Resilience & Grace

Meditation: So Hum

September 14, 2020 Mary McCarthy Season 2 Episode 37

Mantra is a meditation technique that helps you to take your mind to quieter, calmer levels of thinking. Mantras are often referred to as vehicles for the mind because with focus on the repetition of a mantra, other thoughts swimming in the mind dissipate and the mind shifts toward mental clarity and stillness.

The So Hum mantra has a special meaning in Vedic philosophy and is often the mantra given to those new to the practices of yoga and meditation.

So Hum is a phrase comprised of two Sanskrit words. The literal translations are:

  • So: “That” 
  • Hum: “I” 

Therefore, the translation of So Hum is “I Am That.” 

According to many Vedic scholars, “That” refers to the Universe, and therefore, the So Hum mantra symbolizes that we are all connected to the universal energy which continually nourishes and supports us. It is of the same concept of “oneness”, of being one with the Universe, and all that is in it.

So when we chant the So Hum mantra in our mind while meditating, we are saying, “I am ONE with the universe.”

Mary shares with you the benefits of practicing this mantra with the Dhyana Mudra. 

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