00:35:59.310 --> 00:36:02.640
Dan DeLong: And yes, some people were upset that we couldn't actually do

00:36:04.050 --> 00:36:08.700
Matthew Fulton: So, real quickly. And you guys are wondering why they're switching over to this subscription based thing.

00:36:09.960 --> 00:36:13.800
Matthew Fulton: There's, I think the oldest I saw was 2001 or 2003

00:36:14.160 --> 00:36:17.670
Carrie Kahn: Yeah, security, right, that the answer.

00:36:19.260 --> 00:36:20.850
Matthew Fulton: Wow. Yeah. It's

00:36:21.000 --> 00:36:25.890
Carrie Kahn: 1008 2013 I'm looking at these I'm in shock 2000

00:36:27.090 --> 00:36:27.480
Carrie Kahn: Okay.

00:36:27.660 --> 00:36:28.320
Just trying to

00:36:29.370 --> 00:36:37.320
Dan DeLong: Right, so yeah. Most folks only when necessary. So some of the things that we're talking about here are actually not

00:36:38.490 --> 00:36:39.540
Nelson seven

00:36:40.650 --> 00:36:42.780
Carrie Kahn: I'm trying to find a little fun. Give them.

00:36:43.770 --> 00:36:49.950
Dan DeLong: Some of the some of the features that we're talking about here are actually included in other versions of QuickBooks, so

00:36:50.490 --> 00:37:08.490
Dan DeLong: That's, that's another thing to call out to those just these things that we're talking about here are just in 2021 so if they're going from 2018 to 2021 they're getting everything that's in those other versions as well. So something new in 2000

00:37:10.080 --> 00:37:11.040
Carrie Kahn: I got a winner.

00:37:12.420 --> 00:37:17.580
Carrie Kahn: One whoa 9797

00:37:18.720 --> 00:37:19.920
Carrie Kahn: I've never seen that.

00:37:23.100 --> 00:37:26.730
Dan DeLong: So new in 2021 is customer groups.

00:37:27.990 --> 00:37:29.280
Dan DeLong: Are you guys able to hear me ok

00:37:31.320 --> 00:37:33.780
Matthew Fulton: I am, I am. Yes. Okay.

00:37:34.170 --> 00:37:41.400
Dan DeLong: I was noticing that it wasn't flipping over to you being the speaker view. So I wondered if maybe there was a laggard delay or something.

00:37:42.330 --> 00:37:43.590
Matthew Fulton: Like you're making him, you're good.

00:37:44.040 --> 00:37:47.040
Dan DeLong: Okay, great, because I'd hate to be talking and nobody hear me.

00:37:47.970 --> 00:37:48.780
Carrie Kahn: I can't hear you.

00:37:49.410 --> 00:38:06.870
Dan DeLong: Okay, good. So new in in 2021 is customer groups. This is a, this kind of is a feature that leads to other services or other other features, but it is a dynamic rule based grouping based on various customer fields so you can set up.

00:38:07.920 --> 00:38:08.310
Dan DeLong: You know,

00:38:09.360 --> 00:38:18.030
Dan DeLong: Group groups for your, your sales reps or certain customer types of you have retail versus wholesale. You can set up groups.

00:38:18.570 --> 00:38:27.420
Dan DeLong: To be able to make a dynamic grouping and then you can do things with those groups. So you don't have to go back and make them a

00:38:27.900 --> 00:38:42.570
Dan DeLong: Part of the group you set up these rules. And then as you add customers or modify customers, they become part of these groups and what one of the things that you can actually do is send automated statements now.

00:38:43.650 --> 00:38:52.650
Dan DeLong: So you automatically email statements to your customer and does not actually send those things, but it creates those, those, those statements.

00:38:53.280 --> 00:38:59.250
Dan DeLong: They, they can be reviewed and they can you can create multiples based on those various different groups so

00:38:59.670 --> 00:39:19.290
Dan DeLong: In the customer groups setup you can set up multiple different groups. So maybe their monthly versus bi weekly and then you can automate those statements inside of QuickBooks to automatically create generate those statements and then you Massey them mass email them out of your QuickBooks.

