Used Car Dealer Podcast

UCDP Ep #32 - Interview with Danny Zaslavsky of VinCue on used inventory management

Used Car Dealer Podcast Season 1 Episode 32

In this episode of the Used Car Dealer podcast, Zach Klempf interviews Danny Zaslavsky the managing partner of VinCue on running a large used car dealership with no floor plan, inventory management in 2021, VinCue product, and the concept of the highest authentic value.

Some of the questions asked include:

Q) So let’s get started, and for those of us listening:

Danny - Talk about your background in automotive and how you got involved in the  VinCue business?

Q) 2020 and 2021 have been surreal from an inventory standpoint, what has the inventory crisis taught us about market pricing?

Q) Danny, what has this inventory crisis been like from your dealerships (Country Hill Motors) lens?

Q) What are the three things that good inventory management should be?
Q) We’re all conditioned to drop prices if a car isn’t moving, is that the right strategy?
Q) Obviously inventory management is a key component of a successful used car dealer operation, what else is important for dealers to get right in this market?

Q) What are some of the most successful dealers doing differently when it comes to marketing their dealership and inventory?

Q) What advice do you have for a used car dealer just getting into the business and starting to build their inventory management strategy?

Q) Why is it hard to build inventory management software, what are/were some of the challenges in getting this product to market?

Q) Lastly Danny, what’s coming down the pipeline from the VinCue team?

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