Keith Smith of - Baccarat and Blackjack Strategy Discussion

Blackjack Baccarat Legacy Approaches and ways to play from

Keith Smith Season 1 Episode 2

Your host Keith Smith talks about legacy system that many have used in an effort to try to win at baccarat.

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Okay, Keith here, from beat to casino dot com wanted to welcome you today. My own line. Chad play session, actually, not a play session, but just a discussion, um, about beat the casino. And, uh, you know, some of the benefits and jewels of joining what we're all about getting a lot of questions over this month due to, you know, the situation Roll in and we're all getting ready for the casinos to open back up. So this is a discussion about blackjack? Oh, what we do in the club with Black Jack, what we talk about with back or on one of the benefits of actually joining the club. Like, why should anyone join? You know, And I get that question a lot. So one of the things that I wanted to point out is we are a club of gamblers and we have gamblers, and I use the term professional players. We have successful players from all over the world, from Southeast Asia to Europe. I know we have some folks who now wanted to log into our chat, and actually, however, it's, you know, mid morning are really early in the morning in Europe, so we'll miss them. But right now it's 10 PM about 10 p.m. Eastern time, and we wanted to catch some folks on the West Coast and, you know, talked to you a little bit about the club. So what is the club about? Well, as I said, we're a bunch of gamblers that get together and talk about the best strategies to beat primarily baccarat A and to a lesser extent, but growing quite a bit. We're trying to get back to our roots with blackjack, but in any event, we talk about the experience of some of our players. I have people who have been in our club have been professional, full time players for 25 30 years. It started beat the casino back in 1995. I've been planned since I've been, I think, 10 really, since I was first able to walk into a casino when I was 2122 years old. I remember my trips to Las Vegas and was always intrigued by blackjack and baccarat and wanted to start a club that talked about it. And there was always a lot of traditional theory that was always talked about particularly in blackjack. There were hundreds of books on blackjack in ah, lot of them were based on a single deck, blackjack and random cards and card counting, which was good and also about baccarat. There always seemed to be players who were very interested and beating the game of baccarat. And I always noticed some players were actually able to do to accomplish this from time to time, contrary to the Popular party line that we always heard about, that you could never beat Beat the game. And what I noticed over the years and when I wanted to get more insight into that, I think has been beneficial in a reason for originally starting our club back in 95 was that I noticed there was always this subsection of players who always kind of quote broke the rules. In other words, they were long term winners, and you can I used to run into them because I was in the casino so much, Thank you, Canada. Bach there. I hope you can hear me. Thank you for joining us today. Um, there was always a subsection of people who seemed to win consistently, and I would see them week after week in the casino. Wiest always joke. Jeez, I see you here every time I come to the casino, you know, on they were always betting and not necessarily playing high stakes, not necessarily playing low stakes, but always kind of middle of the road type gamblers who seemed to bed not exceptionally large, but not exceptionally small. Either. They were there to make money, and week over week I noticed a consistency about them in their play, in the way they conducted themselves in the demeanor they used in the casino. And this was intriguing to me. And so, after reading all the books and reading all the hype, I kind of got involved in all the authors and read all their books about blackjack and baccarat. But I was always most intrigued by these people who would go to the casino all the time and seemingly when and and they actually did when I talked to them over the years and years and I met them. And so one of the things I thought that would be valuable would be to bring the sum total. All these great players that I've met in the casino over the years and some that I don't haven't met yet together into one commonplace or one club. And of course, I started the on the Internet in 1995 when it was just at its infancy with with Black Jack. And, uh, it created the the vehicle by which all of us could communicate and talk to each other and then eventually go out into the into the real world and play. So by doing this, I brought together all the great players from all over the world. And there's something that great players know that you just can't find out being book read on something. Of course you need to know all that stuff and beat the casino. We have all the traditional theory, like we know all the traditional theories of card counting. We know all the traditional theories of baccarat and and the and the advantage that you can get and the the vague on Bangor and how you can, you know, accept all the traditional theories we have. But what was intriguing to me and you find this in all over the world with great players who do anything beyond what the norm is great musicians tend that be like that, too, is you could be book right and you can practice scales all your life. But there's something about great players that makes them shine. And you can only learn this by mentoring from other players and hanging around them. And it seems to kind of rub off on you, so to speak. It really does. So you can buy all the systems in the world, but you still may not be able to win it back. Arar. Blackjack. You have to be mentored by great players who have a sense and not necessarily a sense. But you understand the game at the at the reality level. In other words, they've learned through book rad and traditional theory, but then also going to the casino and getting with other players and their this elite club, and we've pulled them together in our club. Understand, I have players from from Asia, from Macau. Ah, great players in Las Vegas. I've Reno, Los Angeles. You name it anywhere in United States. We have some in South America, some players in Europe and we all get together, and our main goal is to talk about the best ways to play in the best way to capitalize on the casino, a particularly in baccarat. Now we take all this and we play all over the world together. Right now. Of course, we're on a hiatus. We need about, ah, month here until things settle down, God willing, and everybody gets healed from this tragedy. That's, ah, you know, accosted us right now. But I'm sure the casinos will be opening shortly, probably within a month or so. And now is the time as we talk about our club to really bolster your skills and join the club and get with the great players in the world who know how to a win. And this is really important right now. Now we also have a bunch of tools that help you do this in the club, and and, uh, it's