00:39:21.750 --> 00:39:25.350
Dan DeLong: This is a, this is one of the features that is what took you so long.

00:39:26.670 --> 00:39:40.770
Dan DeLong: You can now create a customizable payment receipt. So as you're creating a customer payment. There is a now a new template that can be customized just like every other template that's in that's in QuickBooks to be able to

00:39:42.030 --> 00:39:51.060
Dan DeLong: email or send that out to your, to your customer so that they have a receipt of payments and put your logo on it. And those, those types of things.

00:39:52.800 --> 00:40:02.970
Dan DeLong: In QuickBooks payments. So when you have a payment payment enabled version of QuickBooks, where you email out your invoices and they pay online.

00:40:03.720 --> 00:40:22.980
Dan DeLong: They can now are now the they've improved the auto matching of QuickBooks paints. A lot of times I've seen it on the Facebook group that didn't actually share it didn't actually connect to the invoice that is gotten some attention in

00:40:24.480 --> 00:40:28.170
Dan DeLong: But, you know, you're going to need to see how this actually plays out.

00:40:30.360 --> 00:40:38.160
Matthew Fulton: This is definitely, yeah. This is so this functionality is one of the biggest benefits. We've, we've seen out of like the online environment.

00:40:38.550 --> 00:40:45.360
Matthew Fulton: And just like anything else. It does require us to make like keep an eye on it and watch it to make sure things are connected correctly.

00:40:45.630 --> 00:40:58.380
Matthew Fulton: But hey, that's perfect job. Anyways, if it didn't exist before we're still getting a major benefit of the majority of the all connected very nicely. So this is great to see in desktop that it's able to have that like dual way connection and help make those links for you.

00:40:59.370 --> 00:41:08.700
Dan DeLong: And the biggest thing is next day funding is now actually available in desktop so you know because cash flow is so important these days.

00:41:09.600 --> 00:41:21.840
Dan DeLong: Being able to have access to your, to your funds. Next day, as opposed to meal waiting that two or three to five days with with a CH is is is very important. Now,

00:41:23.640 --> 00:41:27.690
Dan DeLong: Now there's some tools that come along with that come along with the

00:41:28.920 --> 00:41:46.080
Dan DeLong: Ride desktop manager. So it's kind of like if you've ever used as an accountant, the file manager for company files, but this is a consolidation of your installations of QuickBooks. So rather than going out to your camps camp site to find

00:41:47.160 --> 00:41:57.720
Dan DeLong: And download your versions of QuickBooks, you can download this desktop manager and it connects to your account and will have easily accessible ways for you to

00:41:58.440 --> 00:42:11.880
Dan DeLong: Download and install your versions of various versions of QuickBooks doesn't work with point of sale or Mac. So it's only the windows based versions of QuickBooks, but we provided a link to it here in the slides.

00:42:12.660 --> 00:42:13.680
Dan DeLong: The way. And there was

00:42:13.830 --> 00:42:20.910
Matthew Fulton: One real quick such a huge benefit because the password thing was becoming a big difficulty with desktop, that if you had to

00:42:21.360 --> 00:42:31.410
Matthew Fulton: You would still ask you the security question that you'd have to create one use it, you have to call it like oh my god right. It's great. See this tool. Yeah, this is

00:42:31.500 --> 00:42:32.490
Dan DeLong: The tool hub here.

00:42:33.720 --> 00:42:44.340
Dan DeLong: You know you had multiple and a hodgepodge of different tools like desktop, the file doctor or, you know, there was actually a network nurse.

00:42:45.510 --> 00:42:58.170
Dan DeLong: What we called it in internally. So all of the all of the Intuit healthcare. It's now in one place, as well as the password reset and some other other tools, the PDF

00:42:59.160 --> 00:43:08.730
Dan DeLong: You know, those types of things. So you can just download the tool and be able to have access to that. So the Clean, clean installation issues, any

00:43:11.670 --> 00:43:21.150
Dan DeLong: Prerequisite like.net framework and those types of things that need to be installed as part of Windows that may or may not be there. You can make sure that they're

00:43:21.870 --> 00:43:34.590
Dan DeLong: They're accessible all in just in one place. So again, another link there for the the tool hub in 2021 so now we're moving into the plus subscriptions.

