The Effective Course Creator Podcast

17. How Do I Get Started in Creating Online Courses?

Kristin Maahs

In this episode we talk about two things you must know in order to create and sell an online course successfully.

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In the past 8+ years Kristin has transformed from a teacher to a six figure online course creator. With over 1700 course sales, she has used her 10 years of teaching experience and Masters in Education to help transform coaches, content creators, and online service providers into effective online course creators so they can can get their time back without sacrificing the results their clients get. She is the host of The Effective Course Creator program and the creator of The Magic Course Map.

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spk_0:   0:00
Hey there. Welcome to episode number 17 of the She's Building a Dream podcast. In this episode, I'm answering a super common question in my Facebook group. How do I get started? How do I get started with creating an online course? And today I'm going to share with you two things you must ask yourself in order to get started.

spk_1:   0:22
Welcome to the She's building a dream podcast. I'm your host, Kristen, a former 10 year teacher and mom of three. I went from being a stressed, overwhelmed, full time teacher to running a successful online business from home. That completely changed my reality, and I'm here to say you can do it, too. Join me each week for inspiration, tangible business advice and engaging interviews if you want to run a successful online business from home than this is the show for you.

spk_0:   0:56
But I had this message that has been on my mind all day, and I just couldn't let it go. Okay, so often in my instagram de EMS in my Facebook messages in my Facebook group. In my e mails, I get questions from teachers all the time that say, I don't how do I start or I don't know where to start. Their biggest question is, how do I start? So first I want to tell you that Unfit GERD Out Dreams gives you permission to take in perfect action. So just because you don't have it figured out doesn't mean that you don't have to take action or that you can't take action rather right. As I told you, my business journey has been almost six years and I am not where I started, right? I'm not where I started. I am in a totally different Mitch, a totally different target. But as you start creating your online business, you start to think about the things that you can create and you start to learn a lot. I invested a ton of time and money in my online business in training, coaching and courses. Okay, I learned all about online businesses as I went, and as I evolved as a person, I started to realize that the people who were asking me for help the most are the people I enjoyed working with The most were actually teachers because I am a former first grade teacher. I was a teacher for 10 years before. Actually, I was a teacher during my online business years as well. I left the classroom four years ago, but I was a teacher for 10 years with a first grade teacher and kindergarten A little bit in there. You know how you bounce around a little bit. It was a first grade Aniket. Her teacher even taught second grade for one year. So I was a teacher before I started this online business journey. And like you, I was burnt out and desperately one in time with my three kids. I wanted to have that time freedom that people kind of talk about but don't really have. I wanted to create that, and I didn't give up until I got there. Okay, so my whole message for you tonight is talking about the two most important questions to ask yourself when you're creating an online course. Now, I would say everybody says where you start. This is where you start. So the two most important questions Ask yourself when creating an online course, one who do you help? Okay, that's the whole center of it all. Who do you help now? I want you to get super clear. on this person. I also want you to be thinking about we like to work with, because we need to be able to like the people that were working with right, because if it doesn't feel right to you, if you don't feel little by it, it's really hard to stay motivated, working with them or building something. Okay, who can you help? What does that person look like? I'm not saying to their brown hair blonde here. I'm not saying that. I'm saying, What kind of lifestyle do they have? What are the biggest problems where their biggest struggles, what are the things they're looking for? Answers with now so many times, especially as teachers. We think I can only teach someone something that I know in the classroom. I can only teach someone something that I'm certified in. I can only teach someone something that I went to college for, and that can't be further from the truth. Okay, look at me. I don't have a business degree, But so many people are successful in the health coaching industry. Even in home management classroom management, it doesn't have to the education based so often people say, like what kind of credentials do I need. And I honestly believe it's because of the teacher mindset that we have. We believe that we have to have a certain certification or in order to be successful or in order, be qualified. And I want you to raise that right now from your mind, because that is not true. Okay, So who can you help? Who are your favorite people toe work with? What kind of people do you like to work with? I know, even for me, I have favorites of people. I like to work with their personality style. They're listening style. They're learning style. Who do you like to work with? What do you like to share with them? Think about on the weekends. If you're going out with your friends or you're with your family, what kind of things are they asking you about? Are they asking you about how you keep your home so clutter free and organized? Are they asking you about how you taught your five year old to read? Are they asking you about teaching reading in the elementary schools? Or is it that teachers in the teacher's lounge that are asking you for teaching strategies? Or is it the teacher next door that says, How do you manage your class so well, you have to start paying attention to the questions people are asking you. And if they're not asking you questions, start asking them questions and make sure that you're being a really good listener, Really good listener, because you want to hear those little clues of what people are asking you about. And it can be anything, anything in my programs. We validate your idea. So we make sure that you have the right idea before you go any further, because I truly believe that's a very, very important step. But I want you to start clueing in or queuing into. What people are asking you about are the comments they're giving you, or the compliments they're giving you. Okay, that's a big clue. So number one who can you help? And number two? How so? How do you help them? Could you help them by guiding them, consulting them, coaching them right? What could you do? Could you create an online course that walks them through everything, plus coach them through it? Could you create an online course that you kind of consult with them about it. So let's say you are creating a course and helping host part of moms. Get back to their pre baby weight. Okay, start thinking about what kind of things you could teach them. And I really want you to know that if you are struggling with other people's opinions, let's say you're starting to think, What will my mom think? What'll my neighbors think? What will my co workers think? What will my people think? Right? What? Well, my best friend think, What will my husband think? If you're starting to think of those things, it just know that it's because you're lacking clarity in your idea of what kind of online course you want to create. What you're lacking clarity in how to create that online course for me that got so much better when I had the clarity, because I am naturally a worrier. I worry what people think of me almost all day long. Honestly, it's bad. When did that change for me? When did I get past that? It was when I had clarity when I had clarity and who I can help and how do I help teachers how I helped them create online courses. Okay, so you have to get very clear on those things. And when you d'oh, you won't care what other people think because you will have this mission. I have this mission, and that's where my sight is. I have this vision or this mission on what I want to accomplish, and I can hear other people's opinions and it bothers me. And sometimes I think, Oh, my gosh, they don't want to talk to many more. They're not talking to me as much. But you know what? When I have that clarity when I had that mission or that vision, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter, because it's right here that matters, right? So before I get all to kind of lovey dovey crazy on you guys, I just want to tell you to a quote from any Porterfield. If you're not familiar with Amy Porterfield, she's a big person in the online space. What keeps you safe keeps you stuck. So if you were thinking I am safe in my current position, I am safe and what I'm doing. But I am miserable on burnt out and I need a change or I need more if that is keeping you safe. If you are safely saying you know what, I know what I'm doing every day. I know I need to get up at a certain time. I know I need to get into work, and I know what I need to teach right. That is what's keeping you stuck stepping out and doing something different is not normal. That's why not everybody does it. But keeping yourself safe, we'll keep you stop. So if you find yourself constantly thinking, I'll just be okay, I'll be okay. I'll just I'll just you know, I'll just ignore that feeling. But yet you're still in the back of your mind, thinking, I wish there was more. I wish there was something else that I could do. I wish I could supplement my income. I wish I could bring home more money. That's how it all started for me. I wanted to supplement her income. I wanted to pay off some college loans, and I wanted to be able to travel as a family, and that's what one thing led to another. But maybe you're just thinking, I just want to build this supplement my income. But if you don't put one foot in front of the other, if you don't take that first step, you are staying stuck where you're safe. My mission is to help burnt out teachers to create profitable online businesses through creating online courses. And I am doing a live three day training starting Thursday night. So it's Thursday night. Monday morning. No, sorry. Thursday night, Saturday morning, Monday night. The three days are different. They are different. They're not the exact same training all three days. Okay, all three days. It's a different training. They build on each other. Scaffold, the learning, right. Thursday night, Saturday morning, Monday night. I think I got it right that time. So if you want to join us in that life training, it will take place in Facebook in my facebooker. The website to join us is w w dot www. Sorry. Make sure you type then in please. Okay, because you might not get to the right like there's some kind of mix up with up W W W that dream builder, teacher dot com forward slash live training and I will make sure that that's also in this video post if you haven't gotten it, I'm also going to be opening the doors. The Dream Builder Teachers Society again soon, and it is being totally revamped with all new information and content in there. Make sure that you happen to the three day live training Thursday night. Saturday morning, Monday night. I got to get that right. I will be there, I promise. I just couldn't figure out the dates in my head. It just sounded funny. So I hope you are having a wonderful night. I know it's late, and I appreciate the people that are popping. I'm here and the people that are catching the replay make sure you say hi, let me where you're coming in from, Okay, Have a wonderful night

spk_1:   11:28
and that's it for another episode of she's Building a Dream podcast. But if you are looking for more, come hang out with me and hundreds of other teachers on Facebook who are building online businesses. Just search the she's building a dream podcast group on Facebook, and I would be so grateful if you could share the podcast with your friends on Instagram or Facebook by making a screen shot on your phone, popping it into your instagram or Facebook stories and tag me at kristen dot maas. See you next time