Kim Crumbo - Rewilding Institute - Mexican Wolves


Kim Crumbo is a member of the Leadership Council of the Rewilding Institute and the Mexican Wolf recovery Consultant with the Wildlands Network. He is a retired Navy Seal and is a recipient of the Bronze Star. Kim served for 20 years with the National Park Service in the Grand Canyon as the river ranger and later as Wilderness Coordinator. He worked as a professional river guide for ten years and two years as the Wilderness Coordinator for the Sierra club. He assists an eclectic array of conservationist partners in development and implementation of the Western Wildway, including wilderness and national monument designations. His work includes active participation in a collaborative effort of local, regional and national conservation scientific and sportsmen’s organizations and concerned citizens to help save the endangered Mexican gay wolf. Among his many awards, Kim received the Wilburforce Foundation’s 2016 Conservation Leadership Award. Among other publications, he is the author of A River Runners Guide to the History of the Grand Canyon.  In this interview, he talks about Mexican Wolves and the work to strengthen their populations on the Border in Arizona and New Mexico.

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