00:43:35.100 --> 00:43:42.060
Dan DeLong: So this is the desktop version where it is a subscription based. So this is the feature that is actually

00:43:42.690 --> 00:43:54.480
Dan DeLong: Included with with the plus subscription. So you have to have a plus subscription in order to utilize that. So we're going to hand this on over to Kari, who's going to show us actually first what we're gonna do.

00:43:55.560 --> 00:43:58.320
Dan DeLong: Is I'm going to share my

00:43:59.310 --> 00:44:00.270
Carrie Kahn: On my

00:44:00.300 --> 00:44:01.380
Dan DeLong: Phone so

00:44:01.860 --> 00:44:15.150
Carrie Kahn: And this is this is in QuickBooks desktop subscription all the way. So we're telling you where it at least is is not on the one time purchase. So hey, a whole lot cheaper to do subscription.

00:44:16.320 --> 00:44:18.390
Dan DeLong: Exactly. So let me launch

00:44:18.900 --> 00:44:19.890
Carrie Kahn: You know the bot is

00:44:19.950 --> 00:44:24.690
Carrie Kahn: The discount. They offer is only here one. There's the reseller and me coming on.

00:44:26.190 --> 00:44:40.440
Matthew Fulton: This show. This is a great example again of taking cloud technology and bringing it back down. Now, and making it available for people to use. So I know that we've experienced this price increase, but I'm sure everybody has to agree there's

00:44:40.860 --> 00:44:48.960
Matthew Fulton: An obvious like time and energy has gone into the development of this 2021 to to enhance it with these new features.

00:44:50.580 --> 00:44:59.760
Carrie Kahn: I made Florence flooding make a while we're waiting for you to do this for me this is I can't wait to really use this in our own office because

00:45:00.180 --> 00:45:16.320
Carrie Kahn: We finally stopped worrying about attaching our receipts, because it was so conversation. This is so much easier. So if it helps us attaches receipts and have them saved in our so we can get to them. We don't have to have some additional subscription. I think it's a huge game changer.

00:45:17.460 --> 00:45:19.950
Dan DeLong: Well, I am but I'm having some difficulty with the

00:45:20.490 --> 00:45:22.140
Dan DeLong: Just trusting my computer.

00:45:24.180 --> 00:45:25.710
Dan DeLong: But if you have used

00:45:27.060 --> 00:45:36.750
Dan DeLong: If you have used the receipt capture in in Qb. Oh. Again, this is another one of those features that it's if you if you're if you've used it and seen it in in Qb. Oh.

00:45:37.320 --> 00:45:47.850
Dan DeLong: You know how to use it in in desktop so Carrie, if you want to share your screen so you can see the actual what it looks like in in your version of desktop.

00:45:48.630 --> 00:45:56.340
Dan DeLong: But, but the whole idea is that you take a picture on your on your mobile device, there is now a QuickBooks desktop.

00:45:56.880 --> 00:46:10.830
Dan DeLong: App for for just this feature, and I'm sure as new features are rolling themselves back in that will be other functionality that will be associated with it. But right now for for 2021 it's the receipt management so

00:46:11.250 --> 00:46:21.090
Carrie Kahn: So under 10% under your vendor menu. There's a new section called receipt management, but the magic of TV or zoom

00:46:21.900 --> 00:46:39.360
Carrie Kahn: I've going straight to it because sometimes I'm kind of slows you down. We scanned in as we were playing with this to receipts and there were a couple things that I thought were super, super neat about it. So one of them is when you when you hit it for review select for review.

