Resilience & Grace

Yoga for Stress and Anxiety

May 01, 2022 Mary McCarthy Season 5 Episode 63
Yoga for Stress and Anxiety
Resilience & Grace
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Resilience & Grace
Yoga for Stress and Anxiety
May 01, 2022 Season 5 Episode 63
Mary McCarthy

WELCOME to season #5! I am kicking off this season with a very important topic that is near and dear to my heart, anxiety and mental health. May is National Mental Health Awareness month and I am sharing my journey with anxiety.

Yoga and meditation are wonderful tools to help someone manage their stress and anxiety and in this episode, I will share with you specific practices that help me when I am not teaching on my mat.

Here are a few additional resources you may find helpful:
1. Yoga Nidra for Restful Nurturance (episode #60)
2. Live Mentally Healthy
3. #Together4MH Resources
4. Generalized Anxiety Disorder Information
5. Yoga with Mary in her Online Studio

Mary McCarthy is a Certified Health and Fitness Instructor with The American College of Sports Medicine and an E-RYT 500 yoga instructor with Yoga Alliance.

You can schedule a
FREE  consultation to learn more about her offerings. 

To learn more about Mary and view all of her offerings, visit her website  

Show Notes

WELCOME to season #5! I am kicking off this season with a very important topic that is near and dear to my heart, anxiety and mental health. May is National Mental Health Awareness month and I am sharing my journey with anxiety.

Yoga and meditation are wonderful tools to help someone manage their stress and anxiety and in this episode, I will share with you specific practices that help me when I am not teaching on my mat.

Here are a few additional resources you may find helpful:
1. Yoga Nidra for Restful Nurturance (episode #60)
2. Live Mentally Healthy
3. #Together4MH Resources
4. Generalized Anxiety Disorder Information
5. Yoga with Mary in her Online Studio

Mary McCarthy is a Certified Health and Fitness Instructor with The American College of Sports Medicine and an E-RYT 500 yoga instructor with Yoga Alliance.

You can schedule a
FREE  consultation to learn more about her offerings. 

To learn more about Mary and view all of her offerings, visit her website