Future Intelligent Leadership Podcast: Exploring Foresight and Leadership for an AI-Augmented World

Episode 10: When to Follow the Herd & When to Trust Yourself, Outside-In Noise & Fear, Leadership Empathy & Authenticity With Bill Genovese & Loretta Breuning

Tyler Mongan with Bill Genovese and Loretta Breuning Season 1 Episode 11

Episode 10: When to Follow the Herd & When to Trust Yourself, Outside-In Noise & Fear, Leadership Empathy & Authenticity With Bill Genovese & Loretta Breuning

Bill is the VP of Corporate Strategic Research and Planning for Huawei in China. He has over 25 years experience in consulting and delivering financial systems management applications and infrastructure. He is an advisor for FinTech4Good and a global panel member for MIT technology review. If you follow his posts on LinkedIn, you will realize that he is an overall brilliant gentleman, with a strong interest in quantum computing.

Loretta is the founder of Inner Mammal Institute, which offers free resources to help you manage your dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphin.  She is the author of three books: “Habits of a Happy Brain,”  “The Science of Positivity,” and “Tame Your Anxiety.” Before starting the inner mammal institute, Loretta spent 22 years teaching business management at California state university. She is very engaging and has a wealth of knowledge in how our brain chemistry influences our behaviors. 

In this episodes Dialogue we discuss when to stay with the herd and when to trust your gut and leave the heard. And how leadership can develop their ability to trust their inner voice.  If you are interested in how to think outside the herd mentality, how to develop your inner sense of knowing, how to make decisions that are free from external noise, how to limit the outside-in influence and enhance the inside-out experience to make better choices, why it is important to focus on the next-step, how to shift away from threat focused reaction and towards reward focused behavior, and the importance of empathy and authenticity in leadership…then this episode is for you. 