00:46:40.470 --> 00:46:54.330
Carrie Kahn: It's like it's got some AI intelligence. It wants me to link it to something, but it went ahead and it figured out some things for us, like if it wrote the amount hit brute, the date it wrote the end and you know

00:46:55.350 --> 00:47:00.120
Carrie Kahn: Remember, I'm a desktop so don't make fun of me at this has always been a QB I'm showing my

00:47:02.010 --> 00:47:17.160
Carrie Kahn: Desktop. So I think that the the AI on it's really strong it. There are a couple things to call out is that you can add a class to it. You can add a job, not, not a job it has made a job, not just a customer. So you have to

00:47:17.400 --> 00:47:18.930
Matthew Fulton: Have job costing basically

00:47:19.290 --> 00:47:26.760
Carrie Kahn: It has to be job costing which is powerful when you when you do scan it in that we weren't able to show you. You can put notes on it.

00:47:27.750 --> 00:47:32.820
Carrie Kahn: It was pretty good at figuring out the vendor. I thought that was pretty slick and then I get to pick

00:47:33.120 --> 00:47:48.990
Carrie Kahn: You know the account that will go into obviously not bank account and then up here, what's super neat about it is if I had connected it to a credit card. It's already sort of with the bank feeds and everything. It's trying its hardest to do the work for us.

00:47:49.950 --> 00:47:59.940
Dan DeLong: So what these will do is they'll create the transaction for you and then it will match them to as the bank feeds come in. So it's just a way to add in

00:48:00.420 --> 00:48:11.220
Dan DeLong: The transactions as as and it also creates this as a as an attached transaction or attached picture so that you have now that proof of what it actually is. If, if need be,

00:48:11.730 --> 00:48:19.920
Matthew Fulton: So a couple quick questions. We've got which are great questions on this one of them is, if, if you were in the desktop environment and you establish these

00:48:20.400 --> 00:48:31.260
Matthew Fulton: Links these connections, everything else and you decided to go to QuickBooks Online would these attachments be lost during that transfer or will they'll actually they actually go to the cloud as well.

00:48:32.190 --> 00:48:48.930
Carrie Kahn: It go well that's a really good question. I know that it saves natively. That's one of my like you don't, but I don't know if it'll actually travel its way to keep you, but the scan document is saved in your file, it doesn't, it's not living in into it right, Dan.

00:48:49.470 --> 00:48:49.830

00:48:51.330 --> 00:48:56.040
Carrie Kahn: crap that they've had other things like this where they're trapped into some subscription. This is not

00:48:57.000 --> 00:49:12.540
Dan DeLong: Yet actually gets associated wherever your attachments or or download and stored in the in the document center will get saved there as well. So if you do make the journey to to keep Yo, you can take all those attachments and and upload them. They won't make the journey.

00:49:13.710 --> 00:49:28.320
Dan DeLong: And then convert from desktop to online those attachments, don't, don't get automatically attached, but you can then take all of those attachments and, you know, upload them in the attachments section and Qb. Oh.

00:49:29.010 --> 00:49:41.460
Matthew Fulton: Now one last nerdy type thing that I would like to check out is on the vendor area in QuickBooks desktop when you if you go and edit a vendor, you can assign a specific account to that vendor.

00:49:41.940 --> 00:49:55.530
Matthew Fulton: I'd love to know if that account would populate automatically then into that field. Whenever you that's being selected because now you can pull a receipt in it recognizes the vendor name and categorizes at 40 possible

00:49:57.510 --> 00:49:57.750
Carrie Kahn: That's

00:49:57.870 --> 00:50:09.570
Dan DeLong: Yeah, that would be, I think, in our, in our playing around with it. Carrie. We didn't actually, it didn't create I mean it put that stop and shop as a vendor in there, but I don't remember if we actually had that

00:50:09.960 --> 00:50:14.880
Carrie Kahn: Yeah I know it hasn't even added stop and shop so we can

00:50:15.420 --> 00:50:16.830
Matthew Fulton: Everyone down there. Perfect. Yep.

00:50:17.580 --> 00:50:32.910
Carrie Kahn: So I'm just going to do something real quick and then see yeah that's that's an excellent call out so I can go here to edit it and because it created that vendor for me it didn't know it probably hadn't mapped it so

00:50:36.000 --> 00:50:38.040
Carrie Kahn: We're stopping shop that's me.

00:50:39.150 --> 00:50:39.690
Carrie Kahn: Yeah.

00:50:39.810 --> 00:50:41.370
Carrie Kahn: I just don't the capitals.

