Future Intelligent Leadership Podcast: Exploring Foresight and Leadership for an AI-Augmented World

Episode 13: The Leadership Vacuum, Technology-Enabled Leadership, Transparency and Trust in Leadership, Why Boards Need a Futurist

Tyler Mongan with Luke van der Laan and Rebecca Costa Season 2 Episode 14

Episode 13 of the Futures Intelligent Leadership Flowcast with Luke van der Laan and Rebecca Costa

About Rebecca Costa

Rebecca Costa is an American Sociobiologist, Technology Futurist and Author at the Costa Group. She is a renowned global expert on the subject of “fast adaptation in complex, high failure-rate environments.” She is the author of “The Watchman’s Rattle: A Radical New Theory of Collapse” and a follow up book titled, “On the Verge” with proposes the idea of Pre-adaptation.

About Luke van der Laan

Luke van der Laan is a Program Director & Associate Professor at the University of Southern Queensland and author of “Foresight and Strategy In the Asian Pacific Region.” And an Advisor at HAKU Global. His expertise is in Foresight, strategic thinking, innovation and implementation.

About This Episode

This is a very timely episode considering the state of world today. In this episode the dialogue centers around a few key ideas. (1) There is a vacuum in leadership and we have lost trust in leadership globally. (2) At the same time we have increased our trust in AI and technology. 
 The question that emerges from this is how can leadership utilize AI and technology to enable better decision making, without limiting their generative capability?  And what type of leadership will emerge that can inspire trust?

So if you are interested in exploring why the old models of leadership are inadequate, why there Is a vacuum in leadership, How AI and technology enable decision making, How transparency has actually decreased leadership trust, why trust is important for happiness, Why we trust our technology more than we trust our leadership, how technology can trap us in analytical thinking, why we need more generative thinking in leadership, and why your executive board needs a Futurist or Foresight expert….then this episode is for you. 

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