really proven beneficial to many of our players. I mean, I have people all the time. The biggest request is how do I do this for a living, you know? Well, you join the club, you mentor with the great players you practice, you come to our practice sessions. By the way, we have practice sessions online every Monday night. Where we talk about the games we've seen over the week, we deal cards and we talk about what we're seeing and the statistics that are critical to understanding the game that we're seeing in front of front of us. So this gives you experience talking to the great players and getting a chance to, ah, make your decisions in real time, a casino speed and having everyone critique your play. And if you make, make a mistake or you're not doing so good at it, have folks tell you what they're seeing and why they would bet a certain way? And we always do this in advance to like the cards are dealt in and we talk about it. That's an easy way to win. When you look at a shoe and go, well, you simply just would have played this way. That's the easy way. We don't do that. We deal the cards and then we talk in advance. Okay, before we choose our bats and whatnot eso, that's one of the big benefits of joining our club is that you get to talk with great players who will mentor you on how to play, how to play the game. And how? The win once you have that information now, how much information is there to assimilate? We have hundreds of videos. Okay? Hundreds of videos. You can watch all the old practice sessions, all the seminars that we did. Ah. Couple things you saw on the Internet in our YouTube channel, in our Facebook page and on our form itself, our get togethers in Las Vegas. Atlantic City, You know, Macau. What? My buffalo. We were just up in Buffalo a couple months ago up and played in Canada. We had a great experience up there with some of our professional players Canada, Bach and and everyone s. So we're having a great time getting together. And playing on this is actually beneficial is the most beneficial thing you can do. You can practice for months and then get together with us and try to make some money playing and betting and listening to the other players. Okay, Uh, we have 40 years of experience. I personnel 40 years of experience doing this. I've been playing this game for 40 years. I could see I'm in my home now, waiting for the casinos to open again. I thought I'd show you here. I want to show you my cards from from, uh, from the beginning of this year. Oh, right here. This is our the all the shoes that I played this year so far until he we got cut off. So you can see there. There's quite a few people say I should enter them into our tool and these thes cards air from all over the world. I didn't figure out what the advantage was played to this year. Not yet. But now that I have the time, I think girl, I'll actually sit down and input all these into the strategic baccarat interface that I have. Which houses? It's a tool on our website, which houses all the rial shoes that we play online so you can see a seminal gaming. I played quite a bit down in in the Florida at the new hard rock. And, of course, the the traditional places that we play A You know, of course, the total rewards. I certainly played a lot at, uh at the problems in Vegas. Of course. Uh, they see where else we played this show. I don't think I have any from Buffalo here, Some one of our best places to play that we always play lots, great place to learn to thes air, actually, from, I believe the Palazzo in Vegas and and whatnot. So we play all over the world and we played quite a bit. As you can see from our shoes, they're so that's one of the most important things. Yeah, breakfast was great at Niagara Falls. Certainly, Canada block up there was is one of our professionals. So I have 40 years of experience getting together with professionals and taking what they know and being able to assimilate that ah in the club and have people share the information. The other thing, too, is, you know, success stories. If the club wasn't successful, if we didn't turn out consistent winners, we would have any members anymore. We've been around so long, Uh, this is one of the best success stories and gambling on, you know, professional play around. If it's kind of like, you know, kind of the the getting certified as a professional boxer are or blackjack players, you should be a member of our club. So many success stories. Many players as a matter of fact, what we're going to do, what I'm starting here tonight is these on live live sessions where I'm going to interview our players and let you talk to them one on one about the success we have it beat the casino what they've learned from the club. And you know what? You can learn from joining our club also, So you'll see them here on YouTube and Facebook, and now we're going live there. And I think we're also in periscope to so so But this month I can't emphasize enough. This is this is the month to really hone your skills, take time to really learn the craft. Come to beat the casino dot com and get the experience you need toe walk in and take on the casino and and really takes the money out the next month. After all this is over and we're able to get out and, uh, you know, get Teoh, get to go ahead and see everyone again in the casino. Get there to play again. Now's the time to hone your skills. So with that in mind, I'm going to sign off Now again, I think will be back on more than likely. Well, now I know Sunday night and I'll be interviewing one of our professional players. It will probably be about 9 p.m. Eastern time. Uh, I'm sorry. It will be Ah, before that Eastern time. Probably start off about 6 p.m. Eastern time on Monday night and then on Monday night to if you come to beat the casino and I'll be posting a link on here. We have the five d seminar that's going to be open to the public. Ah, on Monday night, you can get the manual for five D for free. If you come to be the casino, there's a link, and you can grab the five d manual for free. If you don't have any, if you need it and can't seem to find it beats Casino. Just go ahead and email me, and I'll be happy to send you the link to download it. It's free. And if you want some more insight into that was written by one of our professional players, catches one eso. Anyway, I think Oh, on Monday night, we're going to start with our interviews from some of our professional players will probably start with Canada Bach up there in the Ontario and I'll give you his experience. He'll tell you what especially is. He's pretty much full time player plays all the time up it, Woodbine and, uh, up there at the Falls View Casino across the border in Canada and an application. I think he sneaks over to Seneca when time allows in place a couple hands. So with that said, this is Keith from beat to Casino. I certainly hope you'll take the time Teoh come by and join our website and take a look at everything, and hopefully we'll see on Monday at about six o'clock and then eight o'clock will be the the five d seminar that you can come to and go ahead and join our club if you like, and, uh, and learn everything that you possibly can. So until next time Ah, this is Keith From beat the casino dot com