Practically Speaking Mom: Intentional Mom, Strong Family

44. Managing Stress in Mom and Child, Part 2: BUFFERING STRESS w/ Guest Amanda Colliatie, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Val Harrison and Amanda Colliatie, Marriage and Family Therapist from Encounter Freedom Center Season 1 Episode 44

BUFFERING Techniques for Stress in Our & Our Kids' Lives - from Guest Amanda Colliatie, LMFT  Click here to read Blog.
 1. Build Up - Be a force against the negativity in our kid's life. Notice the things they're doing well.   Praise them for what they're doing right. Be quick to repair when the relationship has been compromised.  Choose your words carefully when you need to correct them. 
2. Meaningful Touch - It's connecting and reassuring, especially in times of stress.  (If they, by nature, don't like to be touched, this would be an exception to keep in mind.)
3. Finding a HEALTHY Escape -  such as reading, playing with a pet... Do something to step out of the stress for a short time.  But notice when the escape becomes unhealthy.
 4. Be Responsive - We were made to connect with people. Eye contact, talking, interacting are all ways to be responsive and thus bring soothing to your stressed out child.
Pt 3 will contain the rest of Amanda's list!

Val on Transferring Self-Sufficiency to our Kids even regarding Stress:
"As intentional Moms, we want to be constantly in the process of  Transferring Self-Sufficiency to our kids in all areas of their life.  This is a long process, but an important one." 
Here's how to Transfer Self-Sufficiency to our kids in every area, including in equipping them
1. Set a good example of monitoring your own stress, mom.  Taking time for MARGIN & watching for SIGNS & SYMPTOMS of stress reaching an unhealthy level.
2. Equip your kids with Good Stress Management Habits
3. Teach them the philosophy behind the good habit - teach them why it matters.
Amanda Colliatie is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Wichita, Kansas. Her practice at Encounter Freedom Therapy Center website or

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"May the Words of my mouth and the medit...