00:50:42.120 --> 00:50:47.640
Matthew Fulton: I'll play with it and I'll report back on the air or into the group itself because if

00:50:48.300 --> 00:50:52.710
Carrie Kahn: You check if it's not, if it's kind of glitchy. Let's give that feedback to clean that up.

00:50:53.670 --> 00:50:56.760
Dan DeLong: And if you have those receipts actually on your computer.

00:50:56.970 --> 00:51:14.310
Dan DeLong: You can just throw them in here and you know doesn't have to be done only on the mobile on the mobile app. So if you have them already saved or scan you can drop them into the receipt management. It will then process them and then you can then work with them here.

00:51:15.060 --> 00:51:18.930
Carrie Kahn: And like all features. I just want to call out to. I think it's always a good idea.

00:51:19.650 --> 00:51:36.420
Carrie Kahn: To you can say drink your own champagne or disgusting, eat your own dog food. See how it works for you and and then you can show that. And then, you know, then you can show them this great feature. And this is why they need this version that you love and support. So there you go. Alright.

00:51:37.350 --> 00:51:40.290
Dan DeLong: So let's go ahead and move on to

00:51:41.100 --> 00:51:42.210
Stop my share next

00:51:43.680 --> 00:51:44.250

00:51:48.480 --> 00:52:01.020
Dan DeLong: There we are. Okay, so this is what the, what the mobile app actually does look like when you do snap, snap a picture snap, snap a photo the photo and a picture at the same time.

00:52:04.140 --> 00:52:06.750
Carrie Kahn: Another screen probably got all kinds of bad stuff on it.

00:52:09.750 --> 00:52:10.950
Dan DeLong: I see my one

00:52:12.600 --> 00:52:13.770
Dan DeLong: Up next year.

00:52:15.240 --> 00:52:16.230
Matthew Fulton: That's because you have a magnet.

00:52:16.290 --> 00:52:17.490
Dan DeLong: And doesn't matter. Anyone here.

00:52:19.020 --> 00:52:19.440
Dan DeLong: There we go.

00:52:19.500 --> 00:52:20.880
Carrie Kahn: All right there we are.

00:52:23.430 --> 00:52:24.510
Dan DeLong: I mean, I'm looking at it.

00:52:25.800 --> 00:52:26.520
Your login and

00:52:27.870 --> 00:52:29.310
Carrie Kahn: Carrie, are you locking in

00:52:30.690 --> 00:52:31.650
Carrie Kahn: O. M. G.

00:52:32.280 --> 00:52:40.350
Dan DeLong: Alright, so moving on to. So we're coming in for a landing in it. And the good news is that the the other features are really

00:52:41.670 --> 00:52:46.980
Dan DeLong: High level type of type of features. So the account. In addition, you can now batch delete.

00:52:47.520 --> 00:52:57.630
Dan DeLong: sales orders just an additional transaction type that you can now remove in bulk. Of course, these sales orders need to be not attached

00:52:58.050 --> 00:53:08.220
Dan DeLong: To a to an invoice. But why would you want to delete a sales order that is attached to an invoice. So that's an account. In addition,

00:53:08.940 --> 00:53:18.600
Dan DeLong: The Enterprise. The only features that are the only version of enterprise that they got any new features is the platinum edition, because they're all based on the advanced inventory

00:53:19.260 --> 00:53:26.040
Dan DeLong: So with with with the groups, you have the ability of to set up vendor groups.

00:53:26.640 --> 00:53:34.920
Dan DeLong: So data level permissions and we'll talk a little bit about that landed costs had some changes and requiring cereal and a lot numbers.

00:53:35.550 --> 00:53:52.110
Dan DeLong: With with regards to advanced inventory and then being able to print barcode labels with prices on them and then the alternate vendor column on this stock status report so data level permission. This ties in with the customer and the vendor.

00:53:53.160 --> 00:54:04.080
Dan DeLong: Group so enterprise only will have the vendor groups option. So when you're creating your custom permissions which enterprises is written, you know,

00:54:05.280 --> 00:54:06.660
Dan DeLong: On unleashed.

00:54:08.130 --> 00:54:30.480
Dan DeLong: Data level security or security in general, you can now use those groups in combination with with permission. So, so if you have sales reps, for example, and you create a group that only ties to a specific Sales Rep. You can now go into that person's individual

00:54:31.830 --> 00:54:41.640
Dan DeLong: Roles and permissions and only give them access to their own customers really that's what that's what it boils down to, with regards to the customer groups.

00:54:42.150 --> 00:54:55.080
Dan DeLong: Vendor group. So with AR and AP, you can now be late. You know you have a little bit more customization with regards to who can see what and do what with those customers and vendor groups.

00:54:55.680 --> 00:55:00.810
Matthew Fulton: That really could be a big thing as you get larger obviously enterprise users, right, larger companies.

00:55:01.110 --> 00:55:15.810
Matthew Fulton: If they're dealing with anything epi or big box companies, you want to maybe you want somebody to have like dedicated these, these are your walls. We want you to stay within these corporate only these ones and keep the blinders on everything else. So that's a really good add on the

00:55:16.980 --> 00:55:29.580
Dan DeLong: Landed cost, which was a feature last year, you can now add in track that across cost of goods sold. So before the recommended is to do that through the other current assets, when you

00:55:30.150 --> 00:55:37.020
Dan DeLong: Assign that that landed cost if you prefer, you can assign that landed cost to the cost of goods sold. Now,

00:55:39.000 --> 00:55:50.340
Dan DeLong: Requiring cereal and large numbers. This is a, this is a game changer to is also, you know, a simple a simple thing. But you know, it's kind of like the

00:55:52.590 --> 00:55:54.090
Dan DeLong: The closing date, you know,

00:55:55.410 --> 00:55:59.040
Dan DeLong: And putting a password on it. You know, it's like when you're dealing with

00:56:00.150 --> 00:56:16.380
Dan DeLong: Something that requires serial number tracking cereals are large numbers. You want to prohibit somebody from creating that transaction and now you can. So if you don't have those on on the on the transactions you can prohibit it from from actually being recorded.

00:56:18.090 --> 00:56:26.220
Dan DeLong: barcode labels. You can now print label prices on the barcodes. So if you're using enterprise.

00:56:27.570 --> 00:56:33.870
Dan DeLong: Platinum edition. You can choose the art of barcodes and print the price on it as as well.

00:56:34.560 --> 00:56:36.000
Carrie Kahn: And I ask a quick, quick question.

00:56:37.590 --> 00:56:41.820
Carrie Kahn: The and I just answered it. And then I think I was wrong and I have to correct the customer.

00:56:42.240 --> 00:56:55.290
Carrie Kahn: level permissions that you just spoke of. I believe they're only in platinum and diamond and it's designed for like sales people and and and what those mid level market customers have been requesting right not

00:56:55.410 --> 00:57:00.420
Carrie Kahn: Over okay I answered I, sorry, Lisa, I answered. Yes. And then I answered, wait.

00:57:01.740 --> 00:57:02.730
Dan DeLong: Let's just double check.

00:57:03.150 --> 00:57:03.480
Carrie Kahn: Out.

00:57:03.540 --> 00:57:14.400
Dan DeLong: Yeah. So yeah, the only the only enhancements is for Platinum, Diamond is a new version, but it's a really a bundled platinum, so it's it's really just a matter of

00:57:15.330 --> 00:57:17.790
Dan DeLong: darlin for platinum and

00:57:18.120 --> 00:57:21.030
Carrie Kahn: Diamond also gives you. It's kind of the new kid on the block it.

00:57:21.030 --> 00:57:23.400
Carrie Kahn: Gives you 40 users, etc, etc. So

00:57:24.480 --> 00:57:28.200
Carrie Kahn: It has its place in certain places. We're just trying to figure out what that is.

00:57:28.740 --> 00:57:30.360
Dan DeLong: But functionality wise. Yeah.

00:57:30.960 --> 00:57:34.260
Dan DeLong: Functionality wise it is it is they just had

00:57:36.300 --> 00:57:39.990
Carrie Kahn: Another question. When you went over the sales orders idea.

00:57:40.440 --> 00:57:40.800
Dan DeLong: Mm hmm.

00:57:41.040 --> 00:57:44.340
Carrie Kahn: And you batch close them if a client doesn't want to delete them.

00:57:45.630 --> 00:58:03.090
Dan DeLong: That is just, I mean that that's part of the batch delete option. So just like anything else. That's a batch deleted. That's all you can do in the in the batch delete is delete them. You can't batch. It's not a bad to modify, it's a it's a batch delete process.

00:58:04.920 --> 00:58:16.170
Dan DeLong: So lots of the last poll here. Did you learn something new today. GO AHEAD AND THE ANSWER THAT WAS THERE ANY OTHER QUESTIONS THAT THAT filtered through man or carry that you

00:58:16.560 --> 00:58:28.170
Carrie Kahn: Got it narrowed down to four. Can you split this receipts down to two accounts. I don't think he can eventually but when they're popping in I only saw that one drop down and then you could edit it later.

00:58:28.950 --> 00:58:37.500
Dan DeLong: Yeah, I believe, that was the same way in in Qb. Oh, when the, when the receipts first came out, is that it was only one one account that you can

00:58:38.250 --> 00:58:48.450
Dan DeLong: That you can classify it with. But once the transactions in there, then you can modify it. However, however you prefer. So if you need to split that out. You certainly good medicine, you're gonna

00:58:48.660 --> 00:58:57.720
Matthew Fulton: And this is definitely motivated me towards doing a video to kind of show the differences with the receipt capture a lot of excitement about receipt captured. What can it can be done.

00:58:58.620 --> 00:59:08.130
Matthew Fulton: Showing the functionality of that and even comparing it's like Qb. Oh, so if everybody will bear with me. Just to give you a little bit of time to the weekend or so I'll put the other video and we can

00:59:08.550 --> 00:59:14.670
Matthew Fulton: Put it in our group can be can be alive, but also share it into can be power hour is well for everybody. Yeah.

00:59:15.300 --> 00:59:29.430
Dan DeLong: And congratulations man you know with with the with the growth of your community QB community live both our group, the Qb power hour group and and QB community live with listed on the top five.

00:59:30.180 --> 00:59:41.820
Dan DeLong: Groups Facebook groups to actually grow your business practice. So I've seen it grow in the last couple years. Pretty, pretty tremendously and to get that accolade thanks for the awesome

00:59:42.180 --> 00:59:56.010
Matthew Fulton: That that award truly goes to the members Linda and I are we feel so fortunate we are the ones that hit the power button to turn the thing on but it's the actual group itself that it's evolved into what it is, but it is such an amazing honor. First thing I did is call my mom.

00:59:58.890 --> 01:00:01.590
Dan DeLong: And your mom is actually part of the group, which is pretty awesome.

01:00:05.790 --> 01:00:11.610
Dan DeLong: Somebody was saying, the automatic is not working well for an auto matching and QB payments.

01:00:12.780 --> 01:00:28.830
Dan DeLong: I'm not sure if that is in 2021 that you're seeing that or if that is actually in 2020 that has always been a concern is that it just doesn't match, right, or it comes in with that QB customer as it's downloaded 2021 should be

01:00:30.090 --> 01:00:31.020
Dan DeLong: To be taking

01:00:32.070 --> 01:00:34.170
Dan DeLong: Some attention on that as well. So

01:00:34.800 --> 01:00:45.030
Carrie Kahn: I have a confession to make. So as I was flying through the questions because they were coming at me fast. I closed one out. But I said, I promise I'll bring it up. So I have to say because it came in before these

01:00:45.600 --> 01:00:53.880
Carrie Kahn: Somebody wanted to somebody asked what's the difference between QuickBooks account. In addition, and enterprise, so I can answer that.

01:00:55.230 --> 01:01:07.860
Carrie Kahn: Yeah, so the QuickBooks accounting comes in Premiere and it comes in enterprises are two totally different products obviously premieres this enterprises to step up. It includes accountant tools.

01:01:08.430 --> 01:01:15.240
Carrie Kahn: But the new thing that's happened over the last so many years. I don't know the answer to that is that you can actually log in.

01:01:15.600 --> 01:01:24.660
Carrie Kahn: Create a user in any customers data file, which I recommend always logging in as yourself. So they don't point the finger at you for messing everything up when you started

01:01:25.290 --> 01:01:37.620
Carrie Kahn: And and you can access those same accountant tools, almost all of them from a non account. In addition, so over the years they have made it so that only accountants can purchase those two products.

01:01:37.890 --> 01:01:43.140
Carrie Kahn: Premier or enterprise that you get as an Enter as a QuickBooks paid Pro Advisor

01:01:43.710 --> 01:01:56.280
Carrie Kahn: But now you can unlock them inside the program and not not feel like you have to take their data file in house. So I hope that answered, whoever asked that. I apologize for closing you out and getting you ignored.

01:01:57.150 --> 01:02:05.670
Matthew Fulton: One other aspect of the accountant is the way the account comes about is you set up. And if you're doing the Pro Advisor for desktop.

01:02:05.970 --> 01:02:13.650
Matthew Fulton: You get your accountant version. And as part of that subscription you receive access to basically every type of QuickBooks.

01:02:14.130 --> 01:02:28.710
Matthew Fulton: Desktop enterprise point of sale Mac, the thing on the subscription level for that year. So what we're that's really powerful is after you've been doing it for many, many years, you now have each iteration. So if you do have some of these people that are still using

01:02:31.020 --> 01:02:32.010
Matthew Fulton: You can have them, you

01:02:32.100 --> 01:02:32.370
Carrie Kahn: Want

01:02:32.970 --> 01:02:34.950
Matthew Fulton: To current without having challenges.

01:02:37.350 --> 01:02:39.030
Dan DeLong: Again, good.

01:02:40.050 --> 01:02:55.050
Carrie Kahn: The external account. I think that is Lisa was asking. I think it's the external accountant that you've set up and that allows you what's nice about that is you don't get run into the change your password every whatever days because of credit card. So that's, yes. That's the answer.

01:02:55.440 --> 01:03:01.500
Dan DeLong: Yeah, it's always good to set up set up the soap yourself with the external account and then you can use those accountant tools.

01:03:02.160 --> 01:03:19.650
Dan DeLong: Inside of inside of non accountant versions of QuickBooks will carry a man. I want to thank you again for filling in on on such short notice. And I really appreciate your insights into the the desktop world because it still is not dead, right.

01:03:19.710 --> 01:03:21.750
Carrie Kahn: Now it's not dead.

01:03:23.880 --> 01:03:28.650
Matthew Fulton: It's a lot of life in it. And again, it's all about choosing the right tool for the job.

01:03:29.010 --> 01:03:35.430
Matthew Fulton: So our job is to know what makes the differences between them. So our clients can have the best opportunity for success.

01:03:36.360 --> 01:03:42.840
Carrie Kahn: And I'll do a quick shout out to. It's very important to build a community working with partners or whatever.

01:03:43.110 --> 01:03:55.920
Carrie Kahn: Because if you don't feel comfortable with desktop find someone who does. And they might not like QB oh so work with other pro advisors, build your network come up with some kind of something that works for you so you can feel like you can grow.

01:03:57.180 --> 01:04:00.630
Carrie Kahn: Right. Don't turn away any business unless they're really nasty people that have

01:04:02.040 --> 01:04:03.000
Dan DeLong: Been kicked to the curb.

01:04:03.390 --> 01:04:04.830
Carrie Kahn: Yeah, or send them to Dan

01:04:04.890 --> 01:04:05.580
Now I'm just kidding. Oh.

01:04:07.230 --> 01:04:09.330
Dan DeLong: Wow, I'm again.

01:04:09.750 --> 01:04:27.390
Dan DeLong: I'm kidding. Yeah. Thank you both. Thank you both for joining us. And thank you everyone for for joining us live and we'll have the replays on the on the podcast and in the YouTube channel shortly later today and we'll see you next week or next next time on the power hour. Thanks.

01:04:28.260 --> 01:04:29.610
Carrie Kahn: Thank you. Thanks for having us.