Resilience & Grace

Meditation: Kirtan Kriya

February 26, 2020 Mary McCarthy Season 2 Episode 12

To strengthen the mind, you can practice a 12-minute Kirtan Kriya meditation. It is a meditation to help with memory and practiced by many.

1. Find a comfortable seat and bring your internal gaze to your third eye.
2. Place your hands in the Gyan Mudra, arms straight with backs of your hands resting on your knees.
3. Touch the tips of your thumbs to the tips of your index fingers gently and say saa (representing infinity, the cosmos, and beginning of time).
3. Touch the tips of your thumbs to the tips of your middle fingers and say taa (life and existence).
4. Touch the tips of your thumbs to the tips of your ring fingers and say naa (death, change and transformation);
5.  Finally touch the tips of our thumbs to the tips of your pinky fingers and say maa (rebirth). 

The 12-minute practice
(Combine finger connection with sound)
2-minute normal voice chant: sa, ta, na, ma
2-minute whisper voice chant: sa, ta, na, ma
2-minute silent chant: sa, ta, na, ma
2-minute whisper voice chant: sa, ta, na, ma
2-minute normal voice chant: sa, ta, na, ma
2-minute sit in silence

You can listen and practice along on my "Mary McCarthy Reslience & Grace" Podcast Episode #11 or on Nirinjan Kaur's YouTube Channel